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Everything posted by Beckham

  1. ~[JAILBREAK -216-]~(sienna) OB Members: @Yoko_Kurama & @Jasser & @Spinkes & @JaKeL @Kybali0n & Helpers: @Mohamed-Mostafa Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/VGVcwuP
  2. Sorted , Any One He can close this please
  3. The deal will end this evening, if this is the last price you guys are, then this is parking for @NotNico :)
  4. -TMH Technicians Working on 11-07-2019 TMH Technicians Involved: Beckham Location: Las Venturas Estimated Duration of Working: 50min Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 48 Vehicles Screenshots: Here
  5. ~[Jailbreak -213-]~(sienna) OB Members: ~[OB-38]~(#511B1B) @Beckham & ~[OB-01]~(#511B1B) @Yoko_Kurama & ~[OB-48]~(#511B1B) @Spinkes & ~[OB-27 ]~(#511B1B) @Kybali0n Helpers: - OB. @Dangerr .Helper * Screenshots: Click Here
  6. Is this the last price you guys?
  7. happy birthday @Brazz ;)
  8. Starting bid: $5.000.000 Screenshots:** ::: :::
  9. Address: Garcia Discount cabinet and mable shop Account name: mosolygames Last seen: 28th May 2019 Screenshots:
  10. Address: vinewood wigs shop Account name: elselk Last seen: 10th May 2019 Screenshots:
  11. Address: angel pine business office Account name: donna Last seen: 2nd May 2019 Screenshots:
  12. ~[Event Type:]~(#4b8a08) Eliminate Beckham ~[LWS/G6:]~(#4b8a08) @KARIM ~[Date:]~(#4b8a08) 03-07-2019 ~[Prize(s):]~(#4b8a08) $1.000.000 ~[Winner(s):]~(#4b8a08) OC|>Lincoln ~[ScreenShot(s):]~(#4b8a08) ::: :::
  13. ~[Participants in The RP:]~(#4b8a08) @Morena That morning I was in the garage as usual and did not have work at the time ... I had a call with someone and told me he was a taxi driver, had problems with his car in Bon County and asked me to go to fix him, I took my car and rushed to his location. When I got there and found him in a bad state, I was very angry. , Then I saw the car in a catastrophic state. We talked a bit about how this damage happened in his car ... Then began to search for damage to his car. When I opened the hood I found that there was a problem with the engine and that some cables were broken. I did not have the tools to fix them there, so we decided to carry the car to the garage ... When we got there I told him that the car would stay for a day in the garage ... I started my stopwatch and began to repair the car and work on it day and night until I finished the hard work .. I have repaired all the damage that was in the car and it was important to me! The next day I called the owner of the car and told him that the car was ready to work again and that I was waiting in the garage to come and pick up his car, after a few minutes he arrived ... He was very happy after seeing his car, then thanked me for my efforts and paid me a good amount of money Then he left the garage to go to work
  14. Large house for sale with car spawn Adress : Grove apartement Complex 10 Rasing Bid Has To Be At Least: $5.000.000
  15. Night Activity ::: :::
  16. @AntiRug If you can increase anything else above 500k, you will meet me in Game ;)
  17. ~[Participant(s):]~(sienna) @Yoko_Kurama & @Reezy & @Witti One of my colleagues in the group was arrested because of the arms trade ... he was arrested with some weapons. It was a great loss for our group because it was an active member and played a big role in the OB ... One day I got a call from one of my friends a police officer and told me that my colleague would attend the court today I was happy with this beautiful news. Then I called a member of the OB group to come to the base and I was happy to plan how to get our friend back ... While we were talking, he suggested a good idea to close the road ... We did not have much time then we went riding the car and we went there ... I was ready and we sat on the road where the police were passing from this road and we planned to close them with weapons It took a lot of time, but we managed to get our friend back. Luckily, no one shot us in the process, and then we went to celebrate together.
  18. ~[JAILBREAK -203-]~(sienna) OB Members: @Yoko_Kurama & @ColdPlay & @VinnyBL & @Bartman & @XX3 & @MatizZ & @julio & @Beckham Helpers: @Firme ::: :::
  19. Roleplay: ~[#330]~(silver) Participant(s): ~[From OC]~(purple) "@JoeX " Like every day I was at the base sitting reading my newspaper and waiting for what to do before my phone rang ... JoeX was a member of the Overdose Crime gang known in the streets of San Fierro. He said he wanted some boxes filled with weapons. After they heard about us that we got the best quality, I did not hesitate to help him. And I told him to come to the base ... I sat in front of the door until he came and then we went to my office to host him drink and talk a bit ... We started talking about the types of weapons he wanted, where he told me he wanted two boxes filled with M4 and Uzi and a box of ammunition and box Bombs .. We went to the workshop so take a look at the weapons, we were impressed by them and then we started putting them in boxes We finished everything, having taken what was requested, paid me a large sum of money that made me happy with this successful transaction Then we put the goods in the truck and left
  20. ~[House in San Fierro With Carspawn , near OC Base ,]~(navy) Starting Bid- ~[$500.000]~(red) ::: :::
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