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Everything posted by Filex

  1. Filex


    Testing ::: ~[Brophy is black]~(navy,black) ::: ::: ~[He is not]~(red) :::
  2. Now can we ignore the english and just try to help instead of mocking ? I mean for real pfff Its just a quote upvote laugh not argue
  3. Event Number: 104 Event Type: Face The hunter LWS/G6: Legend (map made by me) Date: 20/11/18 Prize(s): 1m Winner(s):on the screen ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  4. ^[] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Event Number=-: 47] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Type of Event:=- Face The Hunter] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) LWS Helpers=-: Legend (Construction made by me |Pic3 + Pic4| )] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Winner:=- Ludaka] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon)Screenshots: =-] ^[Picture Number 1 / Picture Number 2 / Picture Number 3 / Picture Number 4] ^[]
  5. ~[Role Play Number:]~(#32d145,black) 255 ~[Role Play Name:]~(#32d145,black) Always present for help ~[Participants:]~(#32d145,black) Filex ~[Story and Screens:]~(#32d145,black) A guy called 'Steven' was driving on the highway of LV when he felt like his car is not really working well before he notices some smoke coming out of the hood, indeed he quickly parked it and stopped the engine to check the situation He couldnt understand what is going, therefor he picked up his phone and composed the TMH quick help team, a mechanic with the name "Filex" answered to be fast in driving there into the location from the TMH garage in Las Venturas Cross, In the moment he arrived, the guy wasnt there because of his work, without any hesitation the mechanic took the towtruck and sticked it to the damaged car, until he reached the garage to start his work. Inside the garage, he was able to take the material and start his work, first he tried to look for the damage location, that was a hole inside one of the components in the hood, he didnt take much to close and try the car back with some cleaning stuff on it, that was a free option TMH gives to their customers After few minutes, the customer was ready to pick his car, that was visualy new.
  6. ~[Role Play Number:]~(#32d145,black) 254 ~[Role Play Name:]~(#32d145,black) An engine payback ~[Participants:]~(#32d145,black) Filex ~[Story and Screens:]~(#32d145,black) Making a name is the steats was a work of years, many names helped and many left with their honor but the soul stayed the same insidethe tmh division and co-works, the hardest thing was to keep the group dignity and oblige everyone to respect and that was my job when i met one of the street racers, that was clearly mocking abou the group that i had to teach him a lesson and to payback using my car engine. I called him once to orgnaize a race and to insist on a date, his voice ton was typically introducing his arrogant personality that i had to break down in one of the hardest streets in LV i chose on purpose to prove that pressure is the tmh racers moments and drove my car from ls to the location slowly. I would lie if i say i wasnt stressed when i was closer to the location and more when i passed the LV-LS limit because i knew he will be somewhere waiting but i was wrong when i found none there on my arrive Fortuatly he came few minutes before i get bored but that time gave me confidence to relax and calm before i line with him on the start point 3,2,1 and i started driving with all my power controlling the wheel on one of the hardest corners in all San Andreas and that's where was the surprise, i didnt see anyone behind me for like 1min what made me go back to find the guy car blown with no one inside it, it was obiously him who escaped to keep some respect for himself after that embarrasing moment he had although it was the definite prove that our racers are not a joke but a truth to fear and get ready to face.
  7. TMH Technicians Working on : Filex TMH Technicians Involved: Filex Location: Las Venturas Cross Estimated Duration of Working: 30 Minutes Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 20-25 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/D4fNeEE
  8. Roleplay #28 Personal Roleplay #2 @JohnnyEnglish said in OverdoseCrime - Media Archive: #RP169 - Tricks of the Trade. Participants: JohnnyEnglish, @Elyes, @alex0107, @Adway , @NubBob, @Thing, @Falcon102, @Lily, @Rubik, @Zei, @Filex Story: Today had gone quite well, me, Elyes and Alex were successful at all of our deals and raids, we are at the peak of our crime. I was driving around Red County with nothing at hand to do when Alex suggested we go take a drink together at a bar. It had been a long time since we got a swig cause of recent work in the gang. So, all of us agreed (Elyes rarely speaks, he didn't say anything so I guessed that was a yes). We made our way to The Green Bottle located near Grove Street, this was my favourite bar. We got in, Elyes started smoking, Alex got into a minor argument with the bartender and I enjoyed a good ol' bottle of booze. We were almost done with our drinks when we heard the door shut and were surprised to see The Company's men walk in, there were three of them, they had an equally surprised look on their faces as us. We sure were running into a lot of The Company lately, well, we're allied buddies after all. A tall lean man introduced himself as "Howard", a rather irritated member looking at his watch called himself as "Adway" and the third member muttered the alias "Falcon". Elyes knew these were men of importance and started greeting, Alex left his argument and joined in. We all started talking about howabouts of our gangs when I got a call, I stepped out of the conversation to receive the call. It turned out from an anonymous caller who stated on the phone that there were men selling Arms and Drugs in Overdose Crime's territory. This infuriated me, I immediately asked Elyes and Alex to pack up for business, Howard interjected at this point and asked what was the matter. I told him about the deed and he expressed with delight that there was no thing better than smoking out dimwits, also they wanted to help us and make sure nothing goes wrong, heroes. We exited the bar after The Company's member grabbed a few bottles of Abesinthe, classy. We drove in our separate gang vehicles to the spot which the caller had specified. Anonymous calls like this must be taken with severity in the underworld, they can mean the difference between life and death. We sped out of Los Santos, into Red County and closed in on the spot which we were told about We arrived at the spot, exited the vehicles and walked in fearlessly to encounter the rats who dared to screw up our business. In the middle of a small apartment, we saw an arms dealer, smoking and leaning across the