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Everything posted by Cazzone

  1. Re: SAES Meme Pictures V2
  3. @Hesha I wonder what made you delete the logs you posted on his ban appeal. Maybe cause what those logs were depictin had already been answered above? With that said, and from my point of view, it shows of how much in rush decisions are made. Getting someone banned for something that has already commited is something inevitable and of course correct, but getting people banned cause there are only speculations he commited an abuse? that sounds fishy to me. Of course, in situations like these, there has always been a catch. Gengar stated above numerous abuses throughout the time saes clan members had commited, I had never been aware of some of them, but I already knew about the scripts NanoBob had used for his own good, as a simple member of the community, I am demanding an answer in which, why people like NanoBob have never been punished for their actions but people like Gengar (whom I had the opportunity to meet by playin this game and understand what kind of a person he is) are being mistreated like that? PS. I am not trying to make things easy for anyone, decisions have already been made. I am just asking for questions that I d be more than glad to get. cheers
  4. I bid a burger and some chips
  5. As the game itself is supposed to be a depiction of reality virtually, the weather conditions should vary. Been kn this server more time I had been in high school and to be fair I got bored of the fuckin sunny weather. Plus its a border to my RP pictures. Referring the time thing, yeah Im totally in what @bachwa said, we need day and night at the same time the sun rises or falls in real life. Por favor!
  6. @Rzz0 Corridor defending in JB with miniguns
  7. HADES CO-PASSENGER Are you familiar with the emotions you get when you lose something very important? Even the ones' that are not that important like your shades, your favorite hat or even your car keys? You feel stupid, dumb. These kind of emotions pointout the core of your soul, those are feelings that define emotional people to cold hearted son of b***s. All these to conclude, losing a person, a human life been gone, is the most hurtfull thing in this world. All we got is us, that's true, but I would like to add, "All we got is us, and the people we choose being in our life"! One of my closest friends, William, lost his life today. Not only was a good friend of mine, but he was a great collegue also! It happened that together, we finished never ending deals! He was a hell of a guy, hot tempered but really caring. There are no words that can explain the help he got from Organization Zero till the last minute. Health bills were paid in full by the organization. He had no family, but he considered Z family and that's a great thing, they did not let him down till his last breath. He loved driving his special made chopper, to be fair I did not like that bike at all. I don't know what, but he felt things nobody else could feel while he rode his bike. He tried to explain to me the emotions he got while he was 220 km/h driving in the highway but all of that seemed unfamiliar to me. Can't relate... A month ago he had that terrible accident, I knew I should not have left him drive that night. He definitely was not capable of riding but no, he insisted. He was stubborn as a donkey also! From what we heard by the traffic police, he was driving close to 290 km/h. It seems that somehow he lost control of his bike for an unkown reason, and the tragedy happened. He literally flied for 100 meters then landed on the road. That caused him multiple traumas. Broken bones, loss of memory and he was also in a coma for a couple of days. When he woke up he could not recognize nobody and that was the sadest part. After a week or so, he let himself loose and died, right there, on the hospital bed. All what is left of him is his memory and that damaged bike. I knew that he would do anything to fix the damages on the bike so that is what I did. In his memory! Now driving his bike I can tell that it does feel different, the air hitting your face is different, the grip on your hands is diferent. It feels like you are riding a horse and not a bike. It feels like the bike is trying to speak to me but no words can come out a bike,right? Now I understand what William was always trying to say to me, but now its too late. To the place where the deep blue sea touches the sky, that is were we gonna meet again partner! Fairwell! ::: :::
  8. HONEY BUNNY Being involved into pink business may sometimes, and by that I mean most common, occur unpleasant situations. Its more than widely known that Organization Zero is into escorting business, we provide our clients the finest women with great varity for each and every desire our clients might have. It was summertime, the weather was lovely in Las Venturas, I was enjoying myself in a hotel room smoking a Cohiba cigar,drinking some dry gin when a sudden call interrupted the heavenly like moment. ::: ::: By the other side of the call I could here a really angry man, to be precise, he was screaming at me that the woman our associates sent him is nothing like what he asked for. I could barely here the woman crying, and believe me theres nothing worse in this world than an unprotected woman crying. I tried my best to comfort the man and make his nerves loosen a bit but that didnt work as it seemed. Not only he didnt calm at all but he sweared at me before he ended the call. Goddamnit cant a man have some rest at all? I thought of