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Everything posted by Filex

  1. @Matheus said in Reward on killing cops: How will you detect which cops are chasing you and which isn't? So every cop you kill would give you money, basically? Criminals already kill cops that aren't chasing them, this would only encourage that even more. I don't think this is a good idea, as even yourself mentioned: this will cause even more criminals to provoking us. It's already annoying enough when I'm tabbed out and I hear criminals hitting my car and keep driving around me. No. I mentionned that because its a normal consequence, and as i said rules are present to keep ur right safe and keep the limit whatever was the script/idea unless they are real idiots and ban will solve it.
  2. @Lartsa said in Randomize Store robbery: I don't see why not, it's just going to be a race whos there quicker, cops or crims. Thats the point more challenging
  3. @James said in Reward on killing cops: @Filex said in Reward on killing cops: criminals have many ways to get money criminals have many ways to get money police don't have many ways. So in my opinion this is very wrong.And i never hear one criminal wanted kill one cop and get rewarded.And imagine what wood happen in jail not stop camping just to kill cops and make money.And receiving rewards killing cops in store robbery and bank robbery. Rules are there to stop camping, i don't people will fisk their reputation for some money, unless they don't think well. Talking qbout the ways criminals have to get money are well known but being boring with time and they aint constant. To explain cops can arrest whenever and whereever they want, in jbs brs srs while criminals need time to between each activity.giving them the chance to get a small rewaed for defending themselves is appreciated. @Sam said in Reward on killing cops: My opinion about this suggestion is that if this happen, then all Criminal will DM cops for no reason only to get the money. I think this is a bad idea. As you said 100-300$ for 1 star? so 42 stars 4200 - 12.600 $ i'm pretty sure everyone will DM nonstop cops for that money. 10 Kills = 42.000$ - 120.600$.. As james said it's true, they have the ability to make BRs,SR and the other jobs from criminals. Especially gangs they have even more like turf wars. Well numbers are aint decided i gave an example to approach the situation it can be even 50$ for 1 star but it aint my buisness to decide, + cops get more for 5 arrests although i dont want to discuss that to make it a cops criminal drama, and as i said there wont be any dm while rules are still here to stom em from dming non chasing/afk cops just instead of killing and keeping his run he will get a bit of money. @Crash said in Reward on killing cops: What james said criminals can alrdy make money out of SR/Selling/BR's/Turf dont see the need for 1 more way Sam as what i said to james. @MrDeathBoy said in Reward on killing cops: what if your gang mate spamms spawning cop and you just keep on dming him? ez $$$ When you spawn at hospital u have some time without getting arrested a small script with 2min timer to stop criminals from getting reward if he is able to wait 2min we make it 5 there is always a solution to avoid abuse @Human_ said in Reward on killing cops: Will just be a dm fest. Killing cops is fun, thats reward enough. As i said to sam no dm while rules are present. @Tut-Greco said in Reward on killing cops: would be cool if you would actually get paid for killing cops if they're inside a turf zone Its good to do that for turf war zones and make it unlimited as its a zone supposed to be for dm, but on all map it can be limited to avoid rulesbreaks or abuse we can even raise reward for turf zones. @Silence said in Reward on killing cops: Disable police spawn @Ramos said in Reward on killing cops: No With a good reason and complaint i can give a good respone unless read the note i said For cops that will do useless comments or start a drama and even criminals i won't answer. Please say something useful to prove this idea bad or stop
  4. A pool has been added @Skerdi said in Bounty on a player (old suggestion): If he survives 30 mins he gets the money, player will camp into his house and use any anims to hide, so he gets the money. Why do you need a script for it when you can start an event like that yourself without a lws g6. We can set a visible blip on all map for it, and g6/lws are not needed when we can do such (smalll thing alone), i don't think anims will be that useful as the blip will show his location. Feel the challenge man @Ramby said in Bounty on a player (old suggestion): Maybe create a new class/role to become a hitman? Like I expect Black~Bullets to chase an criminal but not many others who don't have that as their role. A hole class is not needed although good idea, sometimes people won't respawn while they are as squad/gang to just get the some of money
  5. Think well befoe u vote u have 1 chance
