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Everything posted by ODAKAB

  1. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 10 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? null Why do you need this change? Because I want to use my donation vehicle. I was inactive. Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/8275/donation-odakab-amount-10-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: null ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: idk if it still exists Location: ^ ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Admiral (White) Location: MIT Base Username: odakab
  2. ~[I replaced all beer with my peepee juice ]~
  3. ~[I watered weed.]~
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S15tZ8tmSQk
  5. Serious Answer You can't apply CLO because it's invite only, you might get an invite in future as you continue playing in server. To increase your chance, you can asslick players from CLO.
  6. There should be more achievements for cops, especially only for licensed cops(so squads) that progress should reset when you join a criminal organisation. I suggest having ranks like in real life, promotion depends on months served and arrest count requirement before promotion to prevent inactive promotions. Also cops will have small decorative badges showing their rank on their nametag. Example: (requirements aren't written as all time, they are seperate objectives to complete seperately per promotion, however benefits don't stack) Police Officer III [Licensed cops starting here] 21 days and 30 arrests for promotion to Police Officer III+1 or Detective I [This rank has +2% income] 30 days and 50 arrests for promotion to Sergeant I or Detective II [This rank has +5% income] 30 days and 60 arrests for promotion to Sergeant II or Detective III [This rank has +7% income] 45 days and 150 arrests for promotion to Lieutenant [This rank has +10% income] 90 days and 300 arrests for promotion to Captain [This rank has +20% income] 120 days and 500 arrests for promotion to Commander [This rank has +35% income, thank you for your services, you are now a HQ of this force and will be called to PC HQ Meetings as your roleplay i guess] Deputy Chief, Assistant Chief and the Chief are restricted to PC for roleplay sake.
  7. Best 3: @Terry @Ghost722nd @Tilong Worst 3: @NanoBob @Daryl @Kain
  8. @Daryl said in Warning system: No. Simply based on the fact you should be spoken to prior to receiving a warning, this would require additional scripting for no discernable benefit. Some people may get punished while they are offline, let's say i got 24 hours of ban but i didn't join SAES in 24 hours. I'd like being able to check my punishment history and know my mistake, or talk back with staff if punishment was a mistake. If this get combined with a "You have been warned/banned at xx/xx/xxxx xx:xx" notification, nobody can say i didn't know this rule and i didn't notice my warning, on their second break of same rule.
  9. We can chat while running, nice feature for a new player who doesn't have vehicles yet.
  10. From this point going forward, we are allowing specifically police cars to be allowed outside player owned properties. This is ~[due to a recent influx in some of the police departments getting remarkably overloaded]~(red) and hopefully this will reduce the number of vehicles being loaded in these locations. Thank you @James
  11. Tut: M Panel ADs are live! ADS Teddy: kanker kanker kanker kanker kanker kanker kanker kanker kanker kanker Skerdi: Huge Discount 80% OFF! Purchase your sex slave Odakab for 20K$ so on While being useful, also an entertaining idea. YES PLEASE
  12. good luck freeway is bullshit tho
  13. $4.000 Income Starting Bid: $5.000.000
  14. @MoleyTheMolester Akasya Dura https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5devNYg1TVs
  15. I didn't notice house and business icons are different until i read this.
  16. Change it to gang businesses and i'm okay with this. Like x gang's crack palace or UE's Casinos... This way your idea can have a good roleplay meaning too.
  17. SAES>Teddy sorted ingame cash. ($1M)
  18. Account name: odakab Icon name: Burrito Hotel Room B16
  19. Address: Burrito Hotel Room A1 Account name: shurima Last seen: 2nd February 2019 Screenshots:
  20. Donator: Odakab Transaction ID: ODAKAB (DigitalTipJar) Donation: 10.00 GBP (as 13.05 USD) Requested rewards: Patriot (Locked to: odakab, siraminor18, tedfrost, hiredkiller) Sorted by SAES>Human Money: $1M Given by SAES>Teddy Donator Group: Waiting to be added (odakab)
  21. Happy Birthday AA :stuck_out_tongue:
  22. @Sam this is one of the reasons people hate ICE. I'm not trying to offend you but explaining reasons of community's hatred and bad ICE reputation with an objective look. You are responding with nerve or sounding like you are angry, like i meant in 2b. @Thing same as above, I'm not judging here but things like these add up and harm their reputation.
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