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Posts posted by Reggi

  1. HI, You sir are in the wrong place entirely. SAPA is not a group its a Squad and you should follow the instructions and apply for them here. https://saesrpg.uk/category/184/application-section

  2. @FastYounq
    My god your an embarrassment.. grow up.

    @SoulFly Not trying to bring you anymore heat but BBMC could have been something great. Glad you got your leadership back but if you knew you were gonna kill the gang maybe next time do that before giving it away. Good luck with your future indevers and hopefully take this as a lesson and learn from it if your planning to start a new g/s/c. Good luck

  3. With ThC reaching level 5 recently we dont plan on stopping our activities and productivity on forums at all. There will still be doing rps/events and everything else so this would be great. There are some gangs that reached max level and went basically inactive and died. Not only would this give active level 5 gangs something to strive for but it would get some inactive ones off there ass and make the server more lively again. However I dont think it should be acquired just like any other level. Some major things should be required and would need a lot of GM support. (Putting @Hesha to work ) But it would be fun. Also it shouldnt be called Level 6 it should have a cool name, but Im all for this idea. +1

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    (12/13/2018) The Flip

    Story: I was lounging in ALT's bar enjoying my break from all this bad weather when the phone rang. So I got a call from a guy in Tuga Thugs right as my break was ending. He told me he'd throw a bonus if I came to pick this truck up that night since the weather was horrible so I agreed. When I arrived at the location there was a couple of guy's out front waiting. We chatted it up a bit and basically, he just purchased this beat down Yankee. It still cranked up but was in a horrible position so as planned I towed it back to ALT workstation. My initial diagnosis of what needed fixing on the truck was stated as such: Air brakes, Ball joints, Tires, Radiator, Tail door, Front & Back bumpers & Oil replacement. First thing I did was call him and give him a quote before I start working at all. The quote was around $1.428.00 to replace and work on everything. He agreed to pay and I began my work. First thing I did was jack the truck up and replace the ball joints and tires. While under there I begin to work on brakes and get new pads and such to they work smooth and not kill anyone. Also while it was up I changed the oil and get him a better filter instead of just replacing the old one.
    Then I lowered the car back down to begin on the broken radiator and get it out of the vehicle. Once I got the old one out I begin to insert the new one. I connected all the parts also I secured the air conditioning condenser then inserted it into position. I made sure to secure all the brackets and connected the new coolant lines. Once everything was in place I added coolant to the reservoir and that was done. Then I replaced his front and back bumpers. I had to wait a bit for his door to get to me but once I got it I took down the old one without damaging the tracks and I replaced it with the new one. Also gave it a fresh paint job to get rid of the other company's logo and the deal was done. Next morning I called him to come and check it out. He approved and paid in cash, We shook hands and he drove off.

  5. ========================================================================
    Part I:

    How much have you donated for the server? $30.00 usd

    When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 6 months ago.

    Why do you need to change the location: Would like to move my vehicles to my group's new spawn.

    Links to your donation topics: Third Donation, Second Donation, First Donation.

    Links to your previous donation changes requests: Reggi's Reward Change

    Part II: What I Want to be Removed

    Vehicle 1: Shamal.
    Vehicle 2: Securicar.
    Vehicle 3: Sparrow.

    Location: Shamal @(Reggi's Shamal Donation), Securicar @(East LS Garage), Sparrow @(Reggi's Heli Donation) All properties on my account.

    Interior: Pending Until I find the proper place

    Part III: What I Want to be Added

    Vehicle 1: Alpha

    Vehicle 2: BF Injection

    Vehicle 3: Turismo

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    Username: xr3gg1x

  6. ^[alt text]

    ^[Roleplay #280 - Grand Theft.. Revenge! w/ ~[Arms Assassins.]~(#94063a,black)]

    ^[Participants: @Reggi, @Hoodie, @Rubik & @Willy.]

    The day started out damn good for The Motor Heads. The racing division ordered a brand new custom car with a nice paint job and some special updates and it had finally come in! I went to pick it up from the new car lot with Hoodie and we were actually happy 'AF' with the way that this car came out.

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    So since we came there in Hoodies ride I got the privilege to drive the new car home (With some added blocks of course. It was a little late so I decided that it be better to go ahead and drive it home and park it in my own garage. Instead of making the trip to Bone County so late. I went home and backed it into my garage and closed it and I went to bed soon after.

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    After a couple of hours later I heard some weird mechanical noises outside the house. At first, I didn't get up or check it because I was so tired but once it continued I got up quickly and ran outside to look. IT WAS GONE! OUR BRAND NEW CAR WAS GONE!

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    I didn't know what to do! At first, I really started to panic badly wondering to call the cops are not but then I remembered. I had a GPS tracker installed in the vehicle be the technician so I quickly hopped online to attempt to locate the car.

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    Once I found the car I realize it's on some gang-heavy area. I did a little scouting and realized that it would be protected. So I decided to call for some professional back up. Hoodie and I got into the call with some allies and rushed to Arms Assassins base as fast as possible!

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    When we got there we explained the whole situation and told them we needed guns and back up fast for a mission. So they were haste and showed me what they had in stock. We ordered a few like M4, Colt & Combat Shotgun.

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    Then AA said let's go handle this, we got one of there cars and took off headed to Los Santos. When we got there we spotted someone guarding the property we slowed up and parked around the corner.

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    We loaded the guns and crouched around the corner to take out the defender. He fought back and took good cover but AA got the best of him.
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    Once he was down I rushed to the car while Hoodie and AA took off in the opposite ways to avoid any cops.

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    I parked the car inside TMH's Secure garage this time and in a few hours, we all met back up to say job well done and blew off some steam for the rest of the night at the bar.

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