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Everything posted by Spark

  1. 6.7
  2. happy birthday lol
  3. hbd
  4. 3.5m
  5. happy birthday WA
  6. happy birthday @Strong
  7. Apply Format: Nickname: Spark Account name: hicham13 Age: 16 Nationality algerain Languages do you speak: arabic.french.english How long have you been playing in SAES:RPG: 3-4 years Current Organization: @Los-Inkas Current Groups: GXT-Rooftop Koreans Can you Explain our role and activities as Fernandez? Los fernandez is Criminal group living in Los Santos dedicated to making money illegally. you understand we are a group dedicated to criminal activities and not to DM? yes Why would you like to be part of Fernandez Family? i like criminal group.and i have many friends . Why should we accept you in our Family? i am active and i can help this group by Activity Roreplay and event.
  8. ~[good luck]~(red)
  9. happy birthday @ESO
  10. happy birthday bro
  11. CDC(RIP)
  12. RIP
  13. happy birthday @Jizzy
  14. hbd man
  15. happy birthday man @DyamDouglas
  16. Nickname : Spark Nationality : Algerian Age : 16 Your Korean name : Abd_Salam What's your current organization : Los Inkas
  17. ~[happy birthday]~(magenta)
  18. hbd
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