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Everything posted by Ammar

  1. Date: 10/09/2024 Roleplay title: Honoring an old deal with a new face Participants: @Hari@MaGma@khaldrogo@LeWoq The oil processing facility in Octane Springs has long been under the "protection" umbrella of the Empire, that was until the old owner decided that he had enough and wanted to quit the business, and sold it off to another eager business man. The new owner had to be reminded of the agreement that our organization had with the old owner, so he was paid a visit by a high ranking member accompanied by a few associates. Upon arriving at the facility, we ran into a gentleman in a suit, and after inquiring it appeared that he was the new owner. After a round of back and forth talks, in which the new owner was explained the terms of the deal we had with the previous owner, he had started expressing some doubts. All those doubts were cleared after a talk that contained implicit personal threats and assurances of the safety of the facility throughout the years that our organization provided its protection. The owner then quickly agreed to the deal and was provided the contact details of the person that would be responsible for the fee collection and providing the protection services.
  2. Date: 07/09/2024 Roleplay title: Long-term Investments. Participants: @KarDeL@Absent@zKill98 Around 5 years ago, an insider in the city hall has informed us of a municipal urban re-development plan that involves certain properties in close proximity to the old Las Venturas strip. Knowing that the announcement of this plan would inflate the value of those properties, we have been quietly working on buying those properties slowly over the last 5 years. When the time came for the announcement of the project, we agreed with the municipality on selling a portion of the properties that we acquired, and renting out the other portion. However, the plans for the construction approval of the project seems to have hit a roadblock, and we needed to grease some members of the city council in order for the project to be approved. We arranged a meeting with the protesting members of the city council, and after generous promises of campaign donations and political contributions, their opinions seemed to have swayed positively in favor of the project. Having done so, those same members took off the city planning department to ensure that all the required permits were issued for the timely conclusion of the project. A month or so after the above events, one of the patriarchs decided to visit the construction site, as we had invested financial interest in this project, and to ensure that the project is going smoothly and will be finished on time. We were given assurances that the project is indeed progressing in a timely manner, and will also be concluded in a timely manner.
  3. Date: 13/05/2024 SM BR assist SR Date: 14/05/2024 VIP SR
  4. Date: 09/05/2024 Turf SR SR
  5. Date: 04/05/2024 VIP Date: 05/05/2024 Turf Turf Date: 06/05/2024 Turf: Turf Turf Date: 07/05/2024 SM BR assist Date: 08/05/2024 Turf Turf Date: 09/05/2024 Turf Turf Turf Date: 10/05/2024 Turf
  6. Date: 05/12/2023 Roleplay Title: A rowdy incident. It was another busy night at The Visage, where business was running smoothly, until one of the dealers signaled a problem with a customer. The gentleman apparently was not satisfied with the outcome of his unfortunate luck, and having had too much to drink, he started threatening the dealer. One of the watchers spotted the incident, and decided to notify the security. Upon arrival to the scene, the security tried to calm the gentleman but he wouldn't have it. So they were forced to cuff the man and escort him outside the establishment. Not wanting this man to cause a scene right outside the casino, the security decided to escort him a bit farther, where he can get help for his alcohol addiction. He was dropped off at Las Venturas Hospital.
  7. Date: 03/12/2023 Roleplay Title: A potential new partner. An and up-and-coming new Motorcycle Club, the Hell Raisers, has been looking for a way to raise funds for their future endeavors lately. Given that the Empire possessed a potent product sourced directly from Cuba, and the Hell Raisers had several clean fronts through which they could sell the product, we decided to strike a deal. Since it was our first time dealing with this organization, we decided to sell them lower than the usual amount we sell our typical partners. We met in a deserted valley between Flint Waters and Dillimore in order to carry out the deal. After discussing the details and the payment, the deal went through without any hiccup. Men of the MC indicated their willingness to do business with us in the future, if the product turns out to be as good as claimed. Screenshots:
  8. Date: 02/12/2023 Roleplay Title: An Unexpected Intruder. It was a normal evening in our beloved penthouse, until one of our associates heard the screams of a woman. Rushing to the scene, he found her cowering on top of a table. The culprit? A rat. It appears that there has been a rat infestation in the penthouse. Disgusted by the situation and seeking a quick resolution, we decided to call an expert rat extermination service. They arrived at the scene briefly after we called them, and after giving them a short explanation of the situation, they got to work. They scanned every nook and cranny within our penthouse, and discovered a rat nest. They were quick and efficient at exterminating it, ensuring it does not arise again. After finishing their work, we had a quick talk on how the payment would be handled. We thanked them for their service and bid them farewell.
