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Posts posted by Doom

  1. alt text
    Nickname, account name, age, weakness and strenghts all classical stuff (3 lines min- 5 max) : My name in game is Lilskies, My account name is mahdi444 I'm 16 years old, My stenghts are : sometimes lag, My weakness : driving cars and shooting, rps.

    What is our role: Our role is to spread our beliefs and doing everything to achieve that goal.
    Why shall we accept you: Because im are loyal and I want to enter a new group and meet more people, I have a really good imagination for roleplays and also I'm so skilled at shooting and this stuff and I'm sure that I will be a good member for The forgotten.
    Reasons to apply: I apply so because, I see TF active, I really want to be one of the first members to join this group and help at making it an official group.
    What agency you would like to join if you get in: The Ghost.

  2. Part 1 / Personal information.

    Ingame Name: Lilskies
    Real Name: Mahdi
    Age: I am 16 years old
    Country: Tunsia, exactly at sousse.
    Languages I do speak English, Arabic and a bit Frensh.
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: I am Tunisian.
    Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server ? / if yes why? Yes, I got banned because the admins thought i was abusing my PING, because i can go through the jail's cell door without waiting it to open.
    Have you ever been kicked from a Gang/squad ? / if yes why? WA

    Part 2 / Your playtime in MTA/SAES.

    How long have you been playing MTA? I started playing MTA in 2014.
    How long have you been playing on SAES? I've been playing on SAES:RPG for 3 years.
    How many hours do you play in a day? 884 Hours
    How many times do you visit the forums in a day? Every day to check the news and to post my activities,rps, And events.

    Previous gangs/squads?: HRMC, RKMC, TOB, ICE, TST, FBI, WA, CDS
    HRMC: Dead
    RKMC: Dead
    TOB: Dead
    ICE: I left ICE when it was level2, due to its inactivity and members lack of expreinces..
    TST: I've left TST, because i wanted to try criminal life, but couldn't find a gang that could suit me, so, i joined FBI.
    FBI: I've left FBI, because i finally found a gang that could suit me, so, i decided to join Wild Angles.
    WA: I've been kicked from WA, due to me getting banned from hospital spawn killing during the power
    CDS: I've left CDS, because I didn't have any fun playing as a criminal.. I wanted to join back cop side.

    Are you in any groups?: N/A
    Do you have PC (Procop membership)?: No.

    Part 3 / Questions about your qualifications.

    Strengths: My strengths are shooting, driving, playing in teamwork, and spamming media archive with My activities, Eevents, Rps.
    Weaknesses: Sometimes lag, Driving plane.

    Describe Deathmatch: When you kill someone or destroy vehicles without any proper reason.
    Describe RolePlay: Roleplay is acting like real life.
    Describe TeamWork: Acting together doing tactics together but most and foremost interperation and seeing the dangers coming while covering them with your teammate.

    Add a picture of your "stats" by using www.imgur.com (press /stats ingame)(use spoilers: [ Spoiler][ /spoiler]

    Part 4 / What to do if.

    What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest? Take Screenshot and use /report.
    What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe? I only bribe cops so, if the player is a cop I'll bribe him.
    Someone DMs you: Take Screenshot and report to HQ if he is in squad or gang If not report to admin.
    An admin asks you something: Sure i will answer .
    Someone from our squad with a higher rank calls you? Responding and listen to the orders.

    Part 5 / Additional Questions.

    Did any TST member suggest you to apply? Who?
    Did you have the chance to hang around with any TST before applying? If so who? Yes, with Aspect.
    Where is our private forums?: saesrpg.uk > Territorial Support Group section
    Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?: John is the Leader and Fun is the Vice leader
    Why do you want to join TST?: Well I think because its a pretty good squad with active and friendly members, Event thought TST was inactive for a long period but now the squad is back on feet again.
    Give us atleast one good reason to accept you?: Well, Iam loyal and active player , I love do effort and prove my self and i want help and lean more about TST.
    Tell us something about yourself( more than 30 words): Hello there! My name is Mahdi, i am 16 years old. I am from Tunisia and i currently live in Sousse. I have 1 brother, he is 17 years old. I like playing video games, such as MTA, Rust and PES. I started playing SAES in 2016, i guess. That's all for for now.
    Additional information: Nope

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