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Everything posted by moley.

  1. mad cuz bad
  2. nice bro you don't even put me as honorary dog shitgarian
  3. https://streamable.com/hmvnv4 chupapi :paw_prints:
  4. representationalists
  5. no will make the server lag
  6. I see you are a huge fan of Istock
  7. SECTION A 1- Name (optional): goblin 2- Ingame name: goblin 3- Age: 22 4- Sex: Male 5- English proficiency: Probably a 7/10 6- Native language: Dutch 7- Other languages: English 8- Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: no 9- When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: I started playing around 2013 10- Total gameplay (hours): 4.1k hours 11- Approx gameplay daily (hours): Depends sometimes, but would say if i have fun i could go for atleast 7 hours. 12- Average FPS: most of the times its around 57 but if i am in a area like jail it drops down to like 27 but that is no problem 13- Average Ping: 18 14- Previous organizations and reasons for departure: In those years that I have been playing SAESRPG I have been part of lots of organizations from 2013 to 2020 I really enjoyed some of them and some of them were not so nice to be in. RDMC/HA/SAPA/SAFP/S~D/SoA/TST/CDC/BS/FOX/FBI/ThC/B~B/TT Why did you leave?: If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : [RDMC] It was my first gang it was awesome in there I miss those times but it sadly died. [HA] It reached level 2 it was nice in the beginning but there were several fights in literally every chat and after some days I left it... [SAPA] Back then it was a squad instead of a group and it was my first one but I was just new and I wanted to experience some new stuff. [SAFP] So I went to join SAFP and I've had nice people to hang with but after some weeks I left it because it went a bit Non-active. [S~D] I went back to the criminals to help a gang to reach level 2 it was awesome in the beginning we've done lots of activities and roleplays but there were some problems some got kicked and some left after a couple of weeks it died. [CDC] I left it because I pretty much lost interest in being the only one online for weeks and that there is no activity coming from the other members. [BS] I went there and it was awesome we've also done a lot of activities within the gang but I left it to help The Company. What previous organizations have you been kicked from? Reasons?: [SoA:] It was fun in There I enjoyed my time in there but I had a couple of fights with a member which made me getting kicked. [TST] I went back to the cop side for a while and it was going good so far until I got kicked by a fake report. [FOX] I fully enjoyed my time in this squad since it was and still is my favorite squad of all time, but after I came back from inactivity of like 6 months I was doing a bit shitty and got multiple admin jails. [ThC] , I discussed something with the leader of the gang and instead of getting kicked I left. the story could be told in-game if want to hear. [B~B] Long story that i could tell ingame [TT] Literally the best gang i have been part of in all the gangs i have been part of. But left because wanted to go cop side. 15- Are you an active user of Discord?: Kinda. SECTION B A. Define our role (FOX): FOX's role is to protect citizens from San Andreas from illegal criminal activities that can cause harm. B. Define marker arrest: Arresting in the marker of a bank. C. Minimum arresting level: 10 D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: Don't DM Don't Revenge DM Don't avoid arrest Don't talk any other languages in the mainchat E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: So they get a chance to lose stars first SECTION C I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: I am goblin i play as a cop because it is fun. I used to be a criminal multiple times but i don't see fun in the criminal side anymore since there is not much to do as criminal beside doing a couple of store robs or jailbreaks.I sometimes also play league with my bro's if i have nothing to do II. Write your strengths and weaknesses: I can target very good with the k panel by sometimes even knowing in what interior they are regrouping. I could be a nice guy but sometimes i could over react a bit which isn't always sometimes i even ignore it. III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: I was fox before and would like to be part of it again. IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: I am a ex fox member and i would like to be part of the squad again because it is the only squad i actually like. V. Do you have any additional information you want to add:? not really Retard test: Post a picture of White House in Los Santos to even be considered to join Fox Operations X. ::: :::
  8. ok water tank with 6 cops on it + shooting i agree lets go @Poodlyz @DocPizza @Strong @Teddy @Blue @Leonard @Marso @Nishki @Manny @Spetnazz time for seal bro
  9. @spetnazz said in [SUGGESTION] "Ignore" button for posts.: @burako said in [SUGGESTION] "Ignore" button for posts.: @tut-greco Oh i didn't know that, you can archive this xd Nice IQ smol iq
  10. Happy 29th birthday sweetheart my bro my sun shine my present to u is my adminjail of today bro happy birthday
  11. Hey you there @Steven I just passed by to say happy birthday
  12. not our nulgath bro. yours
  13. You can add banks at flint county / bayside / angel pine / top bone county since there is a bank there but there has to be a name difference since there is already one in bc but that one could be named fort carson and the other one could be named top bc
  14. @adistar said in BR issue: @rykila said in BR issue: Cry kid @Adistar Idiot pt go l2p valorant mad cuz bad
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