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Everything posted by MeDai

  1. RolePlay Number: #32 @Jiirak said in CripZ | Media Archive: Last night i was sitting in the CripZ~ base eating pizza with Jakel i got a phone ring from my ld friend medai. He told me that he sold his old car and he need to buy a new one, thats why he calling me, to prepare a modded car. and here we go, we got a boxville and started driving around Los Santos to steal some engines, then we went back to the base to give t to our mechanics. around 2 hours the car was ready to go. i showed it to medai and he bought it for $$500.000 Participants: @JaKeL | @MeDai | @ElPadrino screenshots: ::: :::
  2. Date: 05/04/2019 (SS): ::: :::
  3. First one to bid with 10m+ will get it
  4. MeDai

    Selling SAES

    1m with ig money :)
  5. Auction will end in few days
  6. @xDarkMan said in xDarkMan's Apllication for SAP: ~[Activity: #6]~(teal) ~[S]~(teal,teal)an Andreas Pirates Members: @NORI999 ~[S]~(teal)an Andreas Pirates Wannabes:/ ~[S]~(teal)tory: One Day we were driving around and checking your territory, we found a car parked and without any person, we parked and went to the car. we tried to enter it, My friend finally did it, we took it to our garage and called our mechanic, we changed all things and called our friend @MeDai to buy it from us, I went to where MeDai was and I took the money and I gave him the car ~[S]~(teal)screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/nY7VSLw
  7. Roleplay Number: #25 Participants: @Rainy @Ritta @ZaBaLiTo ... Title: Drugs Deal story: I was at base once I received a call from "rainy" he asked me to bring him some weed so I accepted and I asked him to meet me in a remote place in Los Santos to be away of cops . after we ended the call, I went to get some weed for them, my gang members started loading it from the base into my car after finishing it, I've made sure that the drugs has been load carefully then I started to move. the way was a hard road but I could reach there safely. when I reached the location. I parked my car and I asked my guards to secure the location. After a while I saw a car, I knew that it's the costumer "rainy", so i got out to talk to him. We started talking about the load and after a long conversation he asked me to check it,so we went to the tank. I have him a bag Of drugs to taste it , and yeah, he discovered that it's a top quality drugs. While I thought that he is going to pay me, he informed me that he doesn't have big amount of money but he asked me if he could replace some of the amount with AK/M4 ammo,honestly it was a great deal to me because the "AK/M4" ammo price is kinda expansive in black market, I took my phone and I called my boss to inform him about the new deal. After discussing him he ordered me to accept the offer. After loading the load in his car. He payed me, I took my ammo. Everything was okay, I've took my car and I went back to my base, it was a great deal SS: ::: :::
  8. this base contains 2 property, near impounder garage, it could be lvl2 base too Exterior: ::: ::: Location: ::: ::: Gui: ::: ::: Starting bid: ~[10m]~(green) min bid: 500k thanks!
  9. Dear @ZaBaLiTo nice effort shown in-game, welcome above. ~[Accepted]~(green)
  10. Date: 29/03/2019 SS: ::: :::
  11. Happy birthday bro
  12. Roleplay Number: #21 Title: Store Robbery Participants: @OrKo, @SoulFly, MeDai Story: It's time to get hostages from a Store heist So I called Orko & Soulfly to help me with this mission. So we took the Big Car Huntley to reach the Store faster maybe it gets closed in no time because it's so fast and at the same time with 4 places. (Me & Orko & Soulfly & the Shopkeeper). When we reached there I told them what we will do giving each one of them a mission to do Soulfly Guarding from outside Orko come with me no one knows maybe he is armed. After we aimed at him telling him to come with us he was so scared and afraid of what we will do with him. After he got in The Huntley We went back to CDS's where we put the hostage at a secret place (SS): ::: :::
  13. Event Number: #8 Event Type: Rhino shooter LWS/G6: @Star Winner(s): [ThC]swot Prize: 1.000.000 (SS): ::: :::
  14. Address: Small Shed For Brazilians Account name: pedro1425 Last seen: 22nd February 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. SOLD @Crash @Terry
  16. Any higher bid ?
  17. Good luck
  18. RolePlay number : #16 @MonkaS said in Original Gangsters ~ Media Archive: OG Roleplay #11 Title: Weapon exchange Date: 2019-03-22 Story: I was smoking at OG base, suddenly I got a call from a CDS member called @Medai, He wanted to buy weapons from OG, we discussed about the price and then he gave me a destination to go to, I packed the OG car with weapons and went to the location, When I arrived at the location I saw @Medai I started with taking out the guns from my car and transported them to @Medai car when I was done he paid me the money and we ended with shaking hands. Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/MomS0AP
  19. Roleplay Number : #14 Title : The Traitor Participants : @Beckham @RocketLuncher @OrKo, MeDai Story : It was a meeting with my boss "kayle" in our base, about my salary. Suddenly we saw a guy running in our direction, we thought that he wants to hurt us that's why we aimed our guns to defend ourselves but we knew that he came for help, he surprised us with weird news, he said that he knows a guy who wants to report us to the cops. we took the car and we went to the location that he gave it to us, and there we found that guy, we stopped him and then we took him to a remote place, and there we killed him. after finishing the job we paid the guy for helping us and we made sure Of not leaving evidence as usual. The end (SS) : ::: :::
  20. Accepting first bid with 5m+
  21. @Judyes said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Media Archive: Roleplay #422 Participant(s): @Judyes @MeDai Story: Today afternoon The Motor Heads mechanic worked on their garage at Bone County, I was patrolling with inFamous and we parked on the garage, after a bit repairs and some work a customer called me to help him, that was a criminal that just was driving around with his private vehicle, he parked in the garage and he explained me what happened exactly, his car engine is freezing sometimes while he is driving, he opened the hood of the '' and I checked it out. I saw that the engine is totally fine and nothing wrong with it, I saw that the oil tank on the hood is empty of oil. I took to the warehouse garage to bring one oil bottle, I went back to the car and I filled the oil tank, we took the car outside of the garage and we tested it out around, and everything was great. Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/dVgGom3
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