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Posts posted by Hash

  1. alt text
    ~[Roleplay ( Number )]~(red,black) 188
    ~[Roleplay Title :]~(red,black) our zone
    ~[Story:]~(red,black) it was me and @DarkSideR sitting in base , while we recived that one guy called is selling some drugs around in our zone , we took the bike and we went forward to his loccation, first we tried to communcitate with him and we asked him to leave but he didn't give a shit back , we did show our guns but nothing , he insisted to stay in , so we decided to take to the hardway , we toook our bats out , and we gave him some shoots to the head to kick him down ..
    specail thank to @ItzSpicey


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    ~[Roleplay ( Number )]~(red,black) 187
    ~[Roleplay Title :]~(red,black) Rocket accident
    ~[Story:]~(red,black) we used to like racing around with @Rocket , and we did like to burn the road with our bikes , but today , things did go as we always wished , in the middle of the race while rocket was speeding , he lost the control of the bike , and he crushed into a milerocket, it was only me in the middle of nowhere , so I had to call the ambulance and hopefull the medic @DarkSideR came up in within 2min , so he did , set rocket in the ambulance to picked up him to the closest hospital ..by the end of the day , rocket wake up from his coma , but he was orded to stay in the hospital for no less than a week

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    ~[Roleplay ( Number )]~(red,black) 184
    ~[Roleplay Title :]~(red,black) Ls HARbor
    ~[Story:]~(red,black) 19:00 oclock , I ve recived a call from someone I was waiting for a month to call, it was Netro the guy who is responsible to transport BBMC weps and drugs by boats , he gave us all the informations about our meeting, the pleace , the time, The meeting was after 30min of his call in ls harbor , we took the truck since we expected a huge amount of guns and bullets, I was driving the truck and protected by @SoulFly and @Griffin who were driving their freeways , and we went forwads to LS harbor, there were we meet @ after greetings we went immediately to transport the goods to the truck , and we went back to base safely

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    ~[Roleplay ( Number )]~(red,black) 183
    ~[Roleplay Title :]~(red,black) Thanks Rebels
    ~[Story:]~(red,black) it was Saturday , I had nothing to do that night only hanging around ,I was close to Rebels base , until I saw one of their members kissing his girlfriend , and then he saluted here , she took her way home until I got the idea of a hot night , I couldnt stand of seeing her naked in front of me , and for my luck I was driving the van that night, so it didnt take me a long time to accelertate the van forwards and aim my gun to her head I set here in the van and I locked it from the back in case she wanted to escape , I took here to an emty motel, in nowhere , she spent all the stripping for me , totally naked all the night,and for pretty sure she had a wonderful night , getting my peins inside her vagaina , I swear that u could hear her screaming from 50km away , for my last words I envy you rebels for having such those Hookers
    special thank to @DarkSideR

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    ~[Roleplay ( Number )]~(red,black) 181
    ~[Roleplay Title:]~(red,red,black) The GIFTS's day
    ~[Story:]~(red,black)Today,is quite special day it when we decided to clebreate the Gifts days , let me more explain about this , the gift day is a serial explostions we make for other gangs who tries to steal our customrs and take over the street ,lets more define it as the punish day , so we started with The poor few people who calls themselves Rebles, starting with heading to their base , and first step we did ,is to piss on their bikes , you pretty know that seeing this shity base makes you want to throw up , so after pissing we left some gifts under their van and even in their bikes , we took a great view away and we stood watching their bikes flying all over the pleace. Dear rebles we hope you did enjoyed our small gifts ,we promse for big ones soon . ..
    *Note :the gifts day haven't finished yet..

