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Everything posted by Ment

  1. Starting Bid 5 million, screenshots of property ; https://imgur.com/a/am2UzR3
  2. Application Format: Applicant Main Information : Nickname: Ment Username: emirhanpolat Age: 17 Nationality: Turkish Languages you can speak: Turkish and English. Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES? : Since a year. Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : Mongols MC, Sons of Anarchy, The Outfit, CripZ (x2), The Company. If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : Mongols MC : After I joined the gang with a lot of effort, I became inactive for a month or 2 because of real life stuff. When I came back, sadly there was no one to play with, as you might understand it is not fun to play alone in a MC gang. Sons of Anarchy : When I left MMC, I tried my chance with another MC gang in the server. It didn't take too long to join SoA because I have gained some experience about the server when I was in MMC. But after 2 days unfortunately as I said above I was inactive so I didn't know relationship between gangs, I helped to the wrong side in a turf war so got kicked. The Outfit : I became inactive for 2 months again due to my school, when I came back I decided to join The Outfit, had a few friends there. They suggested me to apply. I got rejected first time I applied as I couldn't hang a lot with them due to my inactivity so after trying second time I joined The Outfit and spent like 6 - 7 months there. My friend in Outfit became inactive, It started to become boring, so I left, but I can say The Outfit was my best gang so far. CripZ (First time) : As I said above, I left The Outfit cuz It got me bored playing alone for real, I decided to join cripz due to their enviroment, there were a lot of people from my country so I thought It will be funnier and easier playing with them. Everything was going well but unfortunately after a month I disrespected to one of their high ranked member, I got warned, They were right with that warning but I really couldn't feel better so I left. The Company : There were a lot of people which I played before for a year or more, so they knew about me, It didn't last very long to join them. I don't exactly remember how long I stand in the gang, but after leaving a gang with full of people from your country, It didnt feel better to play with other people so I joined back to CripZ as their high ranked member was inactive so It didn't cause a problem. Btw, an issue happened in the day I left from The Company, I talked to The Company's authorized members about it and hopefully they still believe me. Just because of this reason some of them are still prejudiced against me and thinking wrong about it. CripZ ( Second Time ) : I joined back to CripZ from the beginning, with my probation time. A month later I got promoted to HQ because of the works I done to help the gang to reach level 5, After applying 2 times and spending 3 months, we got the level and everything was going well. I was talking to a friend which fought with one of current cripz member. That caused a problem inside the gang. However, before 2 days of this situation, they were talking to an ex cripz member which I fought with. He made a mistake towards me and got kicked, but I told them I don't mind if you still talk to him. So I expected the same from them but unlikely that caused a problem. I tried to talk humanly but it didn't work so I left. Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : Never. What groups are you currently part of? : I am currently a part of raceTech. Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : Well I am an active person, respected to other people and I can talk to any person, I am friendly. Everybody can talk to me if they have a problem or in need of my help. I can keep up with every environment. Many of your members are kind of person I like to play with, I will bring a lot to your organisation for sure. Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: Black Bullets is a criminal organisation which provides you assassinations and offers you to customization your weapon with scopes and silencers. They also provides you any weapon and amount of ammo you need. They can eliminate anybody who hurts your business. They can also eliminate cops, civilians and criminals for a decent price. You won't regret it, And they have a company known as Camels Investmens Corporation where people can get loan to improve their business. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : As i stated above, there are many people I like to play with and got a few friends there, which will make the game better for me and them as well. Also, I would like to keep my career in a respected gang, there are only a few gangs which loved and respected by other people, Black Bullet is one of them. Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : Yeah, Nyx recommended me to apply and I got some friends there. Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : Thank you for reading.
  3. Application Format: Applicant Main Information : Nickname: Ment Username: emirhanpolat Age: 17 Nationality: Turkish Languages you can speak: Turkish and English. Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES? : Since a year. Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : Mongols MC, Sons of Anarchy, The Outfit, CripZ (x2), The Company. If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : Mongols MC : After I joined the gang with a lot of effort, I became inactive for a month or 2 because of real life stuff. When I came back, sadly there was no one to play with, as you might understand it is not fun to play alone in a MC gang. Sons of Anarchy : When I left MMC, I tried my chance with another MC gang in the server. It didn't take too long to join SoA because I have gained some experience about the server when I was in MMC. But after 2 days unfortunately as I said above I was inactive so I didn't know relationship between gangs, I helped to the wrong side in a turf war so got kicked. The Outfit : I became inactive for 2 months again due to my school, when I came back I decided to join The Outfit, had a few friends there. They suggested me to apply. I got rejected first time I applied as I couldn't hang a lot with them due to my inactivity so after trying second time I joined The Outfit and spent like 6 - 7 months there. My friend in Outfit became inactive, It started to become boring, so I left, but I can say The Outfit was my best gang so far. CripZ (First time) : As I said above, I left The Outfit cuz It got me bored playing alone for real, I decided to join cripz due to their enviroment, there were a lot of people from my country so I thought It will be funnier and easier playing with them. Everything was going well but unfortunately after a month I disrespected to one of their high ranked member, I got warned, They were right with that warning but I really couldn't feel better so I left. The Company : There were a lot of people which I played before for a year or more, so they knew about me, It didn't last very long to join them. I don't exactly remember how long I stand in the gang, but after leaving a gang with full of people from your country, It didnt feel better to play with other people so I joined back to CripZ as their high ranked member was inactive so It didn't cause a problem. Btw, an issue happened in the day I left from The Company, I talked to The Company's authorized members about it and hopefully they still believe me. Just because of this reason some of them are still prejudiced against me and thinking wrong about it. CripZ ( Second Time ) : I joined back to CripZ from the beginning, with my probation time. A month later I got promoted to HQ because of the works I done to help the gang to reach level 5, After applying 2 times and spending 3 months, we got the level and everything was going well. I was talking to a friend which fought with one of current cripz member. That caused a problem inside the gang. However, before 2 days of this situation, they were talking to an ex cripz member which I fought with. He made a mistake towards me and got kicked, but I told them I don't mind if you still talk to him. So I expected the same from them but unlikely that caused a problem. I tried to talk humanly but it didn't work so I left. Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : Never. What groups are you currently part of? : I am currently a part of raceTech. Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : Well I am an active person, respected to other people and I can talk to any person, I am friendly. Everybody can talk to me if they have a problem or in need of my help. I can keep up with every environment. Many of your members are kind of person I like to play with, I will bring a lot to your organisation for sure. Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: Black Bullets is a criminal organisation which provides you assassinations and offers you to customization your weapon with scopes and silencers. They also provides you any weapon and amount of ammo you need. They can eliminate anybody who hurts your business. They can also eliminate cops, civilians and criminals for a decent price. You won't regret it, And they have a company known as Camels Investmens Corporation where people can get loan to improve their business. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : As i stated above, there are many people I like to play with and got a few friends there, which will make the game better for me and them as well. Also, I would like to keep my career in a respected gang, there are only a few gangs which loved and respected by other people, Black Bullet is one of them. Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : Yeah, Nyx recommended me to apply and I got some friends there. Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : Thank you for reading.
  4. Starting Bid : $10.000.000
  5. @filex said in GT house: xD @Ment @zaza it's like u are wasting all the money u made upon years for a gt house wtf Nah, just spending the money which I made in GT in a month.
  6. Starting Bid : $5.000.000 Screenshots :
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