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Everything posted by Skerdi

  1. Give it a month and people would want srs back
  2. For anyone saying that shaving armipts is gay, daryl doesn't shave and he is gay, explain that
  3. Happy birthday @Filex idol
  4. @Daryl said in Very important Question/Poll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: @Velona said in Very important Question/Poll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: If you have hair on your armpits you're probably an ape And if you shave your armpits, you'll have more dense and strong hair there eventually as the time passes so shave your armpits so you can later have denser hair to then shave>??????? what????????? fucking ODD. Despite common belief, shaving your hair does not make it grow back thicker or at a faster rate. In fact, this misconception was debunkedTrusted Source by clinical studies in 1928. Shaving ur hair doesn't make them denser!
  5. @DawisTheEngineer said in [SUGGESTION] Disabling mods: The game is already very lite. How some people still cant run it in 2020 is beyond me. The used PC marked sells laptops or desktops with GTX 1050, or such, which is enough for a game like this. If anything, i would argue there arent enough mods. Adding more vehicles, expanding the land by building shit in the sea could be cool. Maybe this no-mods thing is rooted in a different issue that im not aware of, so please let me know. Because most of the player base consists of teenagers and kids from third world countries, who can not afford them
  6. Happy birthday to the best programmer in the world
  7. @J-Garcia said in Cooldown on /war /assist: @Daryl you joined fbi month ago. He joined FBI in August 8, 2019, 00:25, while headshot was added in August 10, 2019 in SF/Bayside on a trial. In February 1, 2020, headshot was added on every turf. While I agree with you on the fact that joe sucks, your facts regrading him are wrong and do not contribute to this topic, and do not do good for 300 iq lincoln's suggestions.
  8. Feliz navida!!
  9. This sounds like someone trying to explain that 5G causes corona virus
  10. Happy birthday @Faysal, as a birthday gift I have got you some of your crush nudes, I will pm them to u as soon as possible
  11. Happy birthday boney Enjoy your cake
  12. @Faysal said in Gang Level requirements: How about make this shit as a recruitment, like if the rec is closed then you can't create any gang.. and even if u create one it won't be considered and GMs won't even look at it. And if the rec is open then feel free to create your gang and shit or whatever. Like that people will be obliged to play as normal criminals, try to join the current official gangs/squads and not be like "oh I feel good today, how about I create a gang and to make it special, let me revive a dead gang so people will be happy about it" my ass.. As I did read a couple of comments here, I agree with the fact that the new requirements shouldn't be a must for these old gangs that has nothing to do with 4 or whatever gangs being official at one time. And yeah what's with anyone creating a gang out of no where? the fuck u adding to the server? I believe because of this people are just so hyped and feel like they can create a gang and make it official soon or later. "I mean look at the new official gangs don't judge me, they made it so why can't I" kek. This idea doesn't bring competition to the server, if anyone wants to create a gang he is free to do it, if that gang doesn't achieve level 1 then nothing changes. If the gang cant keep its activity it is destined to die. Although people see the requirements for gang are too high, there is a large number of gangs. Maybe the problem is the player count, it has been decreasing and gangs find it hard to find new players to invite to replace the members who go inactive or leave the game.
  13. My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 18, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your post gave me cancer anyway.
  14. Happy birthday anal Anus* Anas**
  15. Happy bday danish
  16. Event type: True or False Event prize: 1.000.000 Winner: Paul Lws/G6: [ThC]Filex Screenshots: Click here
  17. Event type: Chicken Nader Event prize: 1.000.000 Winner: X|m7 Lws/G6: [ThC]Filex Screenshots: Click here
  18. Sur should count if you are tased too, do cops get paid less for arresting someone who is using sur? If yes, then increase the payment to normal
  19. Event type: All vs all boxing Event prize: 1.000.000 Winner: [AA]Velo Lws/G6: [ThC]Filex Screenshots: Click here
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