  6. As many saw that im on fire today for suggestions, probably i had a good time sleeping and dreaming, Therefor this suggestion is about promoting the amount of money cops get from arrest based on their blood Example : 42 stars gives 40k and the cop had 20hp whne he arrested we add small amount like 1k for the 10hp (these are fictional numbers SAES HQs, & communtiy can give something exact) Negative The famous 'we are a roleplay server', i wanna say even irl they pay people based on the damage they received from the work they did, refunds as they call it. And im adding this so my suggestion about killing cops for money doesnt go bad. 'cops will jump from a wall damage themselfes and then arrest afk ppl' Well as mega set a system for afk selling we ca set a system for afk arresting so they get normal amount whatever was hp level. 'Cops will try arresting with low hp on purpose' Its not easy to arrest a criminal while u have 10ho unless he is blind and cant shoot. Positive As criminals will get hp for damaging our dear cops they will get money for getting damaged fair nah? More fun for cops so they will feel the challenge in arresting even with low hp levels, think about raiding an sr while u got shot and getting 5 arrests with the bonus This can be disabled when arresting with kill-arresr this will make cops use their nighrsticks if they want some cash, this note is to please the side that sees the kill-arrest system unfair in general. _Im not one of em
  7. Think well before u vote u cant change it
  8. For cops that will do useless comments or start a drama and even criminals i won't answer. Please say something useful to prove this idea bad or stop The name can explain the idea already, i request to add a small system that gives you money when you kill a cop chasing you depending on your stars level. Example : 1 star == 100-300$. And because many people will complain i will start with Negative sides before going to the Positive sides. Negative 'This is not realistic, we respect roleplay stuff', i know that but this not based on an rp purpose but a gameplay feature for those who don't care about roleplay, and can be disabled in the role play town is coming to live soon. 'This will encourage on dming afk cops and those not chasing', the rules won't disabled although im sure thid will happen, but they wont accept a' adminjail for some dollars in an account that can dissepear in the future. 'We don' t need more features to get criminals money with such economy' well nope, criminals have many ways to get money and confirm but im not saying that they will get 40k that cops get on killing criminals in jbs or brs. 'I stole my friend cop kill, he raged on me', well i got a suggestion to avoid such things like assist in games like (cs, lol) you get the half of what he gets especially that it will happen in Srs, Brs. Positive As a criminal i won't hide anymore or look for bribe while i can fight to get something, and this will make it better for cops as they won't get a free arrest like before. People won't spam safe room in brs and will try to get an assist or a kill. I wont personally keep doing nothing after i finish 'Srs, Brs or Jbs' and can have fun even when a cop chasing me. Last thing to say is that some criminals will start provoking cops to chase, /ignore can solve thid and why not a rule to prohibit such stuff
  9. Note : This was suggested by our dutchie @Blade long ago and seems to be accepted but never saw it, live indeed im reposting and you can find original post here This has been suggested back in 2012, however I'd like to open a new discussion about it. I've asked around a tad in-game and people seem to like the idea of being able to put a bounty on a player. So I had the idea to come up with a plan on how to get it working: Here we have the: the player that is putting a bounty on someone, the player that has got the bounty on him/her , the crowd that chases and kills the player. The person puts a bounty on players head for example 50.000. The whole server gets a message on the top-bar that there has been a new bounty set on someone. The bounty stays there for 15 minutes. After the 15 minutes the money is gone. If the person was killed, the person that killed the person with the bounty on his head, receives the money, and the whole server gets a message that says "player" has been killed by "player" for the bounty of: 50.000 <- amount You can only set one bounty per 30 minutes. If you have any suggestions for the matter of this suggestion, feel free to reply below with additional information on how the script could work. JoKi notes: If a player with a bounty on his head is arrested, the *cop arresting gets the money; If a player with a bounty on his head disconnects from the server, the time will be reseted(30 minutes to be killed again); If a player with a bounty on his head survives the 30 minutes, he gets the bounty money; The player who sets the bounty loses the money if the player gets arrested/killed or not; A bounty can only be set on a player and by a player each 30 minutes; A player can set a bounty on hiself; if the player doesn't accept in 30 seconds, the money is returned; there must be an attacker or else the timer will reset.
