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Everything posted by ESO

  1. sorted, 10 vehicles added as requested ingame
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  3. Dear community, it is with a great sadness that i inform you of a terrible news, @Harb has passed away. based on the Facebook accounts of his father & relatives he was admitted to the intensive care unit 3 days ago, and sadly he passed away yesterday. the news was also confirmed to us by his IRL friend @ViRuSLN i do not know the exact cause at the time, but i know he had a medical condition that required him getting a brain surgery last January, that condition might or might not be the reason (will update you when i know) he was a great young guy full of life and so he shall always be remembered in our thoughts and prayers. may his soul rest in peace and my deepest condolences to all of his family and friends. RIP - Omar Harb , , ..
  4. @zadymiarz122 said in Black~Bullets: -Nickname :zadymiarz122 -Age : 14 -Nationality :ukraine: -Languages you can speak :Turkish and English Player SAES Career Information : -How long have you been playing on SAES? :Since 2012 appreciate your dedication playing SAES since you were a 4 years old child, and being a Ukrainian who only speaks Turkish and English, and the efforts you made to steal another applicant's application. but i'm afraid your application is ~[DENIED]~(red) this time. feel free to apply again when you learn how to speak fluent Arabic @yazan123 said in Black~Bullets: Applicant Main Information : -Nickname : YazzaN your long history in the duration of just 2 years is worrisome for us where loyalty is the highest value. application goes ~[DENIED]~(red) this time, if still interested keep hanging to prove your worth and feel free to reapply in 2 weeks @DuppyMTA0000 said in Black~Bullets: Applicant Main Information : -Nickname :DuppyMTA0000 -Username :[U]Madara so you'v been in the community for 4 years, never been in any organization or groups before, and your forum profile was created 4 days ago? application is ~[DENIED]~(red), feel free to reapply whenever you come up with a more believable story or after 1 year from today @King said in Black~Bullets: -Nickname : King your application is currently ~[Under-Review]~(orange), keep hanging around with the camels and we will get back to you soon @Orten1 said in Black~Bullets: Applicant Main Information : -Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : Yes, I want to say sorry about the past you got to put a lot of efforts to prove you are really sorry for that past, as a simple sorry doesn't wipe it off. until you prove us something significant and convincing enough we'll have a problem trusting how reliable you can be application is ~[DENIED]~(red), feel free to reapply in 2 weeks from today
  5. as the leader of B~B i accept the contract above and it's terms
  6. @123453 said in DELETED: @Cappo @YankaTa @Curny You know if i already ask eso? fuck off with that Atitude bruh... they know because they're sure i wouldn't allow it, i'd inform them at least beforehand you contacted me for my permission within minutes of deleting the topic, so i'm sorry to decline your request if it still stands. you may have good intentions for the sea rp life on the server, but that doesn't give you the right to take other people's efforts without their prior consent nor give you the right to revive a dead group without getting permission from it's last king/leader. be creative and start your own idea/project if you really was concerned for the RP status in the server (as per the message you sent me). but as for SAP or anything related to it, i didn't grant you nor anyone else any permission to revive or use it and most likely i wont in the future either.
