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Draven last won the day on October 4 2023

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  1. Hello everyone, We would like to make an announcement that has been a long time coming. After much consideration, the leadership team of Organization Zero has made the decision to disband the gang within the server. We have had a good time, filled with unforgettable moments. However, as our gang has evolved over time and after 10 years of existence in the server, we have come to realize that it's time to bring this chapter to an end. We want to extend our gratitude to everyone who have been involved with Organization Zero, for the wonderful moments, camaraderie, and shared adventures that we've enjoyed with this community. In celebration of our journey, we will be hosting a farewell Road Trip on Friday at 19:00 server time. Everyone is invited to enjoy a one last ride with us. Thank you again, it has been an incredible ride.
  2. @Angeldust Dear Angel, Thank you for your interests in joining Organization Zero, positive feedback from the members and great hang around efforts earned you the chance to be within us, we have some doubts about your loyalty but you deserve a chance to prove us wrong. ~[Accepted]~(lime) @BucKK Dear Bucky, Thank you for your interests in joining us. We are sorry to inform that we cannot proceed with your application, various doubts that can't go ignored. You may re-apply in 1 month from now if you are still interested. ~[Denied]~(red) Regards, Organization Zero HQ team.
  3. @BosnianPower Dear Bosnian, Thank you for your interests in joining Organization Zero, you had a position feedback from our members, there are somethings to work on but will be there with you. Welcome! ~[Accepted]~(lime) @Hatred Dear Hatred, We are glad to find a gem! Your experience from other servers in aspects of combat and attitude is obvious. Unanimous positive voting, along with great efforts. Welcome to Organization Zero! ~[Accepted]~(lime) @AntaR Dear Antar, Thanks for your time and efforts around Organization Zero. We believe that you are not ready to join us yet, we still have some doubts concerning your loyalty and attitude. We are expecting to see more efforts from your side, re-apply in 2 weeks if you are still interested. ~[Denied]~(red) @MRTUGA31 Dear MrTuga, Decent application and seems like a promising applicant, however you have not showen yourself around and we did not have the chance to hang with you. Lack of efforts is something we cannot ignore, therefore, we are not able to proceed with your application. Feel free to re-apply in 2 weeks from now if you are still interested. ~[Denied]~(red) Regards, Organization Zero HQ team.
  4. @Brophy Could you confirm this ? Donation by @Getskillz
  5. This is a manual post TXN ID: N/A Donation Amount: 10.00 GBP Requested Awards: Camo wrap on my shamal in LS AP Sticker1 wrap on my Stratum in LV (Near LV bank)
  6. Lounge training 05/03/2021
  7. @groove said in Arms Assassins Birthday - A Decade of Existence: AA is older than @Fugitive; and @Draven mentally Take a cream and do masturbation in your washroom fucking kid, do not say anything regarding QI Happy birthday AA !
  8. @Pogo Dear Pogo, I suggest you to get yourself better on CS GO matches that lasts 2 minutes. Don't bother applying again. ~[Denied]~(red) @PticoF Dear Pticof, This is your second time applying for us and nothing has changed since the last time, you have got a lot of things to work on. Feel free to re-apply in 1 month if you are still interested. ~[Denied]~(red) Regards, Organization Zero HQ team.
  9. Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: Black Specify any upgrades: None Username to lock: stairox Where you want it placed: LS AP (open spoiler) ::: :::
  10. This is a manual post TXN ID: 7N1589039W454103Y (Event) Donation Amount: 10.00 Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Username to lock: (your username only, use /dvm to add additional users) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  11. Got no issue modding bikes, however bikes as a whole would probably need looking at. If we increase their speed for example we would probably have to reduce how easy it is to fall off but also do it in a way so it's not so overpowered because after all, bikes can get to places a car typically can't. @Jay that would be great actually, most of players aren't using bikes anymore because they are slow comparing to some cars. It would be fair to increase the speed, implement some modifications like you have stated and to add a modd to it.
  12. Dear @St0kke , @Omarl Make sure to decide where you want to be next time before applying to a gang. ~[Denied.]~(red) Dear @vampyr , @eduardo1212 , @Hejfisk We haven't seen you in-game lately, low efforts and the loss of interests are obvious. ~[Denied.]~(red) Regards, Organization Zero HQ team.
  13. @tut-greco That could be, even a mod for the freeway would be nice. It could be decent for MC gangs.
  14. I think we could actually remove a lot of mods due to the none usage of some cars like Stallion, Tampa, Comet, Banshee, Buccaneer, Feltze, Tornado, Buffalo. Those cars are barely used and looks like their mods are satisfying enough for the players. However @Jay , I have always this question on my mind. Why we don't have a mod for bikes ? NRG-500 f.e could have an amazing mod and could be much much better, is this being considered ?
  15. Honestly, the vent idea is just perfect. As a criminal staying in jail for 5 minutes is just boring and a waste of time, with this vent, we will always have the chance to escape or atleast it will keep cops and criminals in action always. Hope to see this soon and how it will turn out in-game.
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