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Everything posted by Filex

  1. Hbd bro
  2. @AymenjO68 i was struggling while thinking about an answer, your app looks pretty acceptable except some things that can be fixed with time, but thats not the important here as im talking about how people inside the group reacted to your app , wish i won't regret giving that chance, prove me right ! ~[Accepted]~(lime), meet on discord.
  3. :face_palm:
  4. ^[] ^[#2] ^[RP Name : The Answer] ^[Story] Some words to Micheal , Moscow, Sovietic Union, 24/1/1970 ^[ My old friend, you cant imagine how much i was happy reading your letter knowing that you are willing to start again, Unfortuatly i can't promise to be with you again, As you know after 'The Sino-Soviet Border Conflict' i had enough of wars and blood, among the years we spent together i learnt that some beliefs cant change for some people, Indeed i dont see a success in reviving our olf organization especially somewhere in the US. But i wish you all the good luck finishing our legacy as you call it. ] ^[And remember that the absence of someone doesnt mean the end of the relation as i'd like to get notified everytime you realise something.] With his usual love, James Rivera.
  5. Dear @Luna first of all we appreciate your effort on submitting this app although itw not that decent, also the way you look at our group, but unfortuatly your reputation among our members is bad, indeed we decided to set your application to ~[Denied]~(red,red), To end this never lose hope and show us that you still insisting on being a part of us. You can reapply in 1 weeks
  6. ^[] ^[#1] ^[RP Name : A letter to an old friend] ^[Story & ScreenShots] To my dear James Rivera, Los Santos, San Andreas, The 6/1/1970 ^[ I'm happy to pick my pen and write you this message after 3 months of absence, I could finally reach San Andreas thanks to our organisation old members, it was a 5 hour trip from Sarajevo to Los Santos International Airport, I think i'm finally living the american dream after years of fight and war i can probably take a small rest and think about what is more important in this small life but that's not me, I'm having a crazy idea in my head old friend and it will be crazier when i tell you the details, when i arrived to this city i went to the old Cigar Warehouse we bought years ago for our industry and which is obviously the last thing left here although it's the right place to start our legacy again.] ^[A wize man said to me before "The shot that doesnt kill makes stronger" and our alliance with be stronger if you come here to meet me again.] Your Loyal Friend, Micheal Med. ^[Album : https://imgur.com/a/PStxP1j]
  7. The Forgotten Discord Server : https://discord.gg/NbPXZMd
  8. -=(blue,purple,maroon)LS BR 8/8=-
  9. @nicky said in The Forgotten: why ardron have double vip hh Vip x2
  10. @zerato said in The Company | Media Archive: Nickname: zerato Username: zerato Age: 19 Nationality: tunisian Languages you can speak: arabic | english Player SAES Career Information : i've been playing saes for 2 years How long have you been playing on SAES? : for 2 years Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : N/A If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : N/A Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : No What groups are you currently part of? : N/A Personality Information : I'm profissionel player What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : i'm goodat team working and role playing Explain in your own words the roleplay of The Company | Media Archive :: The Company | Media Archive: is based on selling guns Why did you apply specifically for The Company | Media Archive :? : i love z Do you know any The Company | Media Archive : Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : N/A Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : i'm a pro mothafaka** Bro you can apply on the topic not the media archive lemme pm u the link
  11. Barbie ohh no Breaking bad, The 100, Prison Break Movies : Hannibal, Saw, Shutter Island, Inception, Inside Man, Cube Series I liked mr. Bean too charlie chaplin short movies
  12. O missing think i know why @Human_
  13. ^[] ^[Hello everyone and welcome to our media archive, you will be able to take a look on all different stuff we did and shall do in the future as activity using the following formats] ^[] ^[#(event number)] ^[Event Name:] ^[LWS/G6:] ^[Prize:] ^[Winner(s):] ^[Screens:] ^[] ^[#(rp number)] ^[RolePlay Name:] ^[Story & ScreenShots:] ^[] ^[#(activity number)] ^[Type :] ^[ScreenShots:]
  14. @JoGe Seems like your reputation is good as you mentionned inside our modest group indeed we decided to give u that chance to join us and start together https://discord.gg/NbPXZMd join our discord
