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Everything posted by Beckham

  1. ^[Event number: 127] ^[Type of event: SuperGT Race] ^[Prize: $1.000.000] ^[LWS Helper(s): @Garcia ] ^[Winner(s): RiseAgain] ^[ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/RahHfzu]
  2. ^[Event number: 126] ^[Type of event: Last Man Standing ~[No Rules]~(lime)] ^[Prize: $2.000.000] ^[LWS Helper(s): @Judyes ] ^[Winner(s): Burako] ^[ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/WS5n1zY]
  3. ^[~[Event N : 645]~(red)] ^[Event Type: LMS ~[No Rules]~(lime)] ^[Prize: $2.000.000] ^[LWS/G6: @Judyes] ^[Winner(s): Burako ] ^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WS5n1zY]
  4. Address: 4 Rockshore View Account name: Raafet Last seen: 17 january 21 Screenshots:
  5. ^[Event number: 125] ^[Type of event: Attackers vs Defenders 13v13] ^[Prize: ~[$2.600.000]~(green) (200k each)] ^[LWS Helper(s): @KARIM ] ^[Winner(s): ACAB team won] ^[ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/1k0ZTmc] ~[New Map]~(lime)
  6. ^[~[Event N : 637]~(red)] ^[Event Type: Attackers vs Defenders 13v13] ^[Prize: ~[$2.600.000]~(green) (200k each)] ^[LWS/G6: @Karim] ^[Winner(s): ACAB team won ] ^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/1k0ZTmc ]
  7. Event Type: Carshop LWS: @Laggiaze Date: 26-01-2021 Prize: $1.000.000 Winners: 1- DeathGrips / 2 Mr.Gamer / 3 Alexis Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/bHp1oXs
  8. ^[Event number: 124] ^[Type of event: Carshow] ^[Prize: $1.000.000 for the first winner , $500.000 for the second winner, $250.000 for the third winner] ^[LWS Helper(s): @Laggiaze ] ^[Winner(s): The first winner is DeathGrips , The second winner is MrGamer , The third winner is Alexis] ^[ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/bHp1oXs]
  9. ^[~[26/01/2021]~(ff4500) Camels Las Venturas Bank Robbery 8/8]
  10. ^[~[Jailbreak #1776]~(red) : more than an hour] Outbreak Members: Me _ @Niklaus _ @Colobria _ @ColdPlay _ @pekekent _ @Velona _ @Zinyak _ @kipt _ @WenDo _ @Law _ @Hetler _ @Stay _ @Versace Outbreak Helpers: @Alexis _ @Aveyro _ @BurakO _ @Makeeeh _ @Nico _ @Vynee _ @valete _ @Lahuma _ @Remp05 _ @Sharlock ^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lkV0lN5]
  11. ^[Event number: 123] ^[Type of event: Simon Says] ^[Prize: $1.000.000] ^[LWS Helper(s): @Trevor ] ^[Winner(s): Franklin the winner ] ^[ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/8ZWaeOO]
  12. Event Type: Simon Says LWS: @Trevor Date: 19-01-2021 Prize: $1.000.000 Winner: Franklin Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8ZWaeOO
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