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Everything posted by Pistache

  1. Patrol #1 Participants: @Pistache Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 15+ healed | 2 hours. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/egkMBqP
  2. ~[Section A: Personal Information:]~(gray) Nickname: Pistache Account name: diogocbc Age: 21 Country of Residence: Portugal Primary Language: Portuguese Since when have you been playing on SAES:RPG: I joined around 2016-2017 Current S/G/C and rank: Level 0 FBI Other RP groups you're in: N/A Past groups you were involved in (Include reason for departure): N/A Mention (with reason) about any past punishments you have received: Got muted once for talking non-english in general chat. ~[Section B: General Questionnaire:]~(gray) Describe SAM in your own words: (Not less than 30 words) SAM or San Andreas Medics is an organization created to help and assist those in need. That means you can always count on them as they are willing to help everyone, after all thats their rule. What is the SAM motto? Always there when you need us most Who founded SAM? The founder of SAM is Joe Who is the current leader and vice leader? The leader of SAM is JohnnyEnglish and ViceLeader is Griffin For how long have you been playing as a paramedic on the server?: 2-3 weeks Mention one rule that applies to the "Paramedic" spawn: You're not allowed to spawn as medic and heal people in turfs when your gang is involved in the current turf war. Mention one rule that applies to SAM Paramedic: Paramedics are NOT supposed to jailbreak people Can you ensure us certified periodic activity ?: Yes, i can. ~[Section C : Aptitudes:]~(gray) 1. How would you respond to criticism by a superior? I would respect him and debate with him ways to improve on what i did wrong. 2. Why exactly are you applying today? I always liked the ideia of becoming a medic/paramedic in gta, and saes has that spawn, and so far im enjoying my time when im helping others, plus SAM has very friendly members that are very respectful, i think i would fit in. 3. What are your strengths and weaknesses? One of my major strengths are: my activity, my roleplay skills and my patience. As for the weaknesses, i find myself overconcerned as i care too much for doing something. 4. Why should we accept you to our team? I'm very active and i have a lot of creativity, plus im willing to help others.
  3. Activity Type: Store Robs. FBI Members Involved: @Pistache @smoken @Troones @Borasi Date: 27/08/21 Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Happy birthday @Skinner
  5. Address: 8 Elpueblo Street Account name: grinnjoy Last seen: 2st March 2021 Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Activity Type: VIP. FBI Members Involved: @Pistache @nvidia @smoken Date: 26/08/21 Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Activity Type: Store Robs. FBI Members Involved: @Pistache @TripleX @Troones Date: 26/08/21 Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Address: Rockshore East Flats 46 Account name: kiril122 Last seen: 4th april 2021 Screenshot:
  9. Both criminals and police benefit from it, you should keep it
  10. Number of RolePlay: 33 Date of RolePlay : 11/08/2021 Type of RolePlay : Wanted Trucker Involved Members : Me & Sam Helpers: @ichuu We were patrolling like we always do, up north in Bone County. Suddently we got a call from a old lady telling us that there was a Trucker near her home and he was trying to steal her neighbour's house. We immediately went to the place to answer the old lady's call. Upon arrival we realized the trucker was moving towards San Fierro, we quickly brought it to a stop. We identify ourselves and then ask for identification. I went to the car to confirm that documents were in order. I went back to my buddy Sam and told the civilian that he was wanted by the police, and that we had received an attempted robbery call. He quickly replied that he was a good worker and that he passed this road every day to make deliveries. It was here when we looked to the right and we saw the old lady who had made the call, SHE WAS RUNNING!
  11. Real name : Diogo Teixeira Username : diogocbc In game name : Pistache Age : 21 PART II Nationality : Portuguese How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? : My first login was around 2018, however in 2019 i stopped playing due to personal problems, then i came back in 2021, about 1 week ago. Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before? If so, why?: No. Please list your previous squad/gang history: None. How many hours do you have in-game?: 68 hours. RP Skills 0/10: 8/10, its not perfect but im willing to improve. Driving Skills 0/10 : 9/10. English Skills 0/10: 10/10 PART III Explain Roleplay(RP)What does it mean: RP is the abbreviation to Role Playing, wich means you impersonate and play a character. Explain Deathmatch(DM) What does it mean: Deathmatch is when you wanna kill as many people/players as you can and avoid being killed. (Or in other situations is when you kill people for no reason given) Explain Marker Arrest What does it mean: For example, when you enter a bank or a shop, you will be bugged in the marker for around 5 seconds, Marker arrest is when you arrest people in the marker. Thanks for reading my application, have a great day, Pistache.
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