  15. ^[Note: this is a group you dont need to leave your current g/s to be apart of us / some words may have a different meaning so wize reading if you are willing to and most important do not missunderstand as its a virtual group] ^[] ^[] ^[Anarchy can take place when opinions are different but our policy makes it an instrument to englighten the world away from the deathly thirst of the animal instict inside.] ^[ ] ^[ Name: The oblivion is what makes human feel better or even worst sometimes,forget means the inability to remember or recall and that's how people shall always feel when it comes to us, as we are a secret organization we need to look absent and we found in the forget our way to stay out of lights in order to reach our goal.] ^[ Logo: The man presents the people in our organization as a global his hands cant be seen which keeps the absence of people's consciousness with our presence while we use the weapons which are the sign of power and anarchy to proceed what we see right.] ^[ ] ^[ Our story starts from the 1945 year and exactly the last days of the world war 2 but not the story of our founder] ^[1939-1944 The birth of the flame] ^[ His name was 'Micheal Med' he was the guy who got inspired by the art of love and the secret of creation and existence, his questions were the reason he had a talent in his small fingers to translate it from words to symphonies on his piano but that didn't last for long before the begin of WW2 in 1938 with the German Reich attack on Poland hid mother country. He was obliged to pick that instrument of death as he called it to defend what he believed in but the end was expected with the success of the invasion what made him run inside the old walls of the war cities, building after building for months looking for food and water like a ghost. One day he woke up somewhere surrounded with old classic wood walls next to a person reading a book and smoking a cigar like no stranger was sleeping next to him, the pianist had no panic when he saw the old guy who looked like a rich German before he understood everything with him explaining the situation, Micheal was inside a philosopher house that had the goal to take cover from the war problems until its over what was the same as the little hero. Although the situation didn't last forever when one of-of the war-criminals groups invade the house and ended the life of the old rich guy after he could help Micheal to escape with an old book in the last days of 1944.] ^[ 1945- The Foundation ] ^[ After he could make sure he is safe Micheal was able to find a small empty house to hide, he had enough curiosity to read what the books contained to have this importance for the guy who saved him. Few days made him discover the book which was a 1000 year contained a whole ideology] ^[ Some of the most important binds] ^[ - The presence doesn't prove the existence.] ^[ - Having emotions are just a weakness that was born with us and can die before us.] ^[ - What you see right is your right but what we all see true is our priority] ^[- Blood is a requirement to live but can be also an instrument for others to start again] ^[ - Difference strengthen the human qualities inside of us.] ^[ The words that the book contained made Micheal start his search inside of the dead cities to find worthy people and make them believe in what he thinks right, he never cared about the past of who was with him just who believed in him deeply and ready to stop the war at any cost.] ^[ 1945- 2019 (now) ] ^[ After the war, the ideology of the organization made it get much pressure from winners in the war and finally die officially in 1948, but Micheal didn't stop his fight before he went to San Andreas where he wanted to revive his beliefs in the middle of a revolutionary war between CLO and DE same as he had in WW2 but with a different nature. Although everyone still thinks that forgotten died since ages it's still alive somewhere. ] ^[ ] ^[- Teach our ideology: As we are an organization based on some strange beliefs our priority is to make people understand it, in a way that they won't notice before they become followers] ^[- Choosing and recruiting: To keep our work in the dark we are using our unique requirements to get new followers from a very tiny window] ^[- Supporting The enhancements: Freedom is one of our priorities and we are ready to work hard so any revolutionary movement, coup have a successful end.] ^[ - Doing any legal and illegal activities: In the limits of everyone good, we can take any side (civilian, criminal, cops) same as our members while in order to reach specific results.] ^[ - Defending Difference We are ready to go to the limits in order to defend everyone right and keep equality in everything and between people whatever was their background or past] ^[- Death & Life Policy: As we are ready to help people live we are ready to take their lives if it's needed in order to