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Posts posted by Rainy

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    ~[Roleplay #2]~(green)
    ~[Participants:]~(green) @Beckham
    ~[Story:]~(green) While I was in some restaurant in Red County I got an idea to try my new car and his performance. After I finish my meal I get to my car and start up the engine. But before that I smoke one cigarette. Couple of minutes later I get to the road and push it to the limits. It was all great but suddenly I ended in some hole. The tires was in bad shape and somehow I ended there. It was in the middle of the desert. But I was know good friend of mine and call it. He was work in TMH and he was good mechanic. After a chatting I tell him what happened to me and he say that he will come as soon as possible to me. After some minutes he showed up and we together start pushing up my car. He connected his tow truck with mine car and finally we did it. Then we decided to go to his garage and fix the problem. After some minutes we arrived at the place. He parked my car in garage and started to evaluate the damage. Then he say me that I can back later to his garage and the car will be ready to use. We shake our hands and I leave the garage.
    After some hours while I was home he called me and say that car is finished. I did not want to go on foot again till his garage so I get in my second car and move on. Couple of minutes later I arrived in front of it and the car looked great. After a chatting I pay him but there was other problem. I get here with another car so he got idea that he can use again tow truck and deliver to my house. Later we finally connected the car and I was use the other one. We arrived at my house in couple of minutes because it was not far away. I thanked him and he left.
    ~[Screenshots:]~(green) https://imgur.com/a/NQddxQu

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    ~[Roleplay #1]~(#278f3f)
    ~[Participants:]~(#278f3f) @Beckham
    ~[Story:]~(#278f3f) It was one of the days when I was just trying to relax by driving my car. But recently I noticed he didn't was good at corners so I decided to test him. I get out of the house and get to the car. I start up the engine and move on the road. I was trying to test him in the desert because there was a lot of room for it. After some driving I also try drift but it was pretty bad. So I decided to call mine friend to help me. After a chatting he recommend me he will help me and I immediately get to his workshop. He open me a gate and told me that I can park into a garage. After some minutes of checking he get to me and say I need new brakes and tires. Also my handbrake was in bad condition. But he also say that he can make my car looks better and he wont charged for it. I agree and he told me that I can come in 4 hours and everything will be done. So I decided to go to some walk till he finish. After some hours I received a call from him and he say everything is finished. Some moments later I get to the workshop and I was in shock. The car looked so different and much better. I thanked him and we shake our hands. Then he took his tow truck to connect with my car and we together deliver to my house. After some minutes we arrived in front of it. I asked him does he want a coffee or something but he refuses. After that he move on back to the base.
    ~[Screenshots:]~(#278f3f) https://imgur.com/a/XiSSZb4

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