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  1. @Mohamed-Mostafa said in Bringing minigun to as MG-42: I vote for no because it will be op for both sides for example there's a JB cops will come to stop the JB they will just shoot 2 shots on anyone and he is killed-arrested same as criminals too they will kill the cops with 2 shots and then they will leave the jail faster and ofc as you said it's for groups too, imagine CLO in JB with armour and this weapon ? cops can't deal with CLO while he is with his weapons now imagine he is with minigun ? lol and DE if joined the JB / BR with the mini gun too and armour they will kill the criminals ez, it will be a op weapon and I don't think players will like it because it will be hard for both sides, cops trying to stop BR & JB and criminals trying to make the BR & JB so I vote no for this suggestion. Did you read the whole suggestion and comments? I'll make it short and simple for you. They're suggesting replacing Minigun with MG-42 and nerf its damage.
  2. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5810/info-server-commands-buttons but gj anyway:/
  3. @Skerdi said in Bring back the glue!: bUt iT cAn bE aBuSeD aNd iS nOt rEaLiStIc bUt WhO tHe FuCk CaReS aBoUt ReAl LiFe ItS rPg NoT rP
  4. As the title says, do you want glue back? Its pain in the ass without it, useful for everyone, we were fine when it was implemented, but now its fucked up, glue is useful for both sides, cops and criminals, any negative things on it? If you voted no, you're a noob. And state the reason, noob
  5. Voted no, it was nerfed last time, wanna nerf it again? Its useful for both sides, pigs use it to eject their partners to arrest criminals, and criminals use it to eject the other criminal to throw a made and fuck them up. Balanced for both sides. Also #bringBackglue
  6. next time @Filex bro Flicidas Portugal noobs
  7. Hello! I'm suggesting a option on M panel/tablet on the settings category a option to disable skin shaders. Positive things Disable the ugly shaders on some skins. Negative things Nothing as you can toggle it on and off? If you voted no, please specific why did you vote for this option
  8. Change SR locations, map a new exterior. And
  9. Jamal


  10. Joe just became an admin. Estonians be like:
  11. Granted, but each time you try to do that, you fail. I want @Adistar's love
  12. Username: asafkatz123 Last seen: 23rd April 2019. Screenshoots: https://imgur.com/a/rinABBu
  13. nooo! many Indians @Terry kick TaJ atleast...
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