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Everything posted by Orchestra

  1. happy birthdayyyyy DROTTTI XDDD
  2. I. Personal Info In-game Name: Orchestra Username / Account-name: ahmed1don Age: 19 Gender: Male Rate your English skill level (A1-C2): Well idk how can i rate from A1 to C2 but i can rate from 1-10, and its 7.5/10 Nationality: Egyptian Languages Spoken: English&Arabic Average Ping: 87 ~ 130 Average FPS: 60 I Guess Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): well, i love playing with friends, also i love games like League of legends, PUBG, and MTA with friends ofc XD and my real name is ( Youssef ) people calling me Joe, i love the games that contain RP's like im a police and there is a criminals, or im a criminal and there is a police, and we do RP's together, chasing or asking, all these things, but especially when im chasing the Criminal and he keeps running :'D how funny is that XD II. In-Game Experience When did you join the server: i dont remember exactly but maybe at the end of 2016 so maybe 3 ~ 4 years if im right, but i was being inactive sometimes cause of irl stuff. How much do you play each day: maybe 3 Hours maybe 2 maybe 4 and maybe 0, depends on my homeworks Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: 0 Name the reason(s) for leaving: 0 Current group memberships: Nothing If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead? Yes cause '' No Surrender '' Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): 0 Name the reasons why you received these punishments: 0 III. Personal skills and knowledge Note: All questions below must be answered in full sentences. Your strengths: teamworking and good tactics Your weaknesses: 0 Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: because i saw how they working together, and i like that kind of teamworking and Patroling together, it makes your teaming level ^ +100 ^ and no one could beat this teaming, so i decided to patrol with SWAT and join them to be one of them Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: because i am a good TeamWorking so we could make a perfect team and no one could stop us. Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words): well, if we chasing a criminal and we do RP with him, i would guard them with my M4 or any weapon i have because maybe this criminal could be in a group full of Criminals , and if they have a deal that if he didnt arrive to them within a limited time so they know that he is getting asked from us, so i will be guarding this RP from any other criminal, if any criminal would come, i will stop him immediately without thinking, and if he tried to help his friend, he will be Arrested. so we could finish our Work.
  3. well tbh, i see that its unfair but nvm if you will make a reward for arresting a CLO Member its okay, also im not interresting at arresting CLO members if i see that there is +50 Criminal is active, and yes im with you, you must have some skills to arrest CLO Member while he has HS. GL
  4. @Moley maybe before XD
  5. ~[i wish a merry christmas to all members of SAES Server! i hope you guys achieve all your dreams, Happy new year, i hope we could be all living till 2050 to see topics like this Together in SAES Community]~(cyan,magenta)
  6. Nickname: Orchestra Age: 18 close to 19 Country:Egypt Languages spoken: English & Arabic From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 7.5/10 How long have you been playing on SAES: time played is 407H but i used to play on Saes like 2 ~ 3 months and quit playing MTA then i cameback In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins is a gang that sells big guns around San Andreas and they are helping each others in anything and they own a cargo at SF sea they are dealing with other assassin organizations like Tuga Thugs & Black Bullets and they help each others in fights and in escaping from cops etc Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): no previous clans. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: no previous bans. Name 3 BR rules: No.1 one gang is allowed to do maximum of 2 gang bank robs per day No.2 Not allowed to suicide after the BR to escape from cops No.3 Camping the entrance of a bank once a BR has started is not Allowed Name 3 GR rules: No.1 Nades are not allowed at GR No.2 Spawn killing not allowed at GR No.3 DE/CLO can't help in GR Name 3 Turf rules: No.1 : its forbidden to be an COP and go to arrest the enemies and help my gang No.2 : its forbidden to kill an enemy outside the warzone, because we have an area to fight in. No.3 : when u die in the war, you should spawn in hospital, or gang's spawn / base only. What is Roleplay?: acting like real life like me and my friends drinking alcohol in darkness side and police came to us when he came we drop the alcohol and they arrested us What is Deathmatching?: its means to DM anyone for no reason like im driving a car i saw one is afk in his car i dmed him or dmed his car for no reason Someone DMs you. What do you do?: am gonna see what he need and if i can help him i will. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: I wont do anything if they are not chasing me Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: only Hotfire i talk to him for like 15 mins but yea i love AA and i want to be one of them Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): well tbh im a gamer boy who played online/offline games since i was 10. so i have experience about wars and being friendly also running away from cops when i get chased. also i love the meaning of gangs, it means that the gang is a family, like a real family.
  7. its a good idea, but admins should make a rule, who use this bomb for DMING will get ban, + if you used it to avoid arrest = reported also you must use it when someone stole your car, but DMING = REPORT good idea
  8. i hope @Nemesis forgive him to play with us again...
  9. Players Forum Name (@Tag): @Note @NoFear Rate his in-game skills (0-10): 69-10 Rate his english skills (0-10): 69-10 Do you know this player in real life: no How long do you know this player in-game: 3~4Days Your Opinion about this player in-game: they are good players and a good friends too, and im happy to know them, their are loyal too. Your Suggestion about this player in-game: Dont mess with them XD they fuck any cop around
  10. XDDD tbh idk, idk if he is 2004 or 2006, 14 or 12 or 12, anyway still 'poorKID' XD
  11. @Judyess no bro, 14 XD
  12. i just forgot how old is he, all i know that he is a poor kid, and yea he is my friend from 3~4 years, he is like my lil bro, who gives a shit about his lil bro'age' ? XD but he turned 14 today dw dw XD
  13. i said he felt sorry and we all know that he is 14 yo XD
  14. he made one yesterday and nemesis refused it, and he told him feel free to re ban appeal in january 2019
  15. You Know Tamsou? : Yes Who is Tamsou? : He is a poor kid who turned 14 yo today, Tamsou Deserve a BAN from SAES? : yes he deserve but he is 14 yo, he is a poor kid, he is playing for fun, yea he sometimes break the rules but the players reports him, and he got adminjailed, but i promise that it would be his last time, Date of Birth? : 9/1/2006, so His birthday TODAY. say HBD to him guys, make him happy, he cant play saes on his birthday..
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