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Everything posted by Filex

  1. @Ikzelf removing the warden weapons and its balanced
  2. @Ayken said in Kill Arresting in JB: that's unfair for cops like how the cop will join to arrest with the nightstick and there's much Criminals with snipers and m4 plus a CLO members ! Use their brain something you dont have
  3. @Mrwan said in Public Event Hoster spawn: Well, there should be some rules or minimum things for it, like for example.. people with more than 1500+ hours can be added to it and can use it, maybe a test from an admin for just knowledge or something would help too, It can't be like anyone who just joins the server can make an event lol. You just making a new official group like lws then better give a spawn to ceo
  4. @Legend said in Public Event Hoster spawn: Well, most of people are gonna upvote for it because they dont know enough and dont know how do things work. And filex, u say that it cant be abused in any way... didnt you think that everyone's gonna be advertising every 5 seconds?? 2nd.. they can break events of each other and such, also what about lws and g6? And even ceo, what's the sense of all those groups if we just get a spawn like this.. Wtf legend read well what i said
  5. I prefer to wait an lws or a g6 than to assist to a spammed notification bar of 12 chicken shooter events going together To be honest its a no that i cant change this idea is like a purge for lws/g6 whatever were their ways to deal
  6. But @Ikzelf dont you think that like this you are killing the reasons of groups like lws and g6
  7. Lets talk serious for now this first of all will be completly abused unless u use it for an amount of credits to start it up like the 15% of lws, second some events cant be done if you dont have a human mind to build with u or to organize the event unless its basic events like chicken shooter hunter shooter and ext...
  8. -Section 1- In-game Nick : Filex Nationality: Tunisian Age: 18 English proficiency: 8-9/10 Other Languages: Arabic French, basics of spanish(1/10) -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?: While reading the topic i had much fun to know about such organization that existed back and of course to be member after the revive as i like to be included in the server old school groups, in addtion the pricips of the group and role is too original to do jailbreaks organized and to be part of it of course with such cool rules. Current membership(s): The Motor Heads Invest Arms Corporation San Andreas Medics ZIP Construction & Platform -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: Im Filex , im an 18 year old teenager from tunisia, i joinned the community 1 year ago and had much fun to know about everything i concidere legendary for a 15 year old thing, i had some problems at the begin but i recovered and started enterring slowly until im who im now, im a helpful person i can say with some anger but the best thing i see in myself is being a sarcastic person that gives message to people honestly in a funny way, other thing is my rp skills and in game skills which i can rate 7/10 as an for average of 1 year of practise
  9. Type: 1v1 Race. Participants: Filex ; Barras Location: LV Highway Winner & Prize: Both Same time Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/1xbLGzt
  10. TMH Technicians Working on : Filex TMH Technicians Involved: Filex & Emil Location: Las Venturas Cross Estimated Duration of Working: 30 Minutes Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 50-70 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7RZCuyA
  11. Patrol #239 Personal Patrol #13 Participants: alone Amount of healed individuals: 30 minutes ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/eWcrbly
  12. Event Number: 108 Event Type: Clash Royale LWS/G6: Dufabo Date: 25/11/18 Prize(s): 3m (1m each) Winner(s):on the screen ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  13. ^[] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Event Number=-: 48] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Type of Event:=- Clash Royal] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) LWS Helpers=-: Dufabo (Construction made by me and modified by dufabo) ] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Winner:=- SWAT TEAM ( Lightning, Element, Dudi)] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon)Screenshots: =- ] ::: ^[Picture Number 1 / Picture Number 2 / Picture Number 3 /Picture Number 4 / Picture Number 5 / Picture Number 6] ^[]
  14. Patrol #238 Personal Patrol #12 Participants: alone Amount of healed individuals: 15 minutes ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/cvVez1f
  15. Patrol #237 Personal Patrol #11 Participants: Griffin Amount of healed individuals: 15 minutes ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/DpE560f
  16. Quote wall turning into an english lesson lead by @Kain and @Teddy /me :popcorn:
  17. #brophy #tears #vces_is_public #not_yet #filex_awesome
  18. In-game name Filex Username medtheman Age 18 Nationality Tunisian Previous bans/punishments Ive never been banned or kicked for serious reasons, but had some adminjails in my career which made me learn more about the server and obliged me to have a more deep knowledge about the rules that i regret ignoring in the past. Why you think you would be suitable for the role To start I see my self suitable for 3 main reasons, the first is my abillity to understand the rules and the people which should follow the rules as i had many experiences in dealing with many of em inside the saes community or from outside of it who were complaining or asking for help and i can remember that they were all pleased and thankful, seconde is my maturity in serious positions and times, im not the kind of person to look like that because of my sarcastic personalty which im proud of but i can say that having some prevelidges as SAHA agent will be first an honor and more than that a responsability i will care for to keep my safety and the climat in the server usual. And as a final point i see that after 1 year and almost a month its time to give something to this big saes community something i can be happy to do after all i learnt here although its just a gaming community thats all i can say for now although i see that the words are never enough and thats what im trying to prove with my presence
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