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Everything posted by Markus

  1. Part 1 - Player Info Ingame nick: BlaZZey Real Name: Markus Account name: kalevipoeg Nationality: Estonian Rate your English Skills (0/10): 7.5/10 Current Organization: Special Task Force Current Group List: TMH, KTN and IAC. Player 2 - Role-Play Info Rate your RP skills (0/10): 8-9/10. Talk about your RP experience: Quite good since I am the HQ of TMH and that requires amazing roleplaying skills, I have also been complemented by a lot of people about my roleplaying skills. And, RP is one of my passions and I love roleplaying. Write a short RP story related to rebels: Beginning of the rough childhood. Ahmed Capitanjo was born in 1994 and he was born in Syria, there was a lot of war and he was scared of his life because he could have died any moment since the war activity was so high and there were terrorists everywhere with RPGs, UZIs and AK-47s. But, all of a sudden he got inspired to become one of them and start a rebel army himself with his schoolmates and they all agreed with them. The army was called: Localo Emiras and it evolved around, rape, kidnapping, rebel activities, riots and so on. Current day. They moved to San Andreas and started their own Revolutionary Army called: Social Revolutionary Army. And they started so many riots, jailbreaks and caused so much chaos but eventually, the Commanders and Coronels retired and stepped down from their position and Ahmed was left alone so he decided to close the army. Add a photo of a rebel please:
  2. Very cool banners and backstory. This is super unique and I want to see this succeed. Good luck!
  3. why is everyone leaving all of a sudden? but, was a pleasure to meet you. good luck in the near future.
  4. Activity type: DE's Live Recruitment and other trainings done by STF. Story: Mentioned above. Nothing too special. We did several trainings before the DE's Live Recruitment and some of us actually managed to pass. Location: All around San Andreas. People who attended: @Laza - @Turbo - @Mystic5knp - @Ramos - @Bones - And me. Screenshots:
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