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Everything posted by Liyones

  1. ^[] ^[#1927] ^[Event Name: Hydra Shooter] ^[LWS/G6/CEO: @nCov ] ^[Prize: $1.000.000] ^[Winner(s): @eross00 & @SkuLL ] ^[Screenshots] ^[] ^[]
  2. ^[] ^[#1926] ^[Event Name: Hunter Shooter] ^[LWS/G6/CEO: @nCov ] ^[Prize: $1.000.000] ^[Winner(s): @Slax] ^[Screenshots] ^[] ^[]
  3. ^[] Radio Station: Radio SA DJ: Liyones Broadcasted on: 02/09/2022 Duration: 1 hour Screenshots:
  4. Account name: dhiamlaih Icon name: San Fierro Perseus
  5. Sanfara4contributor Sanfara4SAESdeveloper
  6. Happy birthday bro wish you all the best
  7. Well @Weppo @Linkan @KARIM i guess you didn't get the point of this topic, because i didn't create this topic to attack Admins and say shit about them, i was actually giving my opinion/point of view nothing much, because i already know that the admins working for the server to keep it alive and how they trying their best to keep the community clean.
  8. @Weppo said in Server players count: Saying admins/HQ/devs don't take suggestions seriously and ignore them is a very ignorant and rude remark considering they spend a lot of time on creating and adding new stuff. I would suggest you to try and script yourself and work on making stuff yourself rather then criticizingthe people who do already. You already suggested 2 things to be added so you can start with scripting those. Goodluck have fun Im sorry if that was rude to you, i didn't mean to say anything bad about admins and i do really appreciate the works and efforts they put in the server.
  9. Hello everyone, so as you all know that the players count is getting worst it's like every month someone leaves the server, so actually doesn't mean the server dead because there are bunch of solutions for this problem but none of them is being used, SAES already used to be one of best and oldest servers in MTA and as i far as i know SAES was the first server that was created, well we already know the reasons why the server players count is decreased and as i said this problems can be already solved it just need a work from the admins and developers as well, everytime we ask for improvements to server we simply get ignored or they just tell us "there is suggestions section for this" but bunch of suggestions already got enough votes and they are still added, for example this one https://saesrpg.uk/topic/32468/neon-lights-for-vehicles?_=1660644712423 or even this https://saesrpg.uk/topic/20045/feature-sr-or-hr?page=1 it's been 2 years already and still not added, the fact that people post suggestions and they already know it will be just ignored right, well in other servers like SAUR or something every minute just an activity happen they couldn't stop hosting events and activities and their suggestions already gets reviewed by the admins team, im not comparing but it's the fact, the only thing is working and improving in the server is the punishments, you actually get punished the minute you break a rule, anyways SAES can grow if you start working on it, im not saying that you should skip everything in life and just focus in SAES, just make another activities that we have fun while doing it or something that can increase the players count, or just maybe recruit more scripters that are interested in making scripts for SAES and start getting the accepted suggestions in-game, as i see that the only thing is getting added in-game is wraps and levels rewards and it already take a while to be added and it's the same routine everyday SR>VIP>BR>, that's what i can say.
  10. Well this won't really help that much to increase the count of players because there are servers that got a ban list that is longer than SAES one and players count is still stable.
  11. Happy birthday
  12. ^[@xHayder] ^[]
  13. Hello everyone, well as you all know it's not allowed to request inactive house or prop that being owned by admins so i suggest for SAHA to make it able because it is pointless to keep houses or props owned by retired admins, no matter what it's still pointless to keep them, give other players a chance to also own a huge houses/props that being owned by admins, also houses and props in-game are used to respawn in a place you can't spawn in with a normal spawn or it's used for base and so why would they keep it for retired admins, that actually doesn't make any sense at all.
  14. ^[@Bisollini] ^[]
  15. ^[] ^[STOREROB] ^[]
  16. ^[] ^[#1924] ^[Event Name: LMS] ^[LWS/G6/CEO: @Judyes ] ^[Prize: $2.000.000] ^[Winner(s): @CeSaR ] ^[Screenshots] ^[] ^[]
  17. ^[] ^[#1923] ^[Event Name: Chicken Nader] ^[LWS/G6/CEO: @Judyes ] ^[Prize: $1.000.000] ^[Winner(s): @Flex ] ^[Screenshots] ^[] ^[]
  18. Starting Bid: $5.000.000 Buyout: $15.000.000 It's near SF airport and can be used as a Level 1 & 2 organization base, also it has car spawn + weapons storage, and got some places for donation vehicles. [s=] [/s]
  19. ^[] ^[STOREROB] ^[]
  20. ^[11 Wraps for @Steve] ^[[s=FBI Truck][/s]] ^[[s=FBI Rancher 1][/s]] ^[[s=FBI Rancher 2][/s]] ^[[s=FBI Rancher 3][/s]] ^[[s=News Van 1][/s]] ^[[s=News Van 2][/s]] ^[[s=Police LV 1][/s]] ^[[s=Police LV 2][/s]] ^[[s=Police LV 3][/s]] ^[[s=Police LS 1][/s]] ^[[s=Police LS 2][/s]] ^[6 Wraps for @Rondaw] ^[[s=Car 1][/s]] ^[[s=Car 2][/s]] ^[[s=Car 3][/s]] ^[[s=Car 4][/s]] ^[[s=Car 5][/s]] ^[[s=Car 6][/s]] ^[Logo & Banner for @Flex ZIP Portfolio] ^[[s=Logo][/s]] ^[[s=Banner][/s]] ^[Logo for my ZIP Portfolio ] ^[[s=Logo][/s]] ^[Skins] ^[[s=121][/s]] ^[[s=117][/s]] ^[[s=108][/s]] ^[Signature for @BOB] ^[[s=Signature][/s]] If anyone need help with skins/wraps/shaders/signatures/banners and anything related to graphic design you can contact me via discord Liyones#2004 Cheers!
  21. Address: Le docks remain sluggish Account name: itzspicer Last seen: 19 June 2022 Screenshots:
  22. Address: LS warehouse Account name: mtashnik23 Last seen: 23 June 2022 Screenshots:
  23. From now on I will take money beforehand cause of problems with people not paying.
  24. ^[] Nickname: [ThC]Liyones Ingame account name: dhiamlaih Discord name and tag: Liyones#1111 How long you have been playing SAES?: I've been playing this server since 2016. Server Memberships: The Company - Coordinator The Motor Heads - probationary Cunning Stunts - Member ZIP - Worker Your strengths: I actually have some managing skills which can bring to the organizations I'm part of, I'm a patient guy which makes me take everything easily without hurrying, and I'm creative and I can come up with a good idea anytime and that helps me a lot in designing because without creativity I wouldn't be professional in doing my job. Your weaknesses: I actually have an anger issue that makes me unable to control myself and I can easily turn from a happy guy to a mad guy and anything can piss me off, and I actually take everything seriously even if it was a joke or something. Last legitimate adminjail: it was since a very long time ago, couldn't remember when. Last legitimate ban: my last ban was on 8/09/2020. Additional Information (Optional): This PC is not mine so sometime i won't be able to come to training, apologies. Have you read the entire topic before applying?: Yes ofc.
  25. Hello everyone, first of all, I'm sorry for being late for the requests, second, I will stop accepting requests for 3 days until I finish current requests because people have been PMing me in game and discord asking for their requests, and I'm getting new requests and that's really too much for me because I got other stuff to do except designing so, apologies.
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