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Everything posted by perlo

  1. good luck gang BBMC very nice.
  2. Name:perlo Nickname:perlo Age:14 Gender:male Nationality:england Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum):my name perlo i life in england i can speake english . espanol , i have 14 years old , i go to schoole everyday , i am active in game , i doing alot of rps , active if i joined in STF good , i have good skills , i like helping all my friend , i like my friend, i like aresste criminal , i love very love STF and gz for lvl 1 STF and i have 2 brother and i like to play MTA:SA . How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?3 YEARS Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why?no Please list your previous squad/gang/company history:i joined ICE only Please list your current group memberships on the server:i joined group FL but i leave and i joining group DCO and i joing good group What are your strengths? i have good skills i am good in rp and drive car and bike and i am good in plans and i ma very active in game and i am good in shooting. What are your weaknesses? i am bad when my net work be not good work but i fixing soon Do you have discord & TS3?i have discord Whats your average ping? Do you have access to the PC spawns?no How many hours do you have in-game?110 but i was have account have 356 hours but i forget pasord and i did this account How often do you visit the forums?every day Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10):9 Arresting (out of 10):8 English (out of 10):8 Driving (out of 10):9 Combat (out of 10):8 Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF?I want to join STF because it has interesting history and mission. Also, I like helping out new organisations like this and Because I really want to help it get official since it has been low on activity and I'm here to improve it. And I like the general role of it. Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who?no one but i hanged with members STF today and i hanging again Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws?yes sure and i have experience In your own words, define roleplay:Roleplaying is when you bring a real-life situation in-game. In your own words, define DM:eathmatch is Killing / damaging A player or group for no reason or for revenge that's forbidden In your own words, define teamwork:Teamwork means working with team mates and help each others
  3. very good STF nice stf and good luck .
  4. Ingame nick: perlo Account name: perlo0 Nationality:espanol Rate your English Skills (0/10): 8/10 Current G/S/C :i joined squad ICE and BW Current Group :FL but i left Player 2 - Role-Play Info Rate your RP skills (0/10): 9/10 Talk about our role in ( 15 words Minimum ) :Freedom Fighter is a criminalization group which fight against cops, Freedom Fighter mission is to take crime at its peak so Freedom Fighters usually do criminal activities but they also help other criminals and organized crime in Store Robberies, Bank Robberies, Jail Breaks, Turf Wars .
  5. good luck best group
  6. good luck B~B best gang i like B~B AND ALL gang
  7. good luck
  8. good luck
  9. In-Game Name:perlo Account Name:perlo0 Age:14 Country of Residence:england Native language:english Other languages:english espanol Introduce yourself in 15 words:my name perlo and i have 14 age and i have 2 brother and i am from england but too i can speake espanol and i love BW and i go to school everyday and i have good skills. Part 2 - In-Game Questions PC Acquired?:no In which G/S/C have you been?:no one Why did you leave or get kicked?:no one Have you ever been banned, if so explain why:no How long have you been playing SAES?:3 years How long have you been playing MTA?:3 years and 1 month Part 3 - Knowledge/Qualities and Inferiorities It is allowed to arrest a player with 5 stars:yes Describe the meaning of ''Deathmatch'' Deathmatching mean kill some one or destroyed his Car with out reason and it's not allowd if some one DM you ... you must relax and report him cz it's not allowd to revange Describe the meaning of ''roleplay''the role Play means doing a story with someone it's like real life, And able to do it of course Your Strengths:i have good skills i'm good at driving planes and helicopters and i'm active and i'm good at shooting and sniping and i'm so good at RP and goood at driving boat and I'm guy who knows what's loyalty, respect, maturity. Your Weaknesses:bike Do you agree to break all Blackwater rules?:no Do you agree to follow all F1 rules?:yes i readed Part 4 - Various Questions Why did you choose for us?: its good squad and leader and vice leader very pro and VL and L active and i love this squad BW is a strong and pro squad and it was great in the old days and it's still great until now and i was have past exprince in squads and as a cop too and i think that i know most of places in SAES so if you told me to respond to a turf war maybe let's say at the big ear then i will know the place. Well I want to join BW cause I heard a lot of positive things like BW What would you like to see from us?:we be family and we arressting all criminals bec we pro and i hope i taking accepte and i want see all BW be one hang bec we clean LV and LS and SF and ... . Did anyone recommend you to apply for us?:no one Any information you would like to share?:yes if i joined i can help this squad bec i making alot of rps and events and active
  10. No.1 - username :perlo No.2 - account name :perlo0 No.3 - nationlaty :england No.4 - languages spoken :english . espanol. No.5 - in game hours :50 No.6 - what is RP :Roleplay means acting like in Real life ingame. Example, playing as a mafia and talking/acting like one. No.7 - what is DM :deathmatching means Harming or killing other people without a valid reason. No.8 - why do you want to join us :bec its good group and i love this group and i like limo driver and i hope join bec this group have good members . No.9 - why should we accept you :i ma loly and i can help this group and i have good skills and i love limo and this group and i am good in driving car and i listen to leader and VL and HQ this group and [admin]. No.10 - did anyone from our members told you to apply? if yes then who :no one No.11 - English proficiency ?/10 :8 No.12 - limo driving proficiency ?/10 :9 No.13 - RP proficiency ?/10 :9 No.14 - do you accept our rules :yes No.15 - tell us 3 server rules (F1 rules) :dont avoid arreste and no DM and dont and no Marker arrest .
  11. best squad good luck
  12. good luck
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