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Everything posted by Baheryes

  1. Event Number: 208 Event Type: Free For All LMS Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: @Cicada Screenshots:
  2. Date: 13/06/2024 Participants: - Duration: 12 mins Activity: Fuel Trucking Screenshots:
  3. Happy Birthday for you too @Lincoln
  4. Address: Ariana Grande Recording Studio Username: tbds Last seen: 4th december 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ASCx5Mw
  5. Organization Name: OverdoseCrime Your in-game nick: Elyes Drivers nick: Zeel Have you understood how the event works?: yes
  6. You guys took the word public a bit too literally. In my opinion @Ikzelf we wouldn't be in this situation if G6 was a bit more public than it currently is. So the new spawn can be under G6 and only accessible by official gang member with at least level 3 in their own gangs. That way the G6 side can be more alive and gangs get to protect their own RPs as well.
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