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Everything posted by Filex

  1. i want this 2.000.000$
  2. @Human_ said in @Orten or @Lance: And I thought @Joe and @Filex made stupid topics... Im happy to see that i became an influence
  3. As a criminal i don't see any problem in having this script the way it is now, the thing is before this feature got implemented cops had a difficulty in stopping jailbreaks that no one can ignore, including getting shot by 10 criminals all having m4 or waiting for criminals to rush while everyone is out already, on the other hand this script made things a little bit fair and made the gameplay competitive by ending a one side domanation in a fair way (lowering jail time). When it comes to this suggestion i see it with my respect a bit non sense, as james said before me (tho its the first time we agree) it's the job of the wardens to defend/secure the jail whatever was the way, and criminals can still jb by using their brain (and this is possible with proofs). Finally I agree with the stars thing.
  4. Restarded my phone lmao wrong topic
  5. Hbd obi
  6. Patrol #440 Personal Patrol #54 Participants: None Duration : 30min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/VA27X1Q
  7. Patrol #439 Personal Patrol #53 Participants: None Duration : 40min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/2EcckB8
  8. Patrol #438 Personal Patrol #52 Participants: None Duration : 25min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PDEPoqA
  9. Patrol #437 Personal Patrol #51 Participants: None Duration : 35min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/3X3qRHu
  10. Patrol #436 Personal Patrol #50 Participants: None Duration : 25min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/iSAUyoa
  11. Patrol #435 Personal Patrol #49 Participants: None Duration : 25min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/D3066h1
  12. Patrol #434 Personal Patrol #48 Participants: None Duration : 15min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hBZtZXn
  13. Patrol #433 Personal Patrol #47 Participants: None Duration : 20min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/wAeKp3W
  14. Patrol #432 Personal Patrol #46 Participants: None Duration : 35min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JIHQvN6
  15. Event Number: 214 Event Type: Hydra Shooter LWS/G6: Brondy Prize(s): 1.000.000 $ Winner(s): on Screens ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  16. #660 Event Name: Uzi/Tec LMS LWS/G6/CEO: iStar Price: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): on screens Screenshots: ::: ^[] ^[] ^[] :::
  17. ^[] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Event Number=-: 92] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Type of Event:=- Hydra Shooter] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) LWS Helpers=-: Brondy] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Winner:=- On the screens] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon)Screenshots: =- ] ^[Picture 1 / Picture 2] ^[]
  18. ^[] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Event Number=-: 91] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Type of Event:=- Uzi/Tec] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) LWS Helpers=-: Star] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Winner:=- On the screens] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon)Screenshots: =- ] ^[Picture 1 / Picture 2] ^[]
  19. I suggest to add tolls on every city highways [well the term is close tho]
  20. #659 Event Name: RC Baron Shooter LWS/G6/CEO: Matizz Price: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): Pancy Screenshots: ::: ^[] ^[] ^[] :::
  21. ^[] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Event Number=-: 90] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Type of Event:=- RC Baron Shooter] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) LWS Helpers=-: Matizz] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Winner:=- On the screens] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon)Screenshots: =- ] ^[Picture 1 / Picture 2] ^[]
  22. Im working on something but i need people to vote
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