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Everything posted by Nord

  1. Address: Montgomery Caravan 2 Account name: calebb Last seen: March 21, 2019 Screenshots:
  2. ^[] ^[https://saesrpg.uk/category/299/san-andreas-studios] This thread will be all about the project that the San Andreas Studios has been doing. The series will be named "Unforeseen" wherein we will be directing and producing short series, films or other content that will be interconnected to the timeline of the events. Everything will have connections just as how lores were meant to exist. (Duh, it's a series.) It will be updated so keep in touch with us and thank you for viewing. SaS Producer, Nord Episodes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsTFWLDZRYA Produced by @Nord and @JohnnyEnglish
  3. ^[] Video Number : 31 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsTFWLDZRYA
  4. @Thing said in Racing & Cunning Brother's: @PaBLo said in Racing & Cunning Brother's: @Thing xD the Same mate No, because if your brother has a car, it is your brother's. If all of your brothers have a car it is brothers'. But in this case, we are not talking about anyone owning anything which makes it brothers. It is so easy, just get some English classes for god sakes. My brother's car My brothers' cars My brothers (as in your brothers) This time it is free of charge. His brother's probably a Cunning Racing Anyways, @PaBLo, Goodluck!
  5. @Skerdi said in Spotify: You know copyright, and shit make it impossible for us to use those apps Spotify regulates a fair use of the website as long as it's not being used for piracy and illegal technicalities and such. However, if their website is being illegally streamed outside of its inner circle, then I think that can propose some problems within the limitations of the said-script. A most ptobable safe solution to this is to just have a web browser-like script that directs you to the website itself (open.spotify.com). ::: ::: tl;dr - In my own knowledge, I think a Spotify script is possible, otherwise just play it on your browser.
  6. Activity Number: #17 Name: Nord (Cuda) People Involved: @Nishki (Skull and CripZ), @Ronnie Type of Activity: Roleplay Date of Activity: 06/16/2019 Location: Near LS Bank and CripZ Base Explanation (for RP only): A guy contacted us for our services involving a gang member and information about him. He told us that he's been wanting to get information about the guy's location and details about him. We agreed to meet up near the LS Bank to avoid confusion. We spoke about the details of this gang member and agreed with the contact. We then proceeded to look for the gang member. After some time, we got an intel that this gang member is a CripZ member and is currently at their base at Santa Maria Beach. We then proceeded to watch the base in a very "unsuspicious" distance, After a few hours, the suspect is seen walking towards the gate and making a phone call. Looks like his fate is about to be known. I then called the guy and and met up again at the old place, I told him the information and he immediately proceeded to the gang member to do "his business". Arriving there, he pulled a Deagle and shot the gang member's hand before he can shoot first. The gang member then said "Fuck you, white niggas" before getting popped in the head.
  7. Address: Carniceria Shop Account name: t30xd Last seen: May 6th 2019 Screenshots:
  8. Role Play Number: 24 Participants in The RP: CIA (@Star, @hope) and Al-Munazama (@ViRuSLN, @Nishki, @Rivals, @Faysal) RP Scenario: A trainee reports in that he's seen a couple of armed men enter a building. CIA responding at the 10-35 at Code 3. There was a reported 10-35 at Los Santos, we then tracked the scene wherein it's located a place called "Crack Palace" Me and the rest of the Agents immediately went Code 3 to the said place. When we arrived at the scene, we saw that the so-called crack palace has its walls already drove down by a pickup truck, we also saw another truck that's carrying a huge load of crates filled with cocaine. I called for a 10-12 at the COMMS and the three of us rushed the building. Comprehending the truck. Raiding the crack palace. We checked every corners and every sides until we arrived at the main room where all the crates are stored. We used a megaphone to identify ourselves as cops and for them to surrender. They immediately opened fire in which we went to cover. We gunned down one suspect while the other two surrendered, however, the other one escaped when we were about to comprehend the other two. We showed 'em the suspicious packet which has cocaine in it , the "leader" then told us that he has nothing to do with it as they just stole the crate, while the other two comprehend the leader, I tended an injured member of their organization and brought them outside. Arriving at the main room. An armed man is resisting. Showing the packet that was in their truck. Cuffing the leader and the other member. As we're outside, we saw the fourth member where he drove away with their pickup truck, escaping in the progress. After that, we radio'd in the escaped fugitive and called for backup. We then brought the three to the LSPD where we comprehended them and in the process jailing them at the precinct while we file charges for them. The three officers, currently laughing at the state of their leader.