  10. @Scorpyo do u think its possible unless making a different chat with different display
  11. @angel133 said in The Company: How can I join the company? Hey there angel, all you have to do is to read our topic up (first, post) and fill the application at the end of it, as a 2nd step you need to hang with our members and show yourself worthy For more infos feel free to join our discord server https://discord.gg/vMXvwXq
  12. @Teddy said in Official Quote Wall: @Combine said in Official Quote Wall: ... ... not a good idea since i usually mute people for 24 hours for saying that so you best avoid me ingame They got u before teddy so u destroy em all now
  13. @Tut-Greco
  14. ^[] ^[Morning Activity] ^[] ^[]
  15. ^[] ^[Role Play Number: 311] ^[Participants in The RP: @Staifi @Daglow @Zei @Noisyboy ] ^[RolePlay Title: Drive Fast .. A final Shot] ^[RolePlayer Story:] ^[The story starts on the 15/1/2019 when i decided after a long day of work to go take a rest and drink something somewhere close, I left TMH base on the 19:00 O'clock and as i knew thatit ain't a good time for caffes or restaurants i decided to go to the closest Bar, which is "Lil Probein" Bar close to the military base in Same City] ^[] ^[I parked my NRG close to the door and went in without hesitation although i heard before about the reputation of this place and the kind of people that used to spend night here, but since i was lucky i found just the server and a guy drinking a bottle of vodka, felt relaxed and just set on my own and ordered a bottle of Whiskey to enjoy my night, but suddely the guy seemed to start provoking me and told me to leave the place, I was shocked and because of my hard nature i insulted him by my turn, Indeed he got triggered more and Asked me to go out.] ^[] ^[I followed him out because i had nothing to fear of a guy like him, and i won't hide that these tattos on his arm scarred me first , these fears turned into reality when he surprised me with a punch on the face then he kept doing the same until i drown down in my blood, To be honest i could do nothing in front of his epic knocks and just left myself to my faith to decided what will happen to me.] ^[] ^[I could barely move, and what made my anger and depression bigger is that he took my bike before he runned away, After 20min of long hard walk i could finaly reach the base where i found my technical friend and helped me to take a rest inside the interior, I got on well after 2 days of pain and was more angry, therefor i decided to find a way to stop these abusers and defend myself when my hands can't do the job, i called an old retired racer for an appointement where we had a small talk.] ^[] ^[We first made greetings after weeks of absence, then i started explaining immediatly the reason of our small conference, My idea was to buy more weapons to the group so we achieve what we want to,Indeed he knew as i expected where to take me, he spoke about Arms Assassains the organization which we had a contract with, it wasn't much important for me in the past as i had my own road but as the proverb said "Good accounts make good friends." and asked him to pick me to their base] ^[] ::: ^[We took the road from our meeting area to the base while he was guiding and we were able to get there after almost an hour, It was a big shape that impressed me at a first look with all the docks everywhere plus the gate that was too simple for such place like they are challenging anyone who is wants to pass the gate] ^[] ^[I could get one of their members number from one of my Racers friends in base then i had the answer faster than i expected, and saw him opening the gate so i could follow him upper he could explain to me about all the kind of weapons they have, I prefered to talk about the small pieces like "Deagle, "Colt", "Uzi" or "Tec-9", indeed he picked me immediatly to the basement were they kept everything, Almost a hole area full of boxs containing these mortal instuments, Few Seconds before he could fill everything and tell me when to pick all the stuff and that's where The All Load Trucking role came.] ^[] ^[I left the rest of the work to my friend Zei as he had a bigger knowledge about all these things, he could call an ALT trucker, as they were our 3rd alliance, and they are able to offer shipments for us, he met him the next gate on AA gate with a "Securer" full of all our Offers his Mission was to pick the vehicle from San Fierro to our Base in BC, passing by all the security checks as he had the license to do that.] ^[] ^[After 24h we still didn't get the things what made me feel worried, before i get a call from an unknow number telling me the following] ^["We have your thing meet me at the industrial area in Bone Country or you won't see it again, alone!"] ^[In front of that i had no choice than to meet him or waste the dollars i spent in addition of the time and plan, i went to the location he asked me to join him at and spoke with him a little, he shocked me as he knew about all my plan and offered me a deal that consists on winning in a race against him or get all my merchandise blown, the end line was the location were i had the stuff with a planted bomb that can be exploded if i don't get there at the correct time.] ^[] ^[Prepared my vehicle and waited for his cd, it was 22:58 and he said that the race starts at 23:00 with all the panic i had i remembered how many races i won against the most import people to reach the grade im in now, and when the time came i fired up the engine and like an arrow i was driving to the location, "Cigar Warehouse" in Los Santos close to the train passage] ^[] ^[Took me some minutes, fortuatly i was the first to get there, the masked man was absent already when i got there i could take the vehicle back to the location it's supposed to be in since hours, that's how i saved myself and the group from future abuses thanks to our alliances] ^[]
  16. ^[] ^[Night Activity] ^[]
  17. ^[] ^[SF BR 8/8] ^[]
  18. Patrol #381 Personal Patrol #39 Participants: None Patrol duration: 30 Mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/tGP9OKP
  19. ^[] ^[Turfing 19/01/2019 - Taking CripZ Zones] ^[Before - After] ^[]
  20. ^[] ^[We were regrouped on the 19/01/2019 close to The Motor Heads base for a big race after we had many members online, these screens] ^[] ^[Rest Of Screens : https://imgur.com/a/SEwe45a]