reach what we want all.] ^[ ] ^[ Leader] ^[ The person who sacrificed his life to serve the organization and can't be changed unless he died] ^[Vice Leader] ^[Announced by Leader and he has all rights to do anything, He needs to be one of the oldest members to be chosen] ^[Sub-Leader] ^[The third man in The Forgotten he has enough confidence to be in the leader position when both Leader and vice are absent, his powers are limited to just the owner of the organization. ] ^[Council] ^[Main Leaders of the organization, Those who make sure the legacy will never die and prepare any activity] ^[Under-Council] ^[These people are those who are one step closer from joinning the council but need sto prove themselves more and organize more stuff. ] ^[Members] ^[ All of the same whatever was the background only the, present the main shape of the forgotten] ^[The Under-Members] ^[New members, they don't handle big stuff or get information about it until they get the respect and trust to take the responsibility] ^[Agencies] ^[-T.G (the ghosts) : The agency responsible for all the eliminations and most secured] ^[- T.B (The Believers) : The agency able to Share the ideology and strengthen it.] ^[- Them: The most secret agency inside the organization even its members don't know each other, they collect information and bring ideas to the council.] ^[ ] leader: Mr.Pump Vice Leader: Mr.Zei Sub Leader: Mr.JiiRak Council: Mr.Adway Mr.Silver Mr.Filex Under Council: Mr.JoGe Veteran Members: N/A Members: Mr.Villain Mr.Spinkess Mr.PewD Mr.Andre Mr.Aboody Mr.MeDai Mr.xDarkMan Mr.Hotfire Mr.Epichu Mr.booster33 Mr.Colobria Under Members: Mr.Lilskies Mr.Naker Mr.Barry ~V.I.P~ Mootje Karma Hoodie Chemist TaJ ^[] ^[ Founders: Filex, Epichu] ^[Balance: Classified] ^[Our Color: ~[#191932]~(#191932) ] ^[ Motto: 'The oblivion is what enemies fear'] ^[Discord Server: https://discord.gg/JFCQyPB] ^[Base & Properties:] ^[Base: The Cigar Warehouse ] ^[] ^[ If you are interested in joining our group you can grab your chance now as the recruitment just opened and we looking for members to start with us the road into future results and success who knows just use the application in the spoiler as it is and your answer shall come to sooner we discuss] ::: **Nickname, account name, age, weakness and strenghts all classical stuff (3 lines min- 5 max) :** **What is our role :** **Why shall we accept you:** **Reasons to apply:** **What agency you would like to join if you get in:** :::
  16. @Bone orten has a sister you know what i mean :smirk:
  17. I agree with @Licano & @Tut-Greco As disconnecting is not always in the purpose of avoiding (connexion issues)
  18. @Joe said in Use of Trainers: It's super fucking funny to me that an organisation as much of a joke as ThC is out here throwing shade. Delete your gang again or something idk Well the joke reached lvl 5 two times And had a record of online players just saying
  19. On a serious note to be positive and to please all the sides, i will just say that this will be a good thing to start again, although its some individuals fault it made all gang pay and them aswell to pay their reputation which wont be easy to gain back not just with all the server but among their friends, To end this may it be a lucky way for all of em to clear clear warnings and to achieve their level back a'd its not hard if it was really deserved
  20. Seems like the best crackers ranking is faked we have a new list ppl
  21. @kipt said in what's your 2019 wishes: Be SAHA for god sake @.@ Be CS
  22. ^[] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Event Number=-: 75] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Type of Event:=- Reach The Roses] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) LWS Helpers=-: Ramos] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Winner:=- No one] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon)Screenshots: =- ] ^[Picture 1 / Picture 2 / Picture 3 ] ^[]
  23. ^[] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Event Number=-: 74] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Type of Event:=- All vs All Boxing] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) LWS Helpers=-: Ramos] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Winner:=- Alex] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon)Screenshots: =- ] ^[Picture 1 / Picture 2 / Picture 3 ] ^[]
  24. ^[] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Event Number=-: 73] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Type of Event:=- Face The Hunter] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) LWS Helpers=-: Ramos] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Winner:=- ] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon)Screenshots: =- ] ^[Picture 1 / Picture 2 / Picture 3 ] ^[]
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