  9. @ILLUSION said in It's Time to _ _ _ _: Your writing SAES "career" in your "retirement" topic reminds me of Polat's saying "good night guys! check my properties while I am offline cCc" See you in few days, not even a week I suppose. And when you come back from your little vacation keep in mind that admins can help you with where your money went. They have logs of nearly everything. ~[cCc cCc cCc cCc cCc]~ @Jude-Obiasca See 'ya around. :)
  10. ^[] ^[A MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE OF SAN ANDREAS] https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=132&v=3nWYdMMJGe8
  11. @Ramos said in Rate my (Shitty)Artworks: How do you make them? Photoshop CC mostly, and heavy gfx editing. :D
  12. These are obviously previews, check them out at my DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/nordicbastard/gallery/ Please r8, thx.
  13. "The Damn Tire" - @RadiO and @Judy Well, any late night trucker's nightmare is a flat tire, in the middle of the night. Which is just great, ain't it? It was 12 AM, Me and Trucker.RadioGaga were just about to do our late night delivery shift, when all of a sudden, just as we're about to hit the Bone County highway, We heard a lout bang, sounded more like a gunfire, but no. We weren't getting robbed, our tire just popped. Front tire popped which was more likely caused by an over pressured tire, I have no one to blame since I ain't the one who's taking care of the company trucks. I was so frustrated I decided to smoke a stick first before thinking. I checked the back of the truck for a spare tire but guess what? I wasn't surprised at all, there was no spare tires around. However, my co-trucker, RadioGaga, had a brilliant plan of contacting TMH, Which I doubted because it's literally 12 AM and there'd be no available mechanics at this time of the night. In his confidence, he decided to dial the San Andreas Mechanic hotline a couple of times but with no luck. Then he proceeded to contact a TMH Tech. Luckily, that tech was just about to go off-duty when he answered our call. The tech agreed to go to our location as if he's sonic or something, Judy arrived within MINUTES! Can you believe that? A mechanic arriving in just under 10 minutes is unreal. Anyways, he checked the problem, which he pointed out that it was an over pressurized tire, then surprisingly, he had a spare cab tire just at the back of his car, this mechanic is going places. He replaced the tire and pumped it back up with his portable air pump, this mechanic has everything in his fucking car! Anyways, he charged us $5,000 for the tire and labor (I guess it's a considerable amount, since we literally bought off his tire.) Bid our goodbyes and continued to our journey, we arrived at the depot after 3 hours but it was worth it. ::: ![ Me, checking the damn tire. My luck just went to the drain, there were no spare tires. TMH Tech Judy to the rescue! Didn't know my co-trucker had five thousand bucks. We could've used it to grab ourselves a cold one instead.](image url) :::
  14. Part 1 - Player Info Ingame nick: Nord Real Name: Victor Account name: njogrsenbalgruf Nationality: Filipino Rate your English Skills (0/10): It's a 10/10. Current Organization: I'm currently the vice leader of C.I.A Current Group List: These are the groups that I'm currently in and what my current rank is: ~[Knighthounds Contractors]~(maroon) - Director & Naval Admiral ~[The Motor Heads]~(green) - Honorary ~[All Load Trucking]~(#f5ed4f) - Trucker ~[Centrino]~(#b7fa00) - Taxi Driver Black Eagle Secuirty - Bodyguard ~[RadioSA]~(#f7ff00) - DJ ~[MJ Enterprise]~(orange) - Honorary; Graphics Designer ~[San Andreas Studios]~(sienna) - Producer ~[SAPA]~(teal) - Cadet Player 2 - Role-Play