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Everything posted by Spark

  1. Happy Bithday Brother :heartpulse: :heartpulse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nrp0S0k1LHE
  2. Address: Flint county Cabin 4 Account name: AkoNaToMgaSir Last seen: 5 juin 2019 Screenshots: http://prntscr.com/oopicn
  3. looks like MatiZz ones about the casione robbery
  4. Activity Number: 60 Activity Type: Morning Active Members Screenshot(s):
  5. @AntiRug ,@Freezy ,@FireSnow ,@hzhayzza Thank you very much <3
  6. Activity Number: 49 Activity Type: Morning Active Members Date: 22/07/2019 ScreenShot(s):
  7. ::: @Wolf said in Central Intelligence Agency - Media Archive: Role Play Number: 41 Participants in The RP: @Spark , thanks for helping me @ElPendejoN RP Scenario: Today I was patrolling around san andreas with officer.General, I got call from my director, told me there Is a criminal selling a weapons called Spark , my director wanted me to arrest him immediately. Then we stopped my patrol, then we backed to LV Police Department to prepare ourselves, then we took a police car from lv police Department garage, then we moved to arrest the criminal , after we arrived to the location where he selling weapons, then we moved immediately to cuffs him, then I checked the car, told Officer.General to keep his eyes on the suspect until finish check the car, then I found a lot of weapons into his car, then we put him into the police car and we took to lv police Department, then he put all equipment, then we took him to Jail him, after that I called my Director to tell him the mission was successful d one. Then I thanked officer.General for helping me. ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  8. Replacement of the old one :D Pics must be tacken by you :)
  9. Activity Number: 41 Activity Type: 13/07/2019 Screenshot(s):
  10. Roleplay Number: 54 Story: Money, money, money. Money is all for us and ways to bring it easy for us. One sunny day I needed some money to buy drugs. I told my friend that we would go to steal the beer and resell it on the black market so we would get the money. We went to a new shop on the beach and prepared to steal and empty it. I broke my car and went straight in and directed our weapons at the sellers. I took some boxes and put them in my car and went back to our headquarters. Finally we sold and bought a large quantity of the finest drugs. Participants: @hassan Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  11. Activity Number: 39 Activity Type: 10/07/2019 MorningActivity Screenshot(s):
  12. @PaBLo Dear sir , Last time you made a trouble, you know why ?leaving without a reason and didnt inform us atleast . So i wanna inform you that you are Blacklisted Dont Reapply again Pirus HQ team
  13. Activity Number: 38 Activity Type: 09/07/2019 Night Activity Screenshot(s):
  14. Activity Number: 37 Activity Type: 09/07/2019 Jail Break Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/UqWLrHN
  15. Activity Number: 36 Activity Type: 08/07/2019 Evening Activity Screenshot(s):
  16. GO ALGERIA GO :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz: :flag-dz:
  17. @Henry said in Vndalos de el Corona | Media archive: Roleplay Number: #20 Participants: @Jerome-Valeska @ccc @Funstein @Shocked @Pirus Date: 06/07/2019 Story: The gang Pirus has approached to us this afternoon asking for an exchange of drugs for weapons. We offered them a taste of our drugs and we could also give a try of their weapons. Soon the heat started rising, since the weapon performance wasn't seen optimal by a member of Vndalos. Pirus was asked to come later, but during the conversation a shot was released and the street turned into a blood bath were both sides lost members. OG's managed to escape and regroup to be ready to counterstrike on Pirus, which is now officially an enemy of Vndalos de el Coronas. ::: :::
  18. Activity Number: 32 Activity Type: Evening Active Members Screenshot(s):
  19. @xX-ZOMMRA-Xx ~[Denied]~(red,red,red) Re-Apply in 1 week
  20. Activity Number: 31 Activity Type: Morning Active Members Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/GFyqliz
  21. Thanks Brother <3
  22. Event Number:23 Event Type: Chiken Kicker Event Price: 1.000.000$ LWS & G6: @Cornelius Event Winner(s): @Hash Screenshot(s): http://prntscr.com/o8kwex
  23. Activity Number: 26 Activity Type: Morning Active Members - Jailbreak Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/GFyqliz
  24. @TheMonsterV3 ~[Denied]~(red) Re-Apply in 2 weeks @PaBLo ; @FireSnow ~[Accepted]~(green)
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