  21. ^[] ^[#11] ^[RP Name : Agencies ] ^[Story & ScreenShots] To my dear James Rivera, Los Santos, San Andreas, The 1/5/1970 ^[Dear James, I'm lost between the sadness of hearing about the pain you had and the hapiness of receiving news from you, to be honest i can't describe what i felt having your name on that post but i had some work to do and i wish you will have good times there. ] ^[To finish our usual tradition i will explain to you what news i had recently as i see that this mart is much important, when i took the lead over Jacob the things were already messy but it got worst with the modifications i made in the beliefs and relations, Indeed i had to think about a way to divide into what they are ready to do and took advantage of our old agencies system to bring it back. Therfor I created 3 Agencies as the following.] ^[-For those who are well educated and smart to start argumentations and defend the name of the group at any price, I took advantage of their theorical experience and enhanced it into an agency that i called the believers which has an important impunity.] ^[-All the needed equipment and trainings for all the murders and criminals inside of our organization, a place where they can feed their thirst to blood and assassination, The ghosts the division of our serial killers and agents used for the most important blood massacres.] ^[-And Finally a place for those who were born to serve our culture and feed our beliefs from all sides whatever was the cost, those with the ability to destroy nations and prepare the biggest coups on the most powerful goverments, Them as they are all unknown to each other the agency of spies] ^[After Discussing the idea and turning it into reality i chose a leader for each agency except Them that i insisted on leading it myself as i conciderate the most critical concidering the nature of its work and followers. ] ^[Finally to end this i wanna tell you that i'm ready to move on with my work as the base is well designed and set. Feel free to tell me about what you are doing and planning. ] Your Loyal Friend, Michael Med. ^[Album : will be added soon]
  22. ^[] ^[#10] ^[RP Name : A Waited Answer ] ^[Story & ScreenShots] To Micheal, Paris,France The 14/4/1970 ^[After a long absence here i am brother writing to you, I regret missing that simulation in our communication but as an old friend said 'matters are always present', Indeed i will tell you from my side what happened to me and even explain why i'm in Paris as the address may surprise you. ] ^[When i sent you my last letter i was preparing to leave the city and go to Sarajevo although i wanted to keep this information away as i knew you will ndver accept my returning to that infernal constant battle city, I took the train as expected to get to the limits and then pass unlegally as the soviets will never allow me to leave, And seemed like i succeeded in doing that. After few hours i was waiting as expected for the aircraft to pick me from the isolated area ive been in but things didn't go as expected and i got shot from the nowhere and lost my consciousness, I woke up somehow in an helicopter surronded by soldiers and NATO logos on the vehicle interior. I won't tell you what i suffered as you know the nature of their work to make me talk, Fortuatly they sent me to Paris from where i'm writing you now After calling to receive all the letters from my old adress thanks to a friend, sonner i arrived] ^[I just want you to not worry about me as i'm doing better than ever except my way in communicating with these French people, Last thing to say don't lose control in your decisions as you did in the past brother, god gives us a 2nd chance but few who get a 3rd one and you are a part of them. ] Your Brother, James Rivera.
  23. ^[] ^[#9] ^[RP Name : Blood Again ] ^[Story & ScreenShots] To my dear James Rivera, Los Santos, San Andreas, The 27/3/1970 ^[Dear James, here i'm again writing but with a desperate tone, Yesterday i had to pick my gun and end a life again after 10 years since the last person i killed, i would lie if i say that i didn't feel some pain flooding in my blood but also a confidence for my next moves, to be quick i will explain to you how i got to that problem again. ] ^[Yesterday i was driving my Admiral with Jacob in the Los Santos streets as we decided to spend the night at cigar warehouse, We were few minutes close when he got a call from one of our men in a bar saying that he was attacked by someone following him, i took the direction without hesitation to his location where i found a pond of his blood while getting hit by the attacker, i didn't know what took me at that moment and shoot him immediately in the head, both of them had an end for their fights but i felt like mine was born again. ] ^[I know that the policy of blood was an obligation we had to approve on but something inside of me says that we can use it in the right way to reach the typicality in our beliefs. Wait my next letter brother. ] Your Loyal Friend, Michael Med. ^[Album : will be added soon]
  24. ^[A marker used to appear when you aim on someone, since a small while it was removed for some reasons, Indeed the community got divided into those who want it back and others that dont, In order to keep this fair this poll can be useful, Finally who are still not sure about what is this marker click here]
  25. -Section 1- In-game Nick : Filex Nationality: Tunisian Age: 18 English proficiency: 8-9/10 Other Languages: Arabic French, basics of spanish(1/10) -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?: While reading the topic i had much fun to know about such organization that existed back and of course to be member after the revive as i like to be included in the server old school groups, in addtion the pricips of the group and role is too original to do jailbreaks organized and to be part of it of course with such cool rules. Current membership(s): The Company The Motor Heads Invest Arms Corporation San Andreas Medics ZIP Construction & Platform DDMC The Forgotten Kool Time News -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: Im Filex , im an 18 year old teenager from tunisia, i joinned the community 1 year ago and had much fun to know about everything i concidere legendary for a 15 year old thing, i had some problems at the begin but i recovered and started enterring slowly until im who im now, im a helpful person i can say with some anger but the best thing i see in myself is being a sarcastic person that gives message to people honestly in a funny way, other thing is my rp skills and in game skills which i can rate 7/10 as an for average of 1 year of practise
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