Name:perlo Nickname:perlo Age:14 Gender:male Nationality:england Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum):my name perlo i life in england i can speake english . espanol , i have 14 years old , i go to schoole everyday , i am active in game , i doing alot of rps , active if i joined in STF good , i have good skills , i like helping all my friend , i like my friend, i like aresste criminal , i love very love STF and gz for lvl 1 STF and i have 2 brother and i like to play MTA:SA . How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?3 YEARS Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why?no Please list your previous squad/gang/company history:i joined ICE only Please list your current group memberships on the server:i joined group FL but i leave and i joining group DCO and i joing good group What are your strengths? i have good skills i am good in rp and drive car and bike and i am good in plans and i ma very active in game and i am good in shooting. What are your weaknesses? i am bad when my net work be not good work but i fixing soon Do you have discord & TS3?i have discord Whats your average ping? Do you have access to the PC spawns?no How many hours do you have in-game?110 but i was have account have 356 hours but i forget pasord and i did this account How often do you visit the forums?every day Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10):9 Arresting (out of 10):8 English (out of 10):8 Driving (out of 10):9 Combat (out of 10):8 Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF?I want to join STF because it has interesting history and mission. Also, I like helping out new organisations like this and Because I really want to help it get official since it has been low on activity and I'm here to improve it. And I like the general role of it. Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who?no one but i hanged with members STF today and i hanging again Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws?yes sure and i have experience In your own words, define roleplay:Roleplaying is when you bring a real-life situation in-game. In your own words, define DM:eathmatch is Killing / damaging A player or group for no reason or for revenge that's forbidden In your own words, define teamwork:Teamwork means working with team mates and help each others