myself and headed to the hotels reception. I asked them to bring my car to the main entrance and called for the room keeper to tidy up my room before I returned the night. I turned the engine on and started driving, I followed the road leading to the highway which I would use to reach to my destination. Our intel had found his location, it was quite easy since that fool used a credit card to pay the motel room. The motel was located in Blueberry, RedCountry. As I arrived on the crime scene I asked a man in the lounge room in which room did the last couple that came in the motel had gone. He gave me the number, I gave him a big tip and made sure he would forget everything that happened before my arrival. I started walking up the stairs when I heard screams and glasses being broken. I pulled out my hand gun, removed the safety and reached my head on the rooms door. ::: ::: Indeed the angry man was in that specific room, so without wasting more time I broke the door and rushed inside. As I stepped forward to the room they were nowhere to be found, I called the girls name but nobody would reply. I noticed that the bathroom door was open and I slowly approached the bathroom aiming at the door. I pushed the door and came across to a non pleasing view, the girl was nose bleeding cowered in the corned crying and the man was panicing, waving his arms in the air with a knife in his hand. The moment of silence was interrupted by his screams. ::: ::: He threatened that he would cut open the girl if I made any step closer. Quite funny right? I had a gun, he had a knife and he was the one threatening me? I shot him right in the middle of his eyebrows, he dropped dead into the bathroom of a motels room, not a proper way of dying to be fair. I took off my jacket and gave it to the girl to wear, I asked her to go find my car and wait for me there as I would clean up the mess. I used a towel to clean up the blood on the wall and left the body as it was, put out my phone and called the guys I like to name as the cleaners, you see for the proper ammount of money they could make a body disappear and clean up everything that might be used against you as evidences. I drove the girl back to her place, she was a kind young woman, she even offered me a cup of coffee but I was to tired for that. You know what comes after a cup of coffee dont you? Anyway, I left the girl and headed back to the hotel, finally I could finish my drink and of course that perfect cigar.
  9. @Broken9 Itd be best preferred if you didnt post anything else,rather than your application, on this section. Keep that in mind for any future references.
  10. Hail king Ragnar
  11. Re: Organization Zero | Role play archive May them rotten in hell You know, life sometimes may not be as easy as it looked while we were kids. We all, as we were little ones, fancied an easy life which included money,houses and a whole bunch of super-cars. We dreamed of becoming huge movie superstars or mega-atheletes but non of that was in Sanchez's mind. As he was a little kid, having been raised from a foster family, yup his real father was a drug addicted so he died at his early ages leaving a non suitable mom at his place dumping baby-Sanchez in a junkyard, he tried to inherit the principels his foster family tried to give him. But non of that would make sense, the hustle was in his veins and he definitely could not just ignore that. As a late teanager, he face a lot of trouble with school. Low grades, getting into trouble with his classmates and even being involed on a local liquor store shoptheft. As the time passed and the criminal activities raised, the first time he faced the law came. He was convicted into 17 years of jail time for the attempt of murder,due to the good lawyer of his it got reduced to 10 years and got out in 7 due to good behavior. He was 27, he didn't have a job, he didn't have a place to stay and definitely nothing to eat, so he had to take his life into his own hands. He phoned an old friend of his and told him that he had to meet him ASAP. They met at a local bar were they had a good talk. His friend talked him into the little gang of his were he could make a living but hell, that was not good enough. One day Ernesto, his friend, called Sanchez telling him they had been planning a big heist were his help was needed. His role? He would be the get away driver. They got into the jewerlly shop they'd be robbing and as soon as they got in Sanchez made sure he had his engine running. As soon as they got in shot started to fly, it was a bloody hell. Almost half an hour passed, shot stopped flying and for sure noone was coming out the shop. Sanchez thought of himself that something wrong was happening, so he waited for a little while, leaving the crime scene as the LSPD arrived. A few blocks away, they managed to stop Sanchez's car and of course arrested him. He was sentenced into 10 years. After a couple of years a stranger approached Sanchez in the courtyard, he said that he had something important to tell him. What he said? Well, the old fella of his, Ernesto, had set him up. Whilel Sanchez was waiting in the car for em to return they had already left using the side door were they had another car waiting for em. They used him as a bait, in order for them to escape non bothered by the authority. As Sanchez was rottening inside jail bars they were living highlife into Vinewoods villas. Noone knows what Sanchez had in mind that time, but one thing is for sure, vengeance is the only thing waiting for him outside.
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