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Everything posted by Bean

  1. Number of Activity: 115 Date of Activity : 25/07/2021 Type of Activity : Stopping SR Involved Members: @Remp @Razak @DIA|Reda ScreenShots : ::: :::
  2. Number of Activity: 114 Date of Activity : 24/07/2021 Type of Activity : VIP Rescue and Stopping SR Involved Members: @Razak @Zarc ScreenShots : ::: :::
  3. Number of Activity: 113 Date of Activity : 21/07/2021 Type of Activity : VIP Rescue and Stopping SR Involved Members: @Razak @samdanie ScreenShots : ::: :::
  4. Number of Activity: 112 Date of Activity : 20/07/2021 Type of Activity : VIP Rescue and Stopping SR Involved Members: @K1volt @Razak @YooZy ScreenShots : ::: :::
  5. Number of Activity: 111 Date of Activity : 19/07/2021 Type of Activity : Stopping Sr's, Daily Activity and VIP Rescue Involved Members: @Razak @K1volt @YooZy @DIA Lazar ScreenShots : ::: :::
  6. @Yoozy, @K1volt, @BL4T4NT. ~[Accepted and Invited!!]~(lime) Welcome to our new recruits and good luck!
  7. Number of Activity: 110 Date of Activity : 16/07/2021 Type of Activity : Stopping Sr's and VIP Rescue Involved Members: @thegost442 @samdanie @YooZy @Pistache @Razak ScreenShots : ::: :::
  8. @K1volt ~[DENIED]~(red) (Re-apply in 3 days and hang more with DIA members.) @Kani ~[Accepted and Invited!]~(lime) Welcome sir!
  9. Number of RolePlay: 21 Participants in The RP: Criminal @Rieeria Criminal @Blackyy DIA Agent @diogocbc DIA Agent @Bean FBI Agent @smoken FBI Agent @BOB History: Linked THC Activitys.
  10. @flappy ~[Accepted]~(lime) & ~[Invited]~(cyan) good luck!!
  11. Number of Activity: 105 Date of Activity: 04/07/2021 Type of Activity: Stopped SR / Daily Patrol Involved Members: @AndreaS @Remp @Razak @diogocbc @theJeff ScreenShots: ::: :::
  12. Number of Activity: 104 Date of Activity: 04/07/2021 Type of Activity: Stopped BR LV Involved Members: @diogocbc @Razak ScreenShots:
  13. Number of RolePlay : 20 Participants in The RP: Criminal Dealer / Mechanic @Liberty All Load Trucking (ALT) @DeeRose @All-Load-Trucking Agent DIA|Bean (Me) History: In the start of morning, the Agent of Deffence Inteligence Agency (DIA) Bean, was designated to start his patrols arround Bone County (BC) city, which is an small and calm place, where everything can happen hided from law eyes. Bean just grab his tea and some donuts, like he used to do all mornings before working, and parked his car in a Motel on main entrance of BC. At the exact moment he was inside patrol car, parked and eating, something appears before his eyes, a criminal transaction was happening right at this moment and he should act on the right time, or this chance would be lost forever. The criminal transfered something like an box to trucker hands, but he was carrying a weapon on his hands, so this takes the attention of the Agent Bean, who started his engine and followes them. The criminal headed to Las Venturas and the trucker followed another path, so he had to choose on stop the trucker, because the suspicious packet was on him already. Some killometers ahead, the Agent turnes on his sirens and announced the stop, what happenes on the first asking, without troubles. The trucker was afraid and sweating alot, he asks to the Agent, before stepping out, to show his identification, and Bean shows the distinctive, after it, he step out of his truck and all legal/security proceadures happens. The Agent founds hided on the supply part of his truck, 1 bar of weed stuck on it, what an years of great trouble for the owner of this truck, he cryes alot to let him out but on these situacions the law is the most hearded word, wasn't an case of late vehicle documents. After all averiguation, the Agent handcuffed on the backseat the trucker driver and triggered the service of winch, both was delivered aswell to the San Fierro Department and are on custody of the law waiting final answers of SF judge. Photographys of all procedures: ::: :::
  14. Number of Activity: 102 Date of Activity: 01/07/2021 Type of Activity: Stopping Sr's and VIP Rescue. Involved Members: @AndreaS @thegost442 @GhostRegion @ ScreenShots: ::: :::
  15. Address: Black Eagle Security - Conference Building Account name: glastras96 Last seen: 1 june Screenshots: https://imgur.com/z0VFkyB
  16. Address: Ice Side Offices Account name: glastras96 Last seen: 1 june Screenshots: https://imgur.com/9KW0NkU
  17. Number of Activity: 101 Date of Activity: 30/06/2021 Type of Activity: Stopping Sr's, VIP Rescue and Daily Patrol. Involved Members: @samdanie @AndreaS @JukyPlatinium @DIA|Lazar @thegost442 ScreenShots: ::: :::
  18. Number of Activity: 99 Date of Activity: 29/06/2021 Type of Activity: Stopped SR Involved Members: @samdanie @thegost442 ScreenShots: ::: :::
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