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Everything posted by Skerdi

  1. Event type: Chicken Shooter Event prize: 1.000.000 Winner: Cripz*>Itzamoha Lws/G6: @Pazoo Screenshots: Click here
  2. Event type: Knock me off the NRG Event prize: 1.000.000 (2 rounds) Winners: Skulion and zzill Lws/G6: [ThC]Filex Screenshots: Click here
  3. his mother ate couscous and animals shits before giving birth to him
  4. his mother ate couscous and animals shits before giving birth to him
  5. @SheraP said in [SUGGESTION] SAES:RPG ( DEAD ) - SAES:GANGWAR ( RIGHT NAME ): My main suggestion is increase jail time. Many random crimminals would change their efforts to cop side. And many more would quit playing the game, so now we are left with less players
  6. @bas260 said in Prison Break (Jailbreak Cooldown System): @Albie said in Prison Break (Jailbreak Cooldown System): Take this into consideration: "Personally you could turn it into something interactive(like an event INSIDE the prison), where criminals have to team up and stop cops from locking down the prison." Something needs to be done to make jailbreaking more fun for everyone, because the way it's going right now is pretty meh, a pointless DM war where everyone gets mad and goes AFK after anyways. Being in jail should not be fun it's a punishment to the crimes you've committed. If prisons were fun there would be fewer jailbreaks and fewer chances for cops to earn money also. That's my opinion. And other criminals might feel less obligated to break their friends out because they are enjoying their time in jail. The prison island was a good thing because you knew when someone came there and their blip wasn't blue they were there to break someone out. Yeah but this is a game, people play this game to have fun, we are not in real life here to be driven from moral codes, aka if you commit the crime do the time
  7. Title: Do not trust! Participants: : @Richard @Divine @Jokerulty @Skerdi Scenario: Wanted by the Secret Service, every Outfit member is aware of the danger. Its like everybody has developed scopophobia. Looking for cameras, trying to hide from the lens. And in the wild, a reporter appears. Divine and Jokerulty senses catch him in mid air. Guns were drawn, the reporter known as Richard was taken hostage and thats when he realized the mistake he had done. With a gun pointed to his head, ready to blow his brains out, Richard was left with only two choices, pay or die. He was asked to pay 210.000$, and obviously he did. Even a depressed person wouldn't want to die in a terrible way. But little did the reporter know, as soon as he did pay, Richard was strapped to the chair and left alone with five grenades because he was feeling lonely. Nobody could hear his screams after his body was blown up to a million pieces. The legend says that every reporter who comes to take a picture of any Outfit Member won't be heard of again. Screenshoots: Click here
  8. While I agree with the idea, I think the problem is more complicated, basically everything a squad member can do, can be done by a trainee, even by a gang member that only has to spawn as one( yes I know that he cant partake in brs and turfs, but you still get the point) to arrest some players and thats it. On the other hand, gangs can br, turf, gr( yeah, its dead I know) The main problem I have seen with cop life, is that it is repetitive, the only thing you do is arrest. Also the game we play is grand theft auto, a criminal game, many players will choose the criminal background. I think adding more activities for cops would be better(being able to raid bases, I dont know) Another event I have occurred is that players within police background join a gang, to be able to play together( going to srs together, organizing brs together etc).
  9. Event type: Team Deathmatch Event prize: 2.000.000 Winners: Ramzi and Reaper Lws/G6: [AA]Zombie Screenshots: Click here
  10. @Petrow said in COP SUGGESTION: AkyZ I'd be even since both sides can kill eachother No, you would get jailed, they would respawn in hospital
  11. Event type: Last Man Standing Event prize: 1.000.000 Winner: [B~B]Kaioshin Lws/G6: SAFP|Carl Screenshots: Click here
  12. Event type: Chicken Shooter Event prize: 1.000.000 Winner: Ragnax Lws/G6: Carl Screenshots: Click here
  13. And kids, this is the reason you shouldn't do drugs
  14. Event type: Colt LMS Event prize: 1.500.000 Winner: [AA*]Anarchy Lws/G6: [tt]sprriw Screenshots: Click here
  15. Title: Damaged by the system Participants: : @soniN @Skerdi @Jeff Scenario: Short skirt, red lips, sweaty hands, a beautiful appearance shows up in The Outfit headquarters. An angelic voice that kept talking. She had heard about The Outfit loans, that could grant you the good life everyone dreams of. But in a one sided game can the outsider win? She was just a prostitute, looking for a chance to make it out of hell, but if you cross the line that separates dark and white, you may end up in the fifth circle of hell. All she wanted was 100.000$ to battle her demons and be free of the prison she was being held in. Little did she know, you can never pay the debt that usurers trick you into. Everything awarded, great deal, the gang would win a lot as she got the money and faded within the sun. As the clock was ticking, none had heard from her since the cursed day. It was clear she was not going to pay, so two members were sent to finish the job. And surprisingly the hardest thing was to load the clip. A few kilometres and there she was, like a flower trying to soak all the energy from the sun. Multiple shots was all it took to undo the mistake. And as everyone was driving away, trying to forget about the past, the same thought that keeps appearing, came into sight: "Even I fit the description, what if it was me?" Screenshoots: Click here
  16. Suffers from cretinism
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