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Posts posted by Curvy

  1. Name: Curvy
    Username: elyessmaoui
    Rank before kick/leave: A 4 star cadet
    How long have you been in sapa: A few days
    Who kicked you: Harris
    Date of kick/leave: 2016. I can not recall exactly which month
    Reason for kick/leave: Patrolling alone
    What happened from your side/why did you leave? : I did not take care while spawned as SAPA.
    Why do you want back in? : I would like to get another chance to fix what I did in the past, I have to admit I was not aware of the rules back then.
    What have you learned from this? : I learned to read the rules and think twice before doing anything
    Who do you want to apologize to? : Harris and SAPA members.
    Why should we give you a second chance?: as I mentioned, I was not conscious of rules and stuff. I am changed and a fresh start may help me prove it

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