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Everything posted by ODAKAB

  1. First of all, I won't be kidding like everyone else. I will answer you seriously because i understand your suffering. I support your idea about written rules, they should be improved and non-written rules should be added. I can help updating rules list and translating for Turkish version of reworked list if SAES HQ approves. I will be honest and explain some reasons why ICE has a bad reputation. Most of them not bad alone but worse while mixing up with other reasons. Trying to be honest and objective, please don't get offended. 2a. Almost all ICE's weird english grammar including you and James. (This is not a reason alone but makes a combo with others) 2b. ICE's habit of reporting everything including jokes and small mistakes. Creating topics on forums and writing massive complaints. (I can give examples, just pm me) 2c. Low quality roleplays. (I saw a roleplay of your member who took a criminal to ICE base and how that criminal naded himself to death and he reported him, he even wrote that criminal got adminjail... It supposed to be a roleplay story, not a diary)
  2. @James ~[ICE ICE BABY]~(cyan,blue)
  3. Xylitol
  4. SE~[X]~(red) Commenting with help of dictionaries and internet research means you accept the fact you are gay. Good Luck!
  5. Yes but please remove buttons and make it trigger with a key press.
  6. @Marko Since past experience happened in this topic, I won't give you a proper answer and support your attempt for another forum drama. Try your chance on next elections if you are unhappy.
  7. ::: ::: CIA proved their loyalty again.
  8. We want to thank our citizens for trusting us, as AK Party. These results don't mean just our victory, this is a victory for whole San Andreas.