  9. Display Name: Ammar Username: ammar1 Link to ALL Donation Topics: Total number of Donation Points: 30
  10. Date: 23/08/2023 Roleplay title: Renovation Time The penthouse has recently started to show its age, so some restoration and maintenance was in order, to make it look all new and shiny. We called a contractor from a well-respected construction company to come and take a look at the penthouse to assess the situation and inform us of what needs renovation/replacement. After a quick look around, he determined that the windows needed to be cleaned, certain sections of the wooden floor needed replacement, some parts of the walls need to be repainted, and the pool's water supply filters needs to be replaced. After a short talk regarding those issues, we negotiated a price and agreed that the workers come in as soon as possible to initiate the renovation. The workers came in shortly thereafter and started working on the previously stated points. At the end of the work, the contractor was summoned to discuss the payment details. We thanked him for the flawless work and the quick execution.
  11. Date: 22/08/2023 Roleplay title: Seeking Vengeance Around a week after the funeral of the late captain, the Emperor convened an emergency meeting at our penthouse in Caligula's, where he stated that he had hired the finest private investigators to find out the truth behind the murder of the late captain. He stated that the findings of the investigation led them to believe that his murder was simply the result of an impulsive man finding out that the captain slept with his wife, and not an elaborate scheming act done by a rival organization. Of course, that man had to be made an example of. Nobody takes down such a high ranked individual within the Empire and gets away with it. We reached out to his wife, who was in a cooperative mood as she had lived through hell after her husband discovered her infidelity. We got her to lure him out to Las Brujas, a deserted town in Bone County, where the man can be disposed of. Unbeknownst to him, the man was in shock as his wife dropped him off to the waiting soldiers of the Empire and drove off. He was swiftly beaten and reminded of his sin, then he was executed point blank after the men got bored of torturing him. His body was buried in the middle of the sand, to be forgotten forever.
  12. Date: 22/08/2023 Roleplay title: A Mysterious Death. It was a quiet evening until the emperor suddenly called us and told us to gather in front of the Blue Lagoon, where he shared the news of the sudden murder of a Captain of the Empire. The cause of the murder was not immediately clear, but arrangements of the funeral were already underway, the Emperor informed us. Later in the day, we attended the burial ceremony and paid our respects to the fallen captain. The Emperor vowed privately to his family that he would get to the bottom of this, and make those responsible pay dearly.
  13. Date: 21/08/2023 Turf:
  14. Date: 20/08/2023 Turf:
  15. Date: 20/08/2023 Roleplay title: Profit checkup, Pt. 2 After the latest round of profit check-up last week, it was noticed that we had around 200k$ in cash missing from our vault. It was suspected, that for such a large amount of money to go missing, there had to be someone involved from the inside in the disappearance of the cash. The gambler that was involved was paid a visit by a couple soldiers from the Empire, and subsequently was escorted to the Quarry in Bone County, where he was interrogated. After a short interrogation session, he revealed the identity of the person from the inside that helped him, as one of the casino management staff. A soldier escorted the said manager to the Quarry. An example had to be made out of him, that nobody screws with our bottom line and gets away with it. The Emperor deemed that a suitable punishment would be for the manager to lose a couple of his fingers, one for each 100 grand that was stolen. The manager was still of use to us, so he was escorted to a local hospital, under the guise of a kitchen accident. Screenshots:
  16. Date: 20/08/2023 Roleplay Title: The Business of Sharks. As part of our presence in Fort Carson, we provide loans and debt relief services, and even help struggling business owners by financing their money needs. One such establishment is a loaning business that's ran by a local individual, to whom we provide regular financing. The business has been falling behind on payments lately as the owner we used to deal with passed the reigns of the business to his amateur son, who has been giving out a lot of non-performing loans lately. A trio of soldiers were instructed to pay the establishment a visit to remind the son of the agreement we had with his father, but the son refused to cooperate, so he had to be straightened out. After he was "educated", he was told that he had a day to pay back what he owes. Next day, we revisited the place and received the money without any resistance. Screenshots:
  17. Date: 18/08/2023 Roleplay title: A supply for a demand Recently, due to increased demand for cocaine in the drug trafficking market from our partners, our supplies of the substance have dwindled and it was about time to contact our suppliers for a re-up. The Empire has had a long standing agreement with the Cubans, from whom we would regularly buy Cocaine and sell it to the highest bidders in the state of San Andreas. We held a quick talk with our suppliers to inform them of our need and arranged a party to receive them in the Verdant Meadows Airfield, where the dope-for-cash exchange took place.
