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Everything posted by whswagiwnl23

  1. Adress: Emerald Isle Casino Username: tombaa Last seen: 20th june 2024 Screenshot:https://imgur.com/a/gxvGPiu
  2. this is edited
  3. Adress: 5 dutch faggots close Username: yandri Last seen: 13th may 2024 Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/L5SCjSj
  4. Address: m c mobile home Account name: rudis Last seen: 28 may Screenshots:https://prntscr.com/oineg8 https://prntscr.com/oineco
  5. Address: 7 muscle parade Account name: wawawa Last seen: 21 june Screenshots:https://prntscr.com/ohvgw7 https://prntscr.com/ohvgxi
  6. Address: 3 creek way Account name: maniiak Last seen: 15 june Screenshots:https://prntscr.com/oezun6 https://prntscr.com/oezuqp
  7. Address: bc motel room #10 Account name: brilliantadam Last seen: 8 may Screenshots:https://prntscr.com/ocsdso https://prntscr.com/ocsdvj
  8. Address: domins smelly house Account name: donna Last seen: 2 may Screenshots:https://prntscr.com/ocrqyc https://prnt.sc/ocs5vo
  9. Address: teebag teepee #2 Account name:mrmayet Last seen: 7 june Screenshots:https://prntscr.com/ocrqyc https://prntscr.com/ocrqwq
  10. Address:fyrrs mums muff trimming ls store Account: frankie[777] Last seen: 15 may Screenshots:https://prntscr.com/ocr3ru https://prntscr.com/ocr3u0
  11. Address: la mejor musica shop Account: blevakaniko11111 Last seen:9 june Screenshots:https://prntscr.com/ocqnkk
  12. Address: 215|herobrin Account: blevakaniko11111 Last seen:9 june Screenshots:https://prntscr.com/ocqnkk
  13. Address:blevakaniko11111 Account name:215|herobrin Last seen:9 june Screenshots:https://prntscr.com/ocqnkk
  14. TOPIC CONTENT Address: 157|witti Account name: gaston01 Last seen: 3rd april 2019 Screenshots:https://prntscr.com/oaontq https://prntscr.com/oaonyu
  15. name:157|witti https://prntscr.com/oaontq https://prntscr.com/oaonyu
  16. name:adam69 https://prntscr.com/km8jti https://prntscr.com/km8juf
  17. name: richardthekiller https://prntscr.com/kkzq8x https://prntscr.com/kkzq9v
  18. name: richardthekiller https://prntscr.com/kkzq8x https://prntscr.com/kkzq9v
  19. I dont need it anymore
  20. name: erenshot https://prntscr.com/kkks54 https://prntscr.com/kkks5i
  21. name: richardthekiller https://prnt.sc/kjqxyy https://prnt.sc/kjqy6r
  22. Nickname: putofilipe23 ingame username: Swag Nationality and Age: Portugal 16 years Previous Punishments: N/A Previous organizations youve been in and reason why you left them: CDC I do not know why I was playing normally and when I died I tried to spawn in the gang and said that I did not belong later I went to ask the pitoco because of the kick and He did not respond for 1 week, so I gave up. Explain us our role in your own words: BS is one of the largest organized crime gangs in San Andreas. The BS dominate operations in LV, SF and LS, of drug trafficking and illegal transport weapons, BS is dealing with everything. BS is relentless in doing business, and you are the one that has the best results. Why would you like to join BS and how can you benefit us? : I like this gang a long time but I was always afraid because you guys are very good and have a lot of respect on the server to come in and I a member spoke to me and then I said ok I'll make the apply. I am a player who did not have patience and if they did something against me I would kill him but now I grew up and I gained maturity and now when they do something I take prints and do a report during my 765 hours I have learned a lot and I think I am fit to enter BS.
  23. name: Frankie[777] https://prnt.sc/kipdpj https://prnt.sc/kipdsz
  24. name:Frankie[777] https://prnt.sc/kipdpj https://prnt.sc/kipdsz
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