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Posts posted by Filex

  1. Jail Breaks


    When a criminal gets arrested by a cop considering his number of stars he is normally sent to a jail, the saes jail is located in LS and it's breakable which means people are able to help their friends get out and escape the time they will normaly spend inside and that's what a JB is about.

    Location :

    The Jail is located in the middle of Los Santos marked as a red square pretty close to the Highway and here is a picture that shows it's position.

    ^[alt text]

    First Step

    In order to do a JB you will need to be spawned as a criminal class or any class that is allowed to open the doors inside of the jail that includes Criminals Public Spawns / Official Gangs / Criminal Groups and ofc Police/Squad but as defenders not breakers

    ^[alt text]

    What to do as criminal :

    When you arrive to the jail you will have two options the first is to go throught the main entrance or the back entrance (which is faster but more risky) and both end at the main jail corridor :

    Main Entrance

    ^[alt text]

    After entering from there you will find a door which takes around 1min to open

    ^[alt text]

    After passing it you will find yourself in a corridor at it's end a left turn and a door which takes you to "visits room" (more related to the rp wise of the mapping) while the left turn allows you to access the main corridor of the jail

    ^[alt text]

    Back Entrance

    You will need to jump from the jail's back fence where you will find the back door that takes 30-40sec to open but care as "The Police Warden (Trainees)" spawn just meters from there, after that the door opens the marker will show and it will take you directly to the main corridor

    ^[alt textalt textalt textalt text]

    What after:
    Keep going straight until you find the control room in which you will face a door/cell with a pad and another steel door with a pad aswell, you will need to open the first door/cell (which can be open just from the outside and takes 30-50sec ) and then go to the control tab in order to open cells for prisoners down

    ^[alt textalt textalt textalt text]

    After that the cells are open people will run to the steel door which you will need to open right after so that everyone escapes and indeed the jail-timer stops once they pass through ( and the stars turn automatically to 42)

    ^[alt text]

    At the end you need the jail if you can to avoid getting arrested

    What to do as cops :

    As Cops you have access to the jail from the back with 2 cell doors and the garage door and indeed a faster access to the jail, aswell to two main spawns in the jail which are "Police Warden" for Pro-Cops (a group) and "Police Warden Trainee" for newbies, Inside the jail you can arrest either with the nightstick (classic way) or Kill-Arrest by Killing the Prisoners, and your main goal is to stop the JB

    ^[alt textalt textalt textalt text]

    Squads/Pro-Cops Have an access to control room steel-door but it's not allowed unless to rescue a stuck mate or to follow someone who is avoiding arrest inside

    Rules to know :


    As Criminal:

    • You are not allowed to use Suicide-Pills to kill yourself inside the jail

    • You are not allowed to camp the jail, get your friends or whoever your jbing for and escape

    • Avoiding Arrest by enterring the cells rooms shouldn"t occur

    As Police:

    • You can't camp the jail unless your spawned as Police Warden (Trainee)

    • Opening the jail for criminals in order to escape is hardly prohibited

    @DROT post code : https://pastebin.com/x0MK6HdL

  2. Hello and welcome to August update a bit late tho

    • NNB Removed

    • CDS Removed

    • MZ Modified to be official

    • Clandestine Mob Modified to be official

    • VeC Added

    • ETF Added

    • Pirus Modified to be official

    • MMc Modified to be official

    • Five-0 Added

    • The Forgotten removed

    • DDMC HRMC Both removed

    If you notice any link that is not working pleaqe hit me up with a direct message on the forums or feel free to post it for update here if you get a link

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