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Posts posted by MeDai

  1. alt text
    Roleplay Number: #2
    Title: easy money
    Participants: @Raf @OrKo @Klay
    Story: We were chilling around our base when we got a piece of information about a cops van which contains a load of arms, it was our chance to make some easy money with selling it. we took our cars and we interrupted their way. 30 minutes later I saw them coming, they were 2 special forces cops. we kill them, we unloaded the load in my car then we came back to our base with a great victory


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  2. alt text
    Roleplay Number: #1
    Title: secret cop
    Participants: @Raf, Khalil
    Story: It was our first deal with 'OC' and my Boss has asked me to join it, it was about a new load of drugs(the price, the amount...).everything was coll, The drugs were a high quality and the price was appropriate. while we were loading the drugs in my car's trunk I've noticed a camera lights coming from the entrance of our base ,and I was choked when I saw a guy with a special forces suit taking pictures of our meeting, I showed him to my boss, he was surprised too. after a long chasing, we kidnapped and killed him, and before leaving we made sure to get rid of his body and all the directories


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