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Everything posted by Odorian

  1. since the topic got bumped, what about getting a /voice panel for level 6 organisations? Like the one DE/CLO/Police has, with short audios. Would be fun to have some extra funny quotes or something.
  2. ZULUL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrQ9agw04fU Just me pressing record button at a casual tt turf war Big thanks to the boysh
  3. @Ardron said in Limit "Glue" ?: I agree with that too, it is also annoying when someone glues on your car without you wanting him there, inside the car, you can eject :D And of course, it's weird when you see 20 cops glued on a single car coming to arrest, it would be a much more interesting pursuit with 3-4 cop cars behind you :D better for the cops too since if a single nade hits the group, rip. my favourite saes video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tx2T4zcE2dE
  4. @Brophy said in Limit "Glue" ?: I agree, glue should be only on flatbeds etc.. and cargrab should also be limited to a few people too (don't want 20 people hanging onto a bullet) If there is a thing that requires 20 odd people, take more vehicles.. cargrab is limited to police vehicles afaik, a patriot would do
  5. Yes, for the sake of not having a bunch of noobs afking on my car after storerobs, bringing more attention to the police.
  6. After the grenade duping nerf there is a new system which works similiar to interior, the grenade simply dissapears if you throw it before a cooldown. But the script doesnt work as intended, means you can throw the grenade at 8-9 seconds mark (out of 10) and it will explode, though being invisible to others. It can be used to gain advantage in wars, which seems to be unfair. Fix por favor
  7. We made it boysh, @Brazz 's dream has come true. Sort haus plz man
  8. https://archive.saesrpg.uk/profile/2188-_king _/ (remove space) https://archive.saesrpg.uk/profile/1743-bambook/ These guys, we used to party around driving a black sultan (the coolest car by the date). Bambook was one of the strongest cops server ever had, in his best times he would solo your "tough" jailbreak without any killarrest and King was simply a cool guy to talk with. I had better english skills by the time and was first to success in the community "hierarchy" by joining an official gang. But i've always had retarded attitude so not long after they overcame me by joining DE and later SAES. Too sad they no longer play.
  9. Tuga Thugs feat Outfit presents Chicken shuter incoming every hour
  10. @Human_ said in Stop the drive-by script.: Biggest problem in my opinion, is the speed of the vehicles on SAES and how easy it is to obtain this vehicle. I'm pretty sure every single cop on the server can get one of these police cruisers which are insanely fast. Faster than all regular vehicles you can obtain as far as I know. Not sure how we can balance this, but as a criminal, you either kill the cop or you get arrested as you can't escape through driving. Absolutely not, any cop can buy a super gt v8 to keep up the pace. The problem is you can driveby using op weapons such as M4 to insta destroy someones car instead of popping tyres to stop it. Before there was a script which harmed anyone in a car when it took damage, with its removal police chases are a total disaster now.
  11. Rip
  12. @Blade Can you lower the snow brightness a little bit? It looks cool but its so bright its unplayable. I have a darker timecyc.dat and MTA brightness at almost zero ,doesnt help much.
  13. Add snowblocks to zip panel
  14. urn reel Mooneys @Spicey said in Underground Empire: Define Underground Empire: they are one Secret criminal gang to making Deals with other gangs for make money. they looking ways for make alot of money. they got alot of casinos in LV and from this they are making alot of moneys per night. they are selling Guns/Ammo/Drugs to other ppl for making money. they are one strongest gang with Rules and players with strategy and they making plans for Bank robs and robs for making more money. so the Underground Empire looking to make alot of moneys. They are Like Mafia they Can Kill and Peopole for Moneys.!
  15. Your ingame username: cipcii Your ingame alias: odorian / cuteanimegirl Your real name: Ivan Your year of birth: 1995 Your gender: Attack Helicopter Nationality: Russian Country of residence: Russian Federation Language skills: English, Russian English Proficiency: Decent How long you have been playing: Since 2010, the times when cops had no tasers (shoutout to killarrest fanboys) and @Teddy's maximum fps was 10. Your strengths: I am a honest person who's not afraid to express my opinion. Having huge amount of social experience amongst online communities, SAES and such. This means I've seen shit and could easily deal with anything. Also there are not so many people who played this server for such a long period of time like me hhhhh. Your weaknesses: Can't be serious enough. Though I dont see it as a disadvantage myself, this is a game after all. Go be serious irl seriously, this server used to be much more fun when people cared less. Preferred Position (SAHA/CS/SAES): CS Teamspeak Installed: Yes Discord Installed: Yes Do you frequently get involved on Discord: Yes, TT/CLO/AA channels daily. Reason for application: A desire for a new gameplay experience. Messing with people as a staff seems to be fun. What if I make server as good as it'd been? Unique qualities you can offer: A good amount of common sense which is sadly a rarity these days in community. Aside of that, mapping/designing/anything, shit i've done in years is still live on the server. Server Memberships: Tuga Thugs, Cuban Liberation Organisation. Additional information: Everything outside is freezing right now because I come from a non ending land of retards and the greatest nature. Not long time ago I finished my one year long service in the military forces where they taught me how to kill people with a potato and a book. I'm full time employed so I play evenings and weekends, though I can easily access discord anytime via phone. SAES is a lovely community I still haven't dropped in years, no matter how many bad things happened <333 Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: adminjails for deathmatching i believe. Previous (legitimate) bans: A ban which happened due to me arguing with a clan member in somewhat rude manner. Are you a muslim?:
  16. joins irc
  17. horkent 4 staff
  18. No, it can be abused in 9000 ways, why dont you join lws for that? If you have at least little brain you can join lws easily.
  19. 1k
  20. The latest history of Cops vs Criminals "balance": Special groups get all their shit removed due to constant complaints from police side. Taser range gets increased multiple times, though it doesnt instantly arrest anymore. There was also that headshot arrest + tap space to escape thing (both removed due to abuse). Headshot arrest was good imo, but should have had a decreased range. Police side gets flashbangs, fast vehicles, approval to use water tanks. Jail location is switched few times, the only closest to being balanced was the island where the current cuba is. One at flint county was an easy rush for cops, the current one offers you either 9000 hours waiting time till the door opens at main entrance or markerkilling at back one. Increased amount of payment (criminals have it too). Bank robbery cracking values are also higher, which makes a BR longer / more time for cops to perform an assault. Kill arrest. Cop side has become more popular amongst players. (a good thing) Criminals had no buffs on their side whatsoever. You can see the current state of balance by simply going to a storerobbery. Few days ago i started one next to CLO base and got sniped by a squad member in 30 seconds. Cops would randomly deathmatch everyone nowadays to achieve their goals instead of arresting. "Try to arrest before killing"? - "Oh, but the guy has a better position, i cannot arrest him, gotta shoot!" Meanwhile, more buffs! Devs should give their balancing a good think before implementing it live. I can give you a simple tip: kill arrest or some shit is not the way how you do it, but remapping the interiors is. Both bank and prison. A bunch of right placed walls and corridors and how players play around them can decide everything instead.
  21. Keep kill arrest but clo de gets permament hs
  22. Owner: lokotoma Last seen on 9th October 18
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