  18. Date: 19/08/2023 Turf:
  19. Date: 18/08/2023 Roleplay title: A Lesson in Persuasion The Empire is known for running rackets in Fort Carson and its general vicinity, within Bone County. Recently, word came to us that a business man struck oil in Octane Springs, a desolate piece of land close to Fort Carson, and naturally we sent one of our men to instruct the gentleman on the proper business etiquette. However, the man thought he was too good to pay the fees of the protection services we offered. Upon delivering the bad news to one of our patriarchs, it was decided that we use a more "persuasive" approach to convince the gentleman. After a quick "visit" from 3 of the Empire's soldiers, the man quickly changed his stance on the matter and decided to fall in line with other business owners of Fort Carson, in paying the protection fees.
  20. Date: 15/08/2023 Roleplay title: A Rich Man's Curse The summer season brings a lot of gamblers to our most esteemed casino, Caligula's, and subsequently, it also brings us a plenty of cash, so much so that our vault was overflowing, and excess cash needed to be transported to a larger institution to hold it, i.e. the bank of Las Venturas. After bringing up the names of several secure money transport companies, BRINKS was chosen for its track record and known reputation in the sector. We arranged a meeting with a BRINKS director to discuss the details of the agreement, and upon reaching a consensus between the two parties, it was decided that BRINKS would carry the money transport operations of the Caligula's casino. Shortly after the meeting, a BRINKS truck showed up to transport the money to Las Venturas bank. A member of the casino management showed the gentlemen from BRINKS to the vault and the back garage, familiarizing them with the layout, and then decided to tag along to ensure that adequate security standards were followed. The delivery was made without any hiccup, and the Emperor personally thanked the director for their exemplary service. Screenshots:
  21. This is an automated post TXN ID: 5LG31959HA698234G Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: 500000 Specify any upgrades: - Usernames to lock: ammar1 Where you want it placed: https://imgur.com/a/aL800aG In addition to the above, since I donated 30 GBP in total: Addition to the donator spawn Crown next to my name https://saesrpg.uk/topic/21125/donation-ammar-amount-20-00-gbp For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  22. Are there any changes getting implemented soon? The jail is dead in its current state and will stay that way unless something is changed
  23. The difficulty of jailbreak should be dependent on the volume of the police response imo, not some artificial difficulty enhancers like slow opening doors or minigames. It's hard enough for criminals as it is with the corridors being short and cops having 3 entrances. Keeping the jailbreaks difficulty as it is right now would discourage people from jailbreaking, which eventually would lead us to the same scenario we had in that Flint County jail, where it was basically dead because no one bothered jailbreaking as it took too much time to make it worthwhile. As I said in my previous post, killing jailbreaks by making them too hard would serve no purpose rather than reducing the overall server activity.
  24. The new mapping is definitely better than the old one, however the implementation is very heavily favored in cop side, which makes jailbreaking unfun for criminals. Imo the following things need to change to make jailbreaking enjoyable in the new jail: -Make it so the cells and red gates open as fast as they did in the old jail, the current opening speed makes it impossible to open both before cops respond, since cops get notified as soon as a criminal enters the jail. -Move the red door markers to the small gaps at the end of the corridors (https://i.imgur.com/veedLXp.png), since their current positioning makes it impossible for people to use them without being shot/killed by cops using cover at the entrances. -Revert the red door opening mechanism to the way it was in the old jail, so you only need to open the red door from the keypad next to it rather than having to toggle it from computer room. -Restrict HLS from attending JBs, unless there's a CLO. The mapping is more balanced now so there's no need for them. -Make it so the vent only reduces your HP if you stay in the vent area for more than 10 seconds. That's my personal feedback on the new jail, though I'm sure a lot of people who jailbreak actively agree with it. Remember, jailbreaking is the funniest activity on the server, making it unfun would ruin the gameplay experience for a lot of people.
  25. @zwolle Disagree with this change imo, would make it too easy for cops to split up and stop the JB. The initial layout presented in the main post is the optimal design for me.
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