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Everything posted by Skerdi

  1. @kipt said in James...: First, what did I miss? Second, show me what I missed, por favor! James is saying that he is rich and has everything, tamsou is heartbroken at 12 y old, so now he posts a topic about how a shitty person james is. Just like joshbond topics you know. One day they hate joe, then james then billionare, a normal day in saes. Can we close this before joshbond hops in and talks about how admins dont do anything and abuse?
  2. Its that time of year (or week?) again. Grab your ballons and invite your friends, the search begins! Oops wrong reference
  3. @James said in Show us yourself V3: @Ramby said in Show us yourself V3: @James said in Show us yourself V3: @DyamDouglas said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: @James So, you took a picture of the bottles and cash register money of the bar you work at? You can clearly see parts of a commercial kitchen in the top corners... ok @DyamDouglas i must reply to you. You say it's the money from work. No problem i will rob my boss now and take all his money with one of my Drifting cars. Bye Bye https://streamable.com/6toh0 I like that you post it in "show yourself" and you are covering your face the entire time or shows us the shitty dirt road. 10/10 @Ramby the club is located at one island in mykonos beach bar, all the roads are like that in island Mykonos is an island in the Cyclades group in the Aegean Sea. It's popularly known for its summer party atmosphere. Beaches such as Paradise and Super Paradise have bars that blare thumping music. If a professional psychologist would look at what you are posting he would see that you have depressing problems. Or maybe a bipolar discorder, what trauma did u suffer. Dont you get attention? Look if you feel alone, and need help you can talk, later you will find that succsess is nothing when hope has left. Please consult with a specialist. If you dont think that anything cant help you and nothing matters anymore go for a vertical cut or better go for cortrid arteries, just apply pressure
  4. SaS may be interested in ur story
  5. @Jude-Obiasca said in should i come back?: @Markus you know what hurt feels like? you don't know right? because you don't get BULLIED or get received HURT WORDS. what if we switch a humanity ? me as you and you as me. you'll feel what hurt is. you dont get hurt because you are FAMOUS and got too many REPUTATION. me i jsut got 5-10 reputation and all of it is by my friends. all i just want is SUPPORT. and REPUTATION to all of you. you know what i mean? i want you all to be my friends. and always HERE for me. and if you don't want to help me then just don't talk to me. you are just making me more hurt. you don't know my life bro i got so many problems. and you'll say you don't care? ofcourse you will. because you HATE ME and DONT SUPPORT ME. bro all i want is PEACE and HAPPY FRIENDS. i hope you understand what i mean to say. thankyou. Reputation doesnt matter, people get hurt in real life. Want people to like you? You cant, people dont like each other, they are driven by fear or by needs, so to be more 'liked' dont beg for it but just dont give a fuck, take their words and shove them up their arse. You want to be accepted? Tell yourself what can I offer them to accept me, a prayer wont and acting like a victim doesnt. 80% of the people here dont even know who martin and jude are if u wouldnt say i am not martin, that makes people think that u are martin. Do you know how many people here give a shit fuck if you leave or if u play? Zero. Thats how the world works, you are just turning urself into a meme, delete this topic and tell people to fuck off. @SNome @Human_ go afk in a corner u useless cums
  6. @Justsomeane said in Stories within GTA:SA: The zero plane mission gave me aids Just dont buy zero shop
  7. @JohnnyEnglish said in Stories within GTA:SA: Freefall, I never understood how I could match up the dodo with a Shamal's speed. Afaik I modded the game files to match the Shamal's speed xD Lmaooooo, hackerman
  8. @Codi3017 said in Support reset password: I can't log in or reset my account password, please help Can you accsess ur email?
  9. Flying school, especially the hunter one
  10. @Mohd said in Impersonation (of inactive users) in the server: Thanks for the heads up. While were on the subject, can someone tell Rennie to stop tagging me 27 times a day? Tenks <3 There is a command that allows u to block people
  11. @Howlze said in Official Quote Wall: what @MenSpider i found ur long lost parents
  12. @Gengar said in [POLL] What do you consider a 'Failed' bankrob?: Successful bank rob is only 8/8. Failed bank rob is 0/8. Everything in between is neither failed, nor successful. It's just "done bank rob". Thats what Z would say
  13. Hbd jew
  14. @Brondy said in Official Quote Wall: @ZeKinG Use me as the official button 'I do not get this'
  15. @Blade said in Who's worse?: @Skerdi said in Who's worse?: @Blade said in Who's worse?: I feel offended im not on this poll U so fat that u cant fit I'd like for you to take that comment back :) Why do i feel like i am getting shadow banned?
  16. @Blade said in Who's worse?: I feel offended im not on this poll U so fat that u cant fit
  17. @Nishki said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: well why not roast myself @Nishki said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: @Nishki said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: https://youtu.be/1f6F7tGDcQw
  18. @Chief said in Buffs for cops: @Krrrecik said in Buffs for cops: cops can buy minigun from ammunation (2$ per 1 ammo) Even DE/Clo/CEM can't do this Cem is ded. F
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