    Selling SAES

    I'm bidding 69TRY if you add @Nirjhor into Unique Indian DLC
  10. I promise we won't steal 7 billions.
  11. ~[Please make a script]~(purple) ~[for honor of famous housing addict]~(blue) Polat Once a year, at Polat's account (40salih) creation day: Messages sent to mainchat will have a slight chance to have ~[selling big props]~(magenta), ~[selling biggest base]~(orange) etc. as suffix. :grin: :grin: :ok_hand:
  12. Make them do same damage in same time and same damage for a full magazine. Example: M4 has 50 ammo with each 10dmg. Speed is 1 (a relative default) AK-47 has 30 ammo with each 10dmg. Speed is 1 (a relative default) 50x10=500 and 30x10=300 so AK-47 needs extra 200 damage. 200/30= 6.66 if floats are supported. Make it +7 if floats aren't supported, don't worry there will be a upside of M4 to balance it out. Now: AK-47 has 30 ammo with each 17dmg. Speed is 1 so 17dmg each sec. M4 does 10dmg each sec so multiple it's shooting speed with 1.7 to balance it out. I hope it doesn't do a float on speed-side or floats are accepted. At last, AK-47 and M4 is doing (almost if AK-47 buff is +7 instead +6.66) same damage in a magazine. M4 shoots faster so cops will be happy to pop criminal vehicles' tyres faster and not a huge bonus against AK-47 so people will like using their RP-friendly part of these assault rifles. I don't know about recoil and accuracy, take them in account and re-balance if they involve.
  13. Cool idea but don't forget adding some key details to prevent abusing. Example: If same person uses same ATM twice in 5 minutes, it doesn't count as a use.
  14. Address: Sticker Store Account name: mnh123 Last seen: 29th December 2018 Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Address: Cabin 6 Account name: nejc1234567 Last seen: 20th January 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. Patrol #2 Media: ::: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7wiOMKsqmU :::
  17. In-game name: Odakab Username: odakab Age: 18 Nationality: Turkish Previous bans/punishments: I don't remember any kind of punishment i got recently or in 2019. Of course i had some light bans and punishments like most of players.(Talking for past year) Like avoiding arrest by mistake and officer chooses to report without warning to say he was there. Why you think you would be suitable for the role: I'm interested in computers and basic coding, I won't struggle while learning things i must do for sorting requests etc. I'm applying because i think server needs more people to handle inactive property requests.
  18. Patrol #1 Media: ::: https://youtu.be/AQ4MeTsT4gw :::
  19. Section A: Information: Nickname: Odakab Account name: odakab Age: 18 Primary Language: Turkish Current S/G/C and rank: The Outfit - Level 3 Other RP groups you're in: Cluckin' Bell Describe SAM in your own words: (Not less than 30 words) San Andreas Medics are saving lifes of both criminals and cops. Their main moral and goal is banish death from San Andreas. Why was SAM founded? Because, Dr. Valachi wanted to turn around San Andreas' cursed fate. Medical Units were being managed so badly. What is the SAM motto? Always there when you need us most. Who founded SAM? Joe Valachi Section B: Theory: 1 - A major earthquake has occurred in metropolitan Los Santos and there are many casualties. You're based in Blueberry and must respond to a barrage of emergency distress calls as a result of the earthquake. Describe your method of response to this situation and be sure to include how you would interact with your fellow medics and which equipment & vehicles you would use. Answer: I would contact with Firefighters first, we can't save people under wreck without their help. I would stock gauzes, antiseptic solution and bandages to be able stop victims' bleeding, clean their wounds put bandage around their wounds to keep them sterile. Broken bone and head injury cases must be handled carefully, victim should be taken to hospital quickly after first aid process. I would report their names to our headquarters so we can track which people are found and how many lost people remaining to be saved. 2- Multiple officers have been shot while responding to an armed bank robbery. You have been called to assist in the rescue operation. Describe how you would respond. Answer: This is a risky situation, armed criminals still could be there. I would move to the scene with police, together. 3- Multiple people have been stabbed and burned by several terrorists at a train station and you 're the first medic to arrive on scene. The wounds are of varying severity. What would you do? I.e. How would you treat the wounds? Answer: First of all, I would treat victims with worse injuries first. I would press with gauze to stop bleeding, clean the wound with antiseptic solution and cover the wound with bandage to prevent further infection. I would take victims to hospital if their wounds need sewing. Victims with light wounds can be sent home for house nursing. Best first aid can be done for burns on the scene is: Removing all clothing and using a scissor if necessary then washing with slow draining water at room temperature. Sprays specialized for treating burns can be used if available. Section C : Aptitudes: 1.How would you respond to criticism by a superior? Nobody is perfect, there are always room for improvement. I would think over it and try to fix the issue. 2.Why exactly are you applying today? Honestly, The fact of lack of spawnpoints for medics except LS and SF was my motivation. 3.What are your strengths and weaknesses? Strengths: I like roleplaying. I always put my effort in groups i join, to improve them. Weaknesses: I'm unfamiliar with some terms, had to use translate for these words -> entrepreneur philanthropist engulfed vowed gauze 4.Why should we accept you to our team? I can't know what are your expectations, this must be filled by SAM HQ with given info in this application.
  20. Address: Teabag Teepee #6 Account name: fbixmato Last seen: 30th January 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. Address: Teabag Teepee #8 Account name: fbixmato Last seen: 30th January 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  22. Property Name: 5 studio boulevard shop Carspawn: NO Starting Bid: $500.000 Maximum Bid: $625.000 Until: 3 March 18:00 https://i.ibb.co/1Z0vDL0/asdzxcaq.jpg
  23. Date&Time: 01.03.2019 Morning TAB ::: ::: STOREROB ::: :::
  24. @SsCorpion said in >:cop:>HYDERABADCITY_POLICE|[HCP]<<OFFICIAL TOPIC: Username:Scorpion Account name:allegilyas Real name:Ilyas Age:18 Nationality:algerian Languages:Eng.AR.FR English skills (1-10):8 Do you use Teamspeak:No In-Game Experience How long you play SAES/RPG:9Years When did you join the server:4:00 pm 10:00 pm How long you play MTA:10Years How long you play every day:6 h Previous Gang/Squad/Company & Why did you leave:Mid_Night_Club>Dead-|-The Ballas>Quit-|-xWolF>I delet Topic-|-Terrorist_arab_roleplay>I Delet Topic Have ever been banned before:Yes Reason for ban:Hack Money Your strengths:Shot With Taser Fast -speed move Your Weaknesses:Combatshotgun Shot Rules Knowledge Did you read the F1 rules:Yes Did you read the Squad rules:Yes Are you allowed to arrest/kill in Hospital:No Are you allowed to arrest/kill in events?:No Are you allowed to camp in jail (Prison) :No Is marker arrest allowed:No Explain what is marker arrest:It's A brib Explain what is Death-matching:Kill Any player with no reson Explain what is RP :Playing come a real life @Lion said in >:cop:>HYDERABADCITY_POLICE|[HCP]<<OFFICIAL TOPIC: Username:L!on Account name:mimou06 Real name:mimou Age:19 Nationality:algerian Languages:Eng.AR.FR English skills (1-10):3 Do you use Teamspeak:No In-Game Experience How long you play SAES/RPG:4Years When did you join the server:4:00 pm How long you play MTA:6Years How long you play every day:2h Previous Gang/Squad/Company & Why did you leave:xWolF>Scorpion quit-|-Terrorist_arab_roleplay>Dead Have ever been banned before:no Reason for ban:no Your strengths:Shot With Taser Fast -speed move Your Weaknesses:Combatshotgun Shot Rules Knowledge Did you read the F1 rules:Yes Did you read the Squad rules:Yes Are you allowed to arrest/kill in Hospital:No Are you allowed to arrest/kill in events?:No Are you allowed to camp in jail (Prison) :No Is marker arrest allowed:No Explain what is marker arrest:It's A brib Explain what is Death-matching:Kill Any player with no reson Explain what is RP :Playing come a real life Have ever been banned before:no Reason for ban:- Your strengths:Shot With Taser Fast -speed move -Fast Kill Your Weaknesses:I havn't Rules Knowledge Did you read the F1 rules:Yes Did you read the Squad rules:Yes Are you allowed to arrest/kill in Hospital:No Are you allowed to arrest/kill in events?:No Are you allowed to camp in jail (Prison) :No Is marker arrest allowed:No Explain what is marker arrest:bribe The Prerson Explain what is Death-matching:Kill Any player with no reson Explain what is RP :Playing come a real life You must be twins
  25. Top-notch topic design, I'd love to join this squad if i decide to leave criminal side. Good Luck!
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