Info Rate your RP skills (0/10): I can say that my RP skills are 9/10. Talk about your RP experience: I'm a very straightforward and serious roleplayer. Been roleplaying since I started playing SA-MP and MTA, especially in SAES. I'm in numerous groups and I can say that my experiences from these various groups really increased my roleplaying skills throughout my game play time in SAES. I can also adapt to a role if I don't know anything about that certain role. I am willing to learn new roleplaying elements and such. Write a short RP story related to rebels: Being born as a boy in the middle of a crisis, is hard. All you see is death, violence, corruption and poverty. Everyday is a losing side for us. The people of our land, with our life expectancy withering every single day. Every bullets being fired day and night, lives getting taken rain or shine. And you, the inferior, Expect us not to fight back? Set that aside, let's get to the real deal. Born Abubakar Abdhir, People rarely call me by my name. Instead, they call me by my alias, Sayyaf. I was born in a refugee camp near the Iraq-Syrian border. My mother perished during an airstrike by the United States of America, those fucking Americans took the life of my mother, the only family I had. That's when I thought to myself that this bullshit crisis is all the fault of the Americans. That's when I joined a local resistance group fending off these invaders. We took over our old town and so on, there I saw my people beginning to taste a little bit of freedom, but not as I intended it to be. I knew all along that we have a long way to go. Add a photo of a rebel please:
  15. ^[] Event Number: #5 Event Name: Central Intelligence Agency Event Event Type: Last Man Standing @ de_dust2 Event Organizer: @Ardron Prize Money: $6,000,000 ($3,000,000 per round, No Fees) Winner(s): First - Burro, Second - @RadiO Date of Event: 06/01/2019 Screenshots ::: :::
  16. ^[] Event Number: #4 Event Name: Knighthounds Contractors Event Event Type: Last Man Standing @ Grove Street Event Organizer: @Sam_ Prize Money: $2,000,000 (No Fees) Winner(s): @XpookS Date of Event: 05/29/2019 Screenshots ::: :::
  17. ^[] Event Number: #3 Event Name: San Andreas Studios Event Event Type: Last Man Standing @ Jefferson Motel Event Organizer: @Duff Prize Money: $1,000,000 (15% Fee) Winner(s): @Malaleche Date of Event: 05/24/2019 Screenshots ::: :::
  18. ^[] Event Number: #2 Event Name: San Andreas Studios Event Event Type: Fallout Event Organizer: @Duff Prize Money: $1,000,000 (15% Fee) Winner(s): @Lightning Date of Event: 05/24/2019 Screenshots ::: :::
  19. ^[] Event Number: #1 Event Name: San Andreas Studios Event Event Type: Kart Race from LV to LS Airport Event Organizer: @Duff Prize Money: $1,000,000 (15% Fee) Winner(s): @LandShark Date of Event: 05/24/2019 Screenshots ::: :::
  20. ^[] ^[] ^[~[Greetings!]~(maroon,orange,sienna)] ^[This is where I will be listing ALL of my LWS events, from the first event that I've ever done up to the present time. If you have any concerns, feedback or suggestions, Feel free to contact me via my Discord account (@Nord#8468 Thanks for viewing!] ^[] ^[![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/YULHMq7.gif)] **Event Number:** **Event Name:** **Event Type:** **Event Organizer:** **Prize Money:** **Winner(s):** **Date of Event:** **Screenshots** ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/OKH6nSW.png) ^[] Money Spent: $10,450,000 Event Fees Paid: $450,000 Money Spent on Prizes: $10,000,000 Events Done: 7
  21. Date and Time: 06/05/2019 Number of Members Online: 6 ScreenShot(s): Roleplay with CripZ and RadioGaga, Jailbreak and Patrols. ::: :::
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