^[] ^[Group name: Black Devils] ^[Group tag: BD~<Nickname>] ^[Group motto: "If you've never driven one back off shut up & Give me room"] ^[Group creation date: 06/07/2019] ^[Founders: @Phoenix] ^[Recruitment status: ~[OPEN]~(green)] ^[Discord Link: https://discord.gg/ZvWZ3EM] ^[] Follow all the rules written in F1. Respect everyone in the server . All ways follow higher rank members orders. Do not DM while spawned as BD. Raging or insulting group members will not be tolerated. If any organization calls you for a case, Make sure to help them if you are free. If you will be offline for a period of time , Make sure to inform us about that. ^[] ^[Years ago , two brothers created the group to truck every illegal goods, they helped each other to improve this group, they rob stores , transported weed and bribe cops.] ^[.] ^[] ^[We truck and transport every illegal goods, we rob stores to earn money for goods.] ^[] ^[-Attorney-] ^[President [P]] ^[He is the leader of the group and is the chief spokesman when the group is dealing with media and police. He chairs the group meetings and is the representative of the group in the national meetings..] ^[Vice President [VP]] ^[When the president is away, he takes charge and is an heir apparent to the group leaderships. His main duty is to see that the group proceedings are conducted satisfactorily.] ^[Sub President [SP]] ^[The sub-President is the third most valuable in the group and helps the President and the Vice in all the decision making.] ^[Operative Members [OM]] ^[Casual members of the Black Devils. Are trained at their job lately] ^[Probationary members [BD*]] ^[Newly joined BD. Are new at their job and hence under development and learning.] ^[] ^[-Attorney-] ^[President [p]] ^[@Phoenix] ^[Vice President [VP]] ^[@Harb] ^[Sub President [SP]] ^[Operative Members [OM]] ^[Probationary Members [BD*]] ^[] Fill-in the Application Below to Apply. ***-General Information-*** **In-game name:** **Account name:** **Age:** **Gender:** **Country of residency:** **How well do you speak English?:** **What all languages can you speak other than English?:** **Tell us something about yourself :** ***-Specific Information-*** **From how long are you playing SAES:** **Since when are you playing GTA:SA:** **Are you in any G/S/C If yes, Name it:** **Are you in any group If yes, Name them and also name your previous groups and reason to leave them:** **List few of your strengths and weaknesses:** **Why do you want to join BD?:** **How can you help BD?:** **Do you agree to follow all the F1 rules and BD's rules?:** **Who are BD's founder(s)?:** **What is BD's Motto?:** ^[~[Topic is under-development. Thanks for viewing! We hope that you have a lovely day ahead.]~]