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Everything posted by Pera98

  1. 55m because fuck @Siirtuga i want this
  2. Name: CIA|Pera98|CoS Username: pera98 Rank before kick/leave: CPT How long have you been in sapa: Too long, around 2 years. Who kicked you: N/A Date of kick/leave: Roughly 1 year ago. Reason for kick/leave: I was going fully inactive and decided to leave to try another squad which was SWAT. What happened from your side/why did you leave?: Got a bit bored of Instructor work plus my inactivity wasn't bringing any advantage to SAPA so i left. Why do you want back in?: Want to teach some noob cops how to be real cops again. Make actual ProCops and not group hoppers, teach some proper RolePlay. What have you learned from this?: N/A Who do you want to apologize to?: HQ Team and the instructors team from when i left that got overwhelmed with work at the time probably. Why should we give you a second chance?: Because i've always done my role professionally and with my full effort. Revoked
  3. Thank you all, appreciate your kindness, had a wonderful day so far let's hope it gets better :)
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