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Everything posted by Hotfire

  1. @Crash , poor application, but let's see if your ingame activity can make up for that. ^[ ] @JoGe Same as above. Let's see if your ingame activity can make up for that. ^[ ] @EloThAm , Pending, we've received positive feedback about you. Keep it up. ^[ ]
  2. Happy Birthday Cold Ice!! I wish you the best and dont over drink bro
  3. yo happy birthday my bro. Enjoy it!! <3
  4. My brother. Happy birthday man. Enjoy it bro <3
  5. Account name: hotfire4021 Icon name: Lv flat block B
  6. feliz cumpleaos mi amor! I wish you the best @Kybali0n fuck pigs!
  7. Happy birthday my man! Enjoy it!
  8. Happy Big 18 bro
  9. Jailbreak #1140 Outbreak Members: Beckham Outbreak Helpers: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/6QxCmhi
  10. Man I just wanna see some titties and some ass
  11. Be strong Laza. You can fight this!! I wish you the best
  12. I wish you the best chasin. Be safe and always seek help from families or others. Get well soon <3.
  13. Happy Birthday old man!! I wish you the best!
  14. Happy Birthday gruv!
  15. Happy birthday Rampage <3 Enjoy it
  16. Your ingame username: hotfire4021 Your ingame alias: [AA]Hotfire Your year of birth: April 29, 2000 Your gender: Male Nationality: American Country of residence: United States of America How long you have been playing SAES: I've been playing SAES:RPG well around 2015 Qualities you can offer: What I can offer is my maturity, team-working, patience, being respectful to one another, and my communication skills. I'm great with people within the server. I love to help players whenever needed. You can say I'm a fair person. I hear both sides of the argument and think to myself "What will happen if I was in his/her situation" and we both have a nice fair discussion with both parties till we find a solution suited for both. I'm here not trying to start any trouble/fight. I don't give up. I finish whatever I started and give my full effort. Team-working and communication is what I am good at. It's very important to communicate with one another so things can go smooth without any problems. Your weaknesses: Everyone has a weakness. Well mine is being a kind person which players can take advantage of it. Of course I'm working on this weakness and I've seen improvements within it. Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): Community Staff Do you have Discord Installed: Indeed I do Reason for application: I've been playing this server for some quite time (5 years +). I know the community very well and have great knowledge of the game. Due to me living in America, My time-zone is way different than others. I mostly play at the night times of SAES when there are no admins/staff on. I feel like I can help and keep order during those times where people tend to bend some rules. Even after this quarantine/pandemic is over, I'm still here at the times where no admin/staff is online because that's when I usually play. I am also active during the afternoons as well when I don't have classes. I am dedicated to help this server out as much as I can and can assure you that I won't let anyone down. You can count on me! Server Memberships: I'm apart of AA,CLO,LWS,raceTech,Centrino,Sap,CC,OB,ALT,IZC Additional information: Hey! My name is Rumal and currently at my 2nd year of College. I plan on studying Mechanical Engineering. I love to play Basketball and video games. I hang out with my friends a lot and I'm usually a chill person overall. I don't want to start any trouble/fight as for me it's useless. Oh and I love to workout at the gym. I guess that is all. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Got admin jailed long time ago Previous (legitimate) bans: None Do you eat pork: No
  17. @Amara said in LWS :: Forum: Name: Amara Link to your topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/367/amara-s-lws-events/21 What do you need from us?: can you give me access to my topic im gonna host more events. Unlocked.
  18. Happy birthday mate!! <3
  19. @RichardEnglish said in LWS :: Forum: Name: Richard Link to your topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/1234/richard-s-lws-events What do you need from us?: I need my topic to be unlocked, it was, back then, locked because I went inactive for a remarkable amount of time. I'd like to resume my events from where I began, thank you a ton by now! unlocked
  20. This is an automated post TXN ID: 1N041451UP412344X Donation Amount: 20.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Shamal with sticker1 wrap Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: hotfire4021 Where you want it placed: LV Airport Vehicle Type: picador with clo wrap Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: hotfire4021 Where you want it placed: I'll tell you ingame Small interior 7 at 8_river_street For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  21. Happy Birthday spent!! :D
  22. Event: LMS Prize: $1.000.000 LWS/G6: Hotfire Winners: Hari Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pd8sF2D
  23. Jailbreak # 862 OB Members: OB Helpers: Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/SiUA8Dv
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