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Posts posted by Filex

  1. @pau said in bye:

    @scripter said in bye:

    yes i am accepted to fox i wasnt banned

    keep dreaming, you little boy

    scriptr will fit well for fox accept him already
    @Hassoni @Sam_

  2. @thing said in cya:

    @filex said in cya:

    @Thing you know him XD ?

    Yeah he's that guy that betrayed his gang and then came crying back at them. Reminds me of someone else.

    alt text

    even i'm aimed i love this savageness

  3. alt text
    Roleplay Number: 373
    Participants: @Xtream , @KARIM
    Rp with ~[TMH]~(lime)

    @xtream said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Media Archive:

    alt text

    Role Play Number: 197

    Participants in The RP: @Filex @KARIM
    RP Scenario:Today was a busy day for the mechanics. It was the date where cars had to do technical check ups for their cars. Even The Motor Heads Blueberry garage had all kinds of customers for a technical check up. So the mechanics recieved a call by a anonymous caller to push every other customer to come later as soon as they finish with them. After a conversation on the phone the mechanics got convinced and made the place free for them to come. After a short introduction they were the Wild Angels , a gang somewhere around Bone County which came to check up their car. So one of our mechanics checked the engine and the oil filter.He saw the engine's work rate and the state of the breaks. Then he checked the wheels and their discs if they had any problem. Also to finish he checked the car in the computer to see if there was any other problem but it was fine. So they took the car and gave our mechanics 1000 dollars cash for what they have done.


  4. @thing said in bye:

    Its like you were never here.


    @brophy said in bye:

    see you in two weeks

    and he is banned lol see him in 1 month

    @scripter said in bye:

    quitting, have some real jobs

    Scripter bro ahhahahahah you made my Fucking day lol

  5. @tut-greco said in kill-arrest:

    It would be cool to do a small change that instead of triggering an arrest, you 'killing' a wanted player would make him use the /injured anim and will be able to move very slowly towards another jailbreaker/bank robber (anyone familar with MTA PUBG will know what I'm refering to) in order get revived which should take around 8 seconds. Officers may then arrest the player with nightstick if he remains in injured state.

    This gives a chance for crims and balances it out a little more as it would require cops to still run for the target.

    Med kits could be placed in banks (in the room where the armory is located) and likewise for jail in the office part (near cells keypad)

    yeah we can make the player injured by changing the walking style and make med kits as pickups or even create some shaders for medkits bags and place some colshapes would be great and the more important it will be more realistic because thats what happens when someone gets shot
    I want to add that although jb/br kill arrest system is not accepted from criminal side but it stays fun (for some) the jail yesterday looked like a TDM, the only unconvient is the realistic part in that.

    but selling arms/drugs while being JBed is realistic

    about that i have a better suggestion, because getting out of red door with all the package of weapons you have is not typically right but unrealistic at all, indeed we can change the system so you get you weapons when you leave the jail immediatly and (you can buy some weapons inside the jail when you get from reddoor.

  6. Section 1 - Basic Information

    Full Name: Med Filex
    Date of Birth: 13/04/85
    Home Address: Bone Country, Vacant Motel , Room 4
    Phone Number: +250-424-125
    Gender: Male
    Student ID: (will be added by the instructors)
    Student Signature: MeF
    Contact Information (Email Address): Med.Filex10@outlook.fr

    Section 2 - Questions

    Do you understand that joining the academy of San Andreas Fire Department dosen't give you any rank or anything that will make you better than other people? Yes, i do
    Do you understand that you will have to be in a fire fighting course for more than a month?Yes, i do
    Do you understand the rules of the academy and the rules of San Andreas Fire Department?Yes , i do
    Do you understand that you will have to learn and to pass writing tests in order to pass the course? Yes, i do

    Section 3 - Non-RP Information

    Will you have enough time to learn at the evening (at the course)? Time is not specific but i will be active ingame depending on my chores (Morning/evening/night)
    What is your current nick name? Filex
    What is your server login nickname? medtheman
    Do you have any old nick names ingame, if so, write them: my name used to be F2lex but for some requests i changed to be Filex furthermore i used the name destruction for a while but not anymore.
    Are you a member of a gang or squad? None currently, Wild Angels helper
    if yes, how long are you a member of your current gang / squad and what is your rank? N/A
    Are you a member of any group(s)? Yes
    if yes, what are they and how long you are a member there: I'm member of IAC used to be member for many groups but left for a reasons months ago.
    Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why you received them:Never banned/kicked for a serious Reason but got some adminjailed upon my career for stupid mistakes i learnt from

    Section 4 - Detailed Profile

    Do you think that you have any strengths? if so, what are they? Yes, usual strenghts could be found anywhere but i concidere my abillity to communicate as best.
    Do you think that you have any weaknesses? if so, what are they? Well in that case my weaknesses are temporal but my over trust to people sometimes is a weakness i can't get rid of.
    Why do you want to join the San Andreas Fire Academy? Well, first Reason because it's a prestigious group and many would like to be members and have the honor of that but when we talk to the other side i want new expriences and such groups will give me the abillity to have it
    Why do you want to join the academy? same as the what i said
    what specialisation would you like to learn within the academy? I want to learn how can i be useful to the population by using my fire truck and my acadamy suit,so i want to learn how to be a good and respected firefighter

    Section 5 - Medical Part

    During the past 12 months, have you at any time experienced pain, discomfort or pressure in your chest? (YES/NO) NO
    During the past 12 months, have you experienced difficulty breathing or shortness of breath? (YES/NO) NO
    Are you now, or have you ever been, under a doctor's care for a heat or lung related condition? (YES/NO) NO
    Have you ever been diagnosed with, or treated for, high blood pressure? (YES/NO) NO
    Do you have asthma, diabetes, epilepsy or elevated cholesterol? (YES/NO)
    NO aswell

    Applicant's signature: |||Filex|||
    Date: 14th of september 2018

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