wall behind him. He saw us, Overdose Crime members and didn't even fret, that sure was some confidence, We greeted him sarcastically and asked him what he was doing, to our surprise we got a reply back, " Get out of here if your lives are dear to you". Well normally we should've understood that a lone member couldn't do much against six men of advanced gangs however, we forgot and proceeded to close in on him. I took out my shotgun and fired at the wall beside him to show I was serious. Us Overdose Crime generally avoid bloodshed, we resort to it only at the last. The Company's members followed. The dealer now realized that he was in danger and started shouting out. Almost in the blink of an eye, 3 more dealers jumped from the roofs beside us and aimed their weapons at us. Things had gone messy, they delightfully said that we had made the wrong decision and opened fire on us. All of us rushed to take cover as the apartment divided into two halves, one filled with The Company and Overdose Crime members and the other filled with maniacal dealers shooting at us. It was a really intense firefight, I heard a scream of pain and a body falling to the ground but I had no choice but to keep shooting else I'd suffer the same fate. I shifted from cover to cover and took on each of the dealers one by one. After erasing one I moved over to the one with the most advanced weaponry and the fiercest nature. It took me ten minutes of straight damned firing to get him down. The other two were just small fries, they took cover carelessly and in no time The Company's men had them down. We went and examined the bodies and cheered over our victory, I carefully hoisted the decoy dealer on me and threw him into a nearby dumpster, only to return to find that there were casualties on our side as well, a Company member had been shot in the leg and while moving him out of the way, an Overdose Crime member got shot twice in his hip. Things were getting worse. I, immediately called San Andreas Medics for assistance, they dispatched a medic who came out of nowhere right in time and started attending to the injured. He carefully removed bullets from both the members' and on inspection declared that they were just flesh wounds, nothing fatal and that they did not need to be admitted in the hospital. They both cheered, we all shook hands with the medic for his excellent work and after a few discussions regarding future plans, Overdose Crime and The Company parted their ways to attend to different matters of their own. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/UGJpHkv
  9. Patrol #233 Personal Patrol #10 Participants: Alone Amount of healed individuals: 20 minutes ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/jkcQ8uQ
  10. Patrol #232 Personal Patrol #9 Participants: Alone Amount of healed individuals: 15 minutes ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/PY4CMRS
  11. Patrol #231 Personal Patrol #8 Participants: Marko Amount of healed individuals: 20 minutes ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/rBYJ10q
  12. @Brophy he deserves to be added to the honor group
  13. ^[] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Event Number=-: 46] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Type of Event:=- Chicken Shooter] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) LWS Helpers=-: Reggi (Construction made by me |Pic3 + Pic4| )] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Winner:=- Trapor] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon)Screenshots: =-] ^[Picture Number 1 / Picture Number 2 / Picture Number 3 / Picture Number 4] ^[]
  14. Event Number: 101 Event Type: Chicken Shooter LWS/G6: Reggi (map made by me) Date: 18/11/18 Prize(s): 1m Winner(s):on the screen ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  15. Role Play Number: 251. @TaJ said in :: CS :: Media Archive: ^[] ^[~ -=(orange)C=-unning -=(orange)S=-tunts -=(orange)R=-oleplay ~] ^[~[Oh help me friends, TMH.]~(black,green,green,green,orange,orange)] RP Participants : TMH|Filex|TP ( @Filex ); Stunter.TaJ|VL ( @TaJ ). RP Story : It was a day to remember for me. Been elected as CS Stunting Divison Vice leader just recently, I thought of giving a try to stunting out in a town nearby. It was the famous Bone county (aka Fort Carson) where I opted to have some stunting fun around, with my lovely vehicle. It was after a certain time that the vehicle lost it's control and had hit a wall of a house. At this time I got reminded that there was a Alliance group known as "The Motor Heads" which masters in fixtures and all that sort. I mean, it's Technical Division at least. Therefore, it's headquarters being in Bone County itself, I tried to somehow start the vehicle and climb up the Big ear hill and took it directly to them. It being the group's vehicle I wished if this incident could stay secret, at least for now. There I met Technician Filex who agreed to keep it a Secret and fixed the vehicle's chasis. He also complimentarily checked it's internals to make sure it was all good below the hood which normally some stunter does not check so often. I absolutely loved the Ally group's services as they did not compromise on anything just to save a few bucks, as prices of fixtures for me, being a CS member, would be lesser than usual because after-all both the groups are in an mutual alliance. Once the technician was done working on it, I took the car back to the garage. It was actually fault of tires which slipped pretty bad, and me being a stunter who has been on medical rest for long, was not pretty familiar with the situation. I had told the technician that I would soon visit the group's some of many garages to get the tires replaced as well, because for now I was in a hurry to return. Screen shots : Click here for the screen shots Thanks TMH for Participating.
  16. Patrol #219 Personal Patrol #7 Participants: Alone Amount of healed individuals: 25 minutes ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/MOsCUE6
  17. Patrol #218 Personal Patrol #6 Participants: Alone Amount of healed individuals: 35 minutes ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/5xOPHkY
  18. @Scorpyo should be dissqualified @Zei
  19. Good luck with lvl 5 Tricks :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
  20. @Hitman said in Selling my GT house: @Filex I will talk to you when you are 18 years old, do not waste time with babies, goodbye Then dont bither looking to yourself in the mirror when you wake up Fucking keyboard fighter
  21. @Hitman said in Selling my GT house: @Filex I ignore your message because you do not paint anything here, this is an area of adult people, it comes back when you finish the milk bottle Well the milk bottle is better than the cum bottle u like to taste everyday typical kid
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