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Everything posted by Curvy

  1. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 30/08/2023 Z BR @ Las Venturas
  2. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 30/08/2023 Event Type: First to warp. Event Prize: $1.000.000 Event Winner: Yuki LWS/G6: Icecold Screenshots:
  3. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 30/08/2023 BR @ Blueberry bank
  4. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 30/08/2023 CDC BR @ Los Santos
  5. Deleted due to being posted twice.
  6. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 30/08/2023 UE BR @ San Fierro AA BR @ Tierra Robada
  7. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 30/08/2023 Store Robbery
  8. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 29/08/2023 Event Type: Chicken Shooter Event Prize: 1.000.000 Event Winner: PeneIsKing LWS/G6: Blacky Screenshots:
  9. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 29/08/2023 Event Type: Lucky nade Event Prize: 1.000.000 Event Winner: Ankush LWS/G6: Blacky Screenshots:
  10. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 29/08/2023 AA BR @ San Fierro bank
  11. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 29/08/2023 Bayside BR
  12. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 29/08/2023 Z BR @ Whetstone bank
  13. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Been a while now. ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed - Current vehicles (Around 15 in total) ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added - 19 vehicles/wraps depending on possessed points (Locations will be shown ingame)
  14. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 28/08/2023 Whetstone BR
  15. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 28/08/2023 TR BR
  16. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 28/08/2023 UE BR @ Blueberry bank
  17. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 27/08/2023 SR
  18. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 27/08/2023 VIP
  19. Date: 03/07/2023 Event Type: LMS LWS Host: Dufabo Prize: $2.000.000 Winner(s): Miltingary Screenshots:
  20. Damaging a BMX without requiring 100 rounds of M4 remains challenging and the shotgun's effectiveness from behind is very minimal. Most cops often prefer patrolling alone, but I firmly believe that it should be up to us to decide how to patrol yeah? Plus it is noticeable that it's considerably easier to ram an NRG-500 than it is with a BMX.
  21. As some of the cars have shaders it should be correct if i have counted right. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Been a while now. ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Police LV at Las Colinas Vehicle 2: Police LV at Palomino Creek Vehicle 3: Bullet at Fort Carson Vehicle 4: Infernus at Downtown Los Santos Vehicle 5: Turismo at Downtown Vehicle 6: FBI Rancher at Down town Los Santos Vehicle 7: Police LV at Old Venturas Strip Vehicle 8: NRG-500 at Las Barrancas Vehicle 9: Police LV at Downtown Vehicle 10: Police SF at Las Colinas Vehicle 11: NRG-500 at Fort Carson Vehicle 12: NRG-500 at Palomino Creek Vehicle 13: Infernus at Roca Escalante Vehicle 14: Police LV at Royal Casino Vehicle 15: Infernus at Royal Casino ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added LS: Vehicle 1: Bullet - hippie wrap - near Jeff motel Vehicle 2: Police LV - near Jeff motel - thedamnboss_1 wrap Vehicle 3: NRG-500 - near LS bank Vehicle 4: Police LV - near LS bank RC: Vehicle 5: NRG-500 - near RC bank Vehicle 6: Police LV - near RC bank - thedamnboss_1 wrap Vehicle 7: Police LV - near RC bank LV: Vehicle 8: Infernus - Royal Casino - midget wrap Vehicle 9: Police LV - Royal Casino - thedamnboss_1 wrap Vehicle 10: NRG-500 - near LV bank BC: Vehicle 11: Police LV - near BC bank Vehicle 12: NRG-500 - near BC bank TR: Vehicle 13: NRG-500 - near TR bank SF: Vehicle 14: Police LV - near SF bank - thedamnboss_1 wrap
  22. Date: 08/06/2023 Activity: Stopping SR Screenshots:
  23. Date: 07/06/2023 Activity: Securing the VIP Screenshots:
  24. Date: 06/06/2023 Activity: Securing the VIP Screenshots:
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