  7. Dear camel wannabies, after a meeting with my HQ team, we'v decided to re-open the recruitment once again to give a better chance for those who were and still are interested in joining the family. good luck Recruitment status: ~[OPEN]~(green)
  8. Removed: black "LV police car" from "BC PD" Added: black "SuperGT" in LVX donations area locked to username "Judyess"
  9. @edwinf said in Edwin's reward change: Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1&2: Glendale (modded) (camo wrap) SuperGT (camo wrap) Location: I have perm Spoilerhttps://i.imgur.com/LKltP4i.png Interior: Special Mapped Interior 25 Username: denisb Vehicle 3&4&5: Comet with roof Turismo (camo wrap) Stratum (camo wrap) Location:I have perm Apartment 54 LV complexsouth Username: denisb 70 points added the following: Glendale (modded) / (camo wrap) SuperGT (camo wrap) locked to "denisb" in front of "Wanker Manson" as requested Turismo (camo wrap) Stratum (camo wrap) Comet (with roof) locked to "denisb" in front of "Apartment 54 LV complex south" as requested
  10. 70 points confirmed
  11. Dear camel wannabies, with the family growing bigger and barely enough food for the current camels horde, kindly note that we'v decided to close our recruitment for now. if you are interested in joining stay close, hang around the deserts with us, and we'll see how things goes for the worthy ones. but as for now no more applications will be reviewed/considered until further notice. cheers Recruitment status: ~[CLOSED]~(red)
  12. @PerroLoco said in Black~Bullets: -Nickname: PerroLoco -Username: perroloco -Age: 22 Congratulations, your application is ~[Accepted]~(green), meet me or any HQ ingame for the rest @Beckham said in Black~Bullets: - Nickname : Beckham - Username : yassin75 - Age : 19 years old - Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : I just want to apologize to the camel members for what happened in the past .. I took a stupid step that we failed ... I hope you understand that there was a small accident and now I want to fix what happened this is your final chance, don't screw up! welcome back @kingsmoke said in Black~Bullets: - Nickname : KinGSmoke - Username : kingsmoke - Age : 20 Congratulations, your application is ~[Accepted]~(green), meet me or any HQ ingame for the rest @soolking said in Black~Bullets: Nickname: Soolking Username: kasa04 Age: 19 years old We'r sorry to inform you that your application is ~[DENIED]~(red) unfortunately we were not convinced you'd fit in our team. feel free to reapply in 2 weeks if still interested. @Hetler said in Black~Bullets: - Nickname : Hetler - Username : Pasquale12 - Age : 22 under review, keep hanging around
  13. thank you all for your wishes, and thanks to all the camels who's efforts made us reach so far. the family is here thanks to each and everyone of you and for that you should be proud! also thanks to everyone who attended our celebration today, we hope you enjoyed the camel base party and the LVX party as much as we did with all the camelish music in them! hope to see you again next year for our decade celebration!!
  14. Happy birthday B~B! ::: ::: thanks to everyone who attended our celebration today, we hope you enjoyed the camel base party and the LVX party as much as we did with all the camelish music in them! hope to see you again next year for our decade celebration!!
  15. it was well over 10 years ago when a guy named Freaky decided to create a new gang and name it Black~Bullets, tho it had potential sadly that first generation fell apart before it got the chance to make a proper history worth of it's members list. some thought it's the end of the story and it was for some months .. but actually it was just the beginning just like today 19th of September 2011, 9 years ago, the same guy decided to launch the 2nd generation of his creation, more determined, armed with the strong will and dedication of a trustworthy group of players .. and like a phoenix from the ashes the new generation rose up to exceed all the limits and expectations of the last one and here we are 9 years after that day, standing as one of the oldschool criminal giants of SAES, a family of brothers and sisters from all around the world, a tag and color that strikes fear in the hearts of it's enemies, and a pack of sexy camels roaming around San Andreas! i would like to personally thank everyone who's been part of our journey so far, this has been quite an experience for me on so many levels. throughout the good times and bad ones, the friends we made and the stories we shared, the impact B~B has made on this community sure is huge and i hope it was always and will always remain in a positive way Happy birthday B~B, here's to more years of success to come enjoy some of our classic videos: ::: https://youtu.be/IIFvxyPZi_o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cI-q2l4_08 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gRdUPp_BpM https://youtu.be/dxHB_2f63JE https://youtu.be/YnHZ8aXNqwg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jD3LhPtLsw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWjeA19cvLs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwwUAAHBAPk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AB60oLzx3-k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqR5dJmy-IA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjNy09-qpFQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MO_eaud4pC4 :::
