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Everything posted by Jamal

  1. Happy birthday @NORI999
  2. ^[Application] In-game name: My nickname is Jamal. Account name: My username is moenesmjaid. Age: I'm 16 years old. Gender: Male. Country of residency: Tunisia, exact city; gabes. From how long are you playing SAES: 2 years ago. Since when are you playing GTA:SA 6 years ago. How well do you speak English?: Understandable. What all languages can you speak other than English?: Arabic and french. Tell us about something about yourself: Hello, i'm ghassen. I'm 16 years old boy from tunisia, i love PC games, at this young age, i have many hobbys such as football etc... List few of your strengths and weaknesses: Strengths * : Shoting, parachuting. Weaknesses * : Driving. Are you in any group If yes, Name them and also name your previous groups and reason to leave them: I'm currently apart of WWE and FFO, no previous groups. Have you been ban or warned by any admin in the last 1 year if yes, Explain Why? No, never. Why do you want to join Cluckin' Bell?: Well, i love playing as a pizza boy (and dming cops), and i wanna help dis group. What can you offer Cluckin' bell?: I can offer activity, since i'm very active. What do you expect in return from Cluckin' Bell?.. Do you agree to follow all the F1 rules and Cluckin' Bell rules?: Yes, i do agree with them. Who are Cluckin' bell's founders?: @Tapi & @Rainy . What is Cluckin' bell's Motto?: Eat till you say, No please.
  3. Good luck!
  4. Part 1 / Personal information. Ingame Name: Jamal, 9afez as a troll nick. Real Name: Ghassen. Age: I'm 16 years old. Nationality: Tunisian. Languages Spoken: Arabic in main, a basic of french, and a little bit of english. Gender: Male. Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server? / if yes why?: No, never. Part 2 / Qualification Questions. How long have you been playing MTA?: 2years ago. How long have you been playing on SAES?: I started playing SAES 2 years ago. Rate your English 1/10: I do rate myself, 5/10. Rate your RP Skills 1/10: Hmm, maybe: 6/10. Strengths: Shoting, parachuting. Weaknesses: Driving. Current G/S/C: Federal Bureau of Investigation. Current Groups: Freedom fighters Organization. Part 3 / Wrestler Information (Not your real-life information). Wrestler Name: Finex Escopar. Wrestler Gender: Male. Wrestler Age: 26 years old. Country Of Residence: Trkey. Which Show (RAW, SmackDown): RAW. Part 4 / Additional Questions. Why do you want to join WWE?: Well, i love meele fights, also wrestling, that's why i'm here. Why should we accept you?: I'm good at wrestling, also, i'll try my best to make this a better group Tell us something about yourself: Hello, i'm Finex Escopar, i'm 26 years old, i live in Trkey, i love wrestling, doing some sports stuffs. Additional information (Not Required):
  5. Nice xd, don't forget to add @Justsomeane
  6. @Adistar ahahah, ez arrest. ::: https://imgur.com/Wty606v :::
  7. @tyga blade is ToB leader.
  8. You are unloyal guy.
  9. You are a turk guy.
  10. You are a CeM HQ
  11. You're a kid.
  12. Granted, but you'll tell them to ban you. I wanna ban everyone.
  13. You still have bad reputation.
  14. Granted, but you're still a poor kid. I wanna get banned.
  15. You are still inactive
  16. You are still banned.
  17. You are a TST Member.
  18. You are a CLO recruta.
  19. You are nub, skerdi.
  20. @chief Granted, but this'll never happend. I want to get a free invite to all groups!
  21. Granted, but there's no level 6 gang! I want a better FPS and ping.
  22. @chief granted, but this'll never happend. I wanna DE @IG8820 inv plss.
  23. @barry-allen Granted, but you're indian, so you love cows. I wanna be a ProCop :passport_control:
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