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Everything posted by Markus

  1. This script should be added to the server for sure. It sucks that you made all of that for nothing. I miss the Radio Los Santos radio station so bad. I'm on your side for sure.
  2. Markus

    1 Post

    @tut-greco said in 1 Post: Welcome to the new forum sir hi tut
  3. This was a thing before, right? Anyways, good luck fellas!
  4. As Ramos said, there is LWS already that does everything! I get it, you're trying to accomplish something but aye, there is no point of this group. Good luck I guess.
  5. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/1846/new-car-mod-2018-tesla-model-3 !!
  6. @human_ I'm on the same page with you.
  7. hooollyyyy.. happy birthday hoessoni!
  8. Markus

    The goodbye

    Nooo, sad to see you go. Was a pleasure to meet a guy like you. Have a good one, pal
  9. If this would be added to the game, I think there should be a command for it. /helmet or something related to that since even the head movement has commands for it if you would like to disable it (/headmove) But overall, a big +1!
  10. Looks like people are approving this mod idea currently, please cast in your votes if you haven't already!
  11. @scorpyo The Charging Station was Nanos idea.
  12. @thing Could you provide us with Valid screenshots of the mod in-game?
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