  16. @Sek0 said in Black~Bullets: Nickname :Seko|B~B Username :srknerdgn despite being fairly very new around here, your ingame efforts granted you a well deserved chance. congratulations, application is ~[Accepted]~(green), meet any HQ ingame for the rest
  17. Ahoy! For well over than 8 years and since its creation San Andreas Pirates has done its best to bring action to the seas of San Andreas. Over multiple generations of members and Captains our mission has always been to bring fun, activities, and RP ideas mainly on the high seas and also on land all while maintaining a certain level of maturity among our pirates and a firm leadership from the captains. but as everything in life has an end, its with deep sadness that i announce that after a discussions with my captains we have reached the decision to shut down San Andreas Pirates. as the interest in sea life fades away, and with limited solutions not worthy of the group, this hard decision comes out of respect to SAPs history as the legendary group it has always been to keep its memory on the same status it deserves rather than letting it fade away or turn into something it wasnt intended to be. I would like to personally thank everyone whos taken part of this wonderful journey, Stubrat (the founder), Jasem (our previous pirate king) with all our other dead heroes, every current and ex captain, every current and ex member whos been part of our crew, the current and previous GM teams throughout those years, and anyone & everyone who hanged around or contributed in any sort of way in making SAP reach all the levels it reached. it's time for our Jolly roger to be lowered as we rest in the depth of Davy jones locker. SAP shall always be remembered. in the good memory of San Andreas Pirates 2012 : 2020
  18. @Simson said in Black~Bullets: Nickname : Simson Username : Simson24 Congratulations, your application is ~[Accepted]~(green), meet any HQ ingame for the rest. @Sek0 said in Black~Bullets: Nickname :Seko|B~B Username :srknerdgn & @MonkaS said in Black~Bullets: Nickname: MonkaS Username: Rand12 applications are under review, please keep hanging around and you'll get an answer soon @Black-Sabbath said in Black~Bullets: - Nickname : BlackSabbath - Username : fhashist Welcome back EhulAcaip, meet me or any HQ ingame for the rest
  19. @nicky said in Black~Bullets: - Nickname : Nicky - Username : Clashofsaes - Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : Yes, I Apologize to all camels for what I have done in this last period my bad guys I hope you understand, you know it's not easy to lose what you have done in 2.5 years, but here I'am again rank doesn't matter to me, I don't mind restarting from 0 , also one last thing I accept what Eso told me in private (some rules). Peace & @voli said in Black~Bullets: - Nickname : voli - Username : omrane147 - Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : First of all sorry for leaving camels this time , its was a dumb move to be honest actually I felt bad once I did leave also I blamed my self 100 times; I dont know what happened to me honestly to take a such decision like that CAMELS IN DA HOUSE after long discussions and based on the set of special terms and rules sent to you in private (which you accepted) the HQ team have decided to grant you both 1 last chance to redeem yourselves & prove your apologize and claimed loyalty in actions rather than words. do not screw this chance as there wont be another one. ~[Accepted]~(green) @Nishki said in Black~Bullets: Applicant Main Information Nickname : Nishki Username : bluelive122 stay close & keep hanging around and you'll get the answer soon. still under review @Hamppe said in Black~Bullets: Nickname : Hamppe Username : Hamppe Congratulations, your application is ~[Accepted]~(green), meet any HQ ingame for the rest. (about time we got another sweedish to hang with ecko) @Black-Sabbath said in Black~Bullets: - Nickname : BlackSabbath - Username : fhashist - Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : I remember Elyeso, Ecko and I knew ESO he was HQ of B~B, I don't know is he still here or still active on SAES but I knew him, I don't know the new members (last 3-4 years) in the game. welcome back to the server i am still here, it's been around 4 years but i still remember you keep hanging around and you'll get an answer soon still under review for now
  20. found some old stuff i had camels /gang (probably in 2011) turfing (probably 2012) interrupting Apollo's "smoke afk time" (2013) SAP (2013) camels in a snowmobile turfing with HS cuban camel chill time
  21. you think @zaza 's app is op? Ability to read and understand financial charts :negative_squared_cross_mark: Above average writing and speaking skills in English:negative_squared_cross_mark: Understanding of concepts of Business, Consumer Behavior and Investments. :negative_squared_cross_mark: A promising networking potential and activity in the server. :negative_squared_cross_mark: Microphone access is a plus. :negative_squared_cross_mark: being a sexi camel :ballot_box_with_check: (not applying for real tho, good luck everyone)
  22. wishing you a speedy recovery man, stay strong and hopefully you'll get well soon and come back to your life
  23. Ramadan kareem & mubarak everyone :hearts:
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