    ~[Screenshoots]~(red,black): https://imgur.com/a/IfQKlRE

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    ~[Roleplay ( Number )]~(red,black) 180

    ~[Roleplay Title:]~(red,black) the drunk guy

    ~[Story:]~(red,black) Nothing new, having a normal day in bar , serving in the bar ,until on guy ( @SoulFly ) came in first time I see him around but it wasnt weird because a lot of passenger passes by everyday , he took a sit next to me and he asked for a beer , he drunk one ,three ,or four beers I dont even remember and by the 5 beer troubls started I gave a signal to @darksider to watch him with me , we didnt want to start the day with hitting someone on the face or getting in trouble, after finishing his drunk the odd guy was tottaly out of his mind he didnt want to buy for what he drunk, and started saying bullshit , we didnt to start a fight ,until from nowhere he showed his gun pointing him at darksider , and since he was drunk he couldnt realize that Iam holding a bat between my arms so shits ended up by knocking him down


  7. In-game nickname:Hash
    In-game username:olp
    Your real name: m
    Do you already have any friends in The Outfit?:yes I do .
    Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?: yes Bor supported me to apply .
    What unique qualities can you offer to The Outfit? Well, I can say I am good at rping , and I hope I can help you guys with rps , I am fine at shooting and driving .and I hope to always keep developing my skills
    Additional information about yourself:
    How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absenses & forum time too):5 years , I had some periode where I was inactive for some personal reasons
    What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible): I have been in SAPA , BBMC
    Why have you left the above?: so after that I decided to join SAPA I spent there one month and half that time sapa wasnt that active so I couldnt get my pc and it took me forever so I decided to leave , then I went inactive for a period after I came back I joined BBMC and for some personal reasons I left
    What server groups are you currently a part of?:N/A
    Previous server bans and reasons (include links):N/A

  8. Nickname: Hash
    Account Name: olp
    Gender: male
    Age: 19
    Nationality: tunisian
    Primary Language: arabic
    Secondry Language(s): englis,french and some spanish .
    How long have you been playing SAES: 3 years but I wasn't active .
    How many hours do you have (Use TAB): 894
    Previous G/S/C : SAPA
    Second Part:
    What is roleplay means? : a role play means to act like real life .
    What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) : deathmatching is to kill someone for no reason .
    What is the difference about PBR and BR ? the difference between PBR and BR is the BR is for the offical gangs but pbr is for all the criminals.
    Tell us 2 BR rules : 1- a Gang is only allowed to do only 2 bank robs per day 2- spawn as medic or pizza boy to help your teammates during a bank rob is not allowed .
    Tell us 2 Turf war rules: 1- you are not allowed to camp on the roof aor inside houes, 2/ spawing as police or criminal in truf doesn't count as deathmatching .
    What is avoid arrest ?Avoid arresting is suiciding or disconnect while there is a cop running behind you and he want to arrest .
    Third Part:
    Why do you want to join us?: I want to come back to the family
    Why should we accept you?: I have been here before so I have nothing to say more than I found myself between my brothers who gave me all the trust
    Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes mention who): No

  9. Name: Hash
    Username: olp
    Rank before kick/leave: Ex-Cadet 0 stars
    How long have you been in sapa: well not sure that was around 4 or 3 years ago
    Who kicked you: n/a
    Date of kick/leave: around 2015/2016
    Reason for kick/leave: left to join crime life
    What happened from your side/why did you leave? :nothing,happend I decied to leave
    Why do you want back in? : I missed to be cop and missed the justice life
    What have you learned from this? : nothing more than Iearnt more abou tthe game and I had experince
    Who do you want to apologize to? : n/a
    Why should we give you a second chance?: bc this time I will do all my best to get my pc and be a real cop in SAES

  10. ~[Roleplay ( Number )]~(red,black)172

    ~[Roleplay Title:]~(red,black) stealing a car

    ~[story:]~(red,black) I was driving around red-country until I noticed a unique classic car , for real it was so my type ,and thats when I decided that It will be mine of course I wont buy it but I will steal it for sure , I hidded my bike somewhere safe where nobody can see it , and I went from the back yard of the car owner house ,I yanked the door after making sure that nobody is inside the home , then I went to check for the keys which I found somewhere above the table I took it and I immediately went to open the car and drive it far form there

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