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Everything posted by Hash

  1. Name: HasH Username: olp Rank before kick/leave: 4 star cadet How long have you been in sapa: I have been in SAPA since 3 years ago , and I came back 4 months back ! Who kicked you: - Date of kick/leave: 4months ago Reason for kick/leave: well ! I left that time bc I had to stuck with the BBMC ! bc after I left things didn't went well over there. What happened from your side/why did you leave? : I wanted to help BBMC as much as I can . Why do you want back in? :now I am diffirent then before, nowdays I become a cop ! so I am so intersted to stay as cop ! I and especially that sapa become a group so I don't need to leave my squad What have you learned from this? :I learnt that SAPA is the only place that u can be taugh about saes rules and genrerally saes gameplay . Who do you want to apologize to? : Tut bc he trusted me ! Why should we give you a second chance?: bc as I said before I am not longer like before I am ice suitleader so let's say I know the meaning of being responsible
  2. lay in peace !
  3. congratulations
  4. well let's just remove cop role from saes then !
  5. an other gang,from grondiz! @grondiz first i would like to congratulate you for your designing skills but mate for real creating a new gang every week won't help you up out here ! i do advice you join any other gang/squad in order to earn knowledge about the gamellay and improve your skills ! Good luck with any decision you make !
  6. i would support this idea +1
  7. Happpyyyy Birthdayyyy emre
  8. welcome back !
  9. @Franks all The squads are swat today ... even gangs/squads lvl 5 don't accept to RP
  10. i agree with that,I miss the Old saes ... nowdays from my side as cop whenever i try to rp with someone all what i get back is a grenade ... #theend
  11. happyy neww year
  12. sold .can be archived
  13. Glad to see an other MC gang around , best luck lades <3
  14. @Cruz well i find it too close
  15. @Cruz go and see it,it won't take u more than 10sec to be in jail moreover it's close to the bank ,hospital and turf zones
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