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Everything posted by nicus

  1. Hej @figmash, Added Shamal locked to the "figmash" with "sticker1" on it.
  2. Hej @Darius, Added following vehicles as requested above: Glendale Damaged locked to the "suporter,linus111560,swe,sim0nn93" Glendale Damaged locked to the "suporter,tedi1,ItzSpicey,bigmikespiff" NRG-500 locked to the "suporter,linus111560,swe,sim0nn93" NRG-500 locked to the "suporter,tedi1,lplp,bigmikespiff" Stratum locked to the "suporter,linus111560,swe,sim0nn93"
  3. Hey @Hoodrich, Added Maverick here locked to "esediip"
  4. I apologize you had to wait so long @ArcoM, Added Stuntplane here locked to "arcom15"
  5. Sorted as requested above; Removed Bus Added Dodo locked to ItzSpicey,Evolution217,Verdo
  6. Sorted as requested above; Vortex locked to the "snjader"
  7. I believe it got sorted?
  8. Hej @Melevik contact any SAES member in-game for the money reward. Added Maverick locked to the "Melevik" only as i couldn't find "M.Dark" username. Thanks for donating! :harriot:
  9. Hej @Linkan, thank you for yet another donation! $1,000,000 ingame money award sorted Added Tampa locked to the "linus111560" Removed Jetmax & added another Tampa locked to the "linus111560"
  10. Vehicles sorted as requested above: Removed Shamal from LS Airport Added Maverick locked to the "Samuel3021,maxine66" :cooldoge:
  11. Sorted as requested above: Removed LV Police Car Added FBI Truck locked to the "AntiRug"
  12. Hej @mimyy, First of all thanks for donation, money in-game awarded. Added following vehicles as requested: SuperGT locked to "mimyy,strr3t" Bullet locked to "mimyy,strr3t" Also added small interior number 7 to the "las_colinas_40" property in LS. :dog2:
  13. Hej @AntiRug, First of all thanks for donating, much appreciated. Money awarded, now vehicles part: S.W.A.T. Tank saved to "AntiRug,mrredbull,nielsie1997,ZoRo124" Undercover Police Dodge saved to "AntiRug"
  14. Hey there @FireSnow It's very nice you are still interested in Arms Assassins but well, we're looking for creative people, those who are capable of writing their own application not copying it from Filex's application he wrote back in 2018. Therefere you can consider yourself ~[denied]~(red) and you might re-apply once you write application all by yourself using your own words. Sincerely, Arms Assassins VL.
  15. Hej @Kowalski, cheers for another donation, as we spoke on the discord as there is no space at the sexy ship Dodo's got placed at LV Airport & BC Airport locked only to "killerboy5678". Contact any SAES member in-game for money reward :dog2:
  16. Hei @Klay, Removed Maverick as requested and added: Dodo locked to the "bendhiab,olp,Hamza250,ZoRo124" placed here.
  17. Hej Gudik, Removed Bullet as requested. Added: Infernus locked to "snakeer,Lynch1,Judyess,marxmarx" Shader on Shamal will be sorted as soon as possible once it gets fixed.
  18. All of the vehicles sorted as requested, usernames can be found above.
  19. Hei, won't write all of the usernames as it's just too many. All of the vehicles sorted as requested, usernames can be found above.
  20. Hej, put your shader request here https://github.com/saesrpg/donation-vehicle-shaders
  21. Henlo again Linkur, Money rewarded & added following vehicles: Windsor locked to "linus111560,swe,bulgur" Buffalo aka Skyline locked to "linus111560,swe,bulgur" Thanks for donating!
  22. Hej Linkur, Thanks for donating, money rewarded. As you have 1GBP spare here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/2942/donation-linkan-amount-1-00/3 I've added Turismo locked to "linus111560,swe,bulgur". :dog2:
  23. Hejka Qualitey, Added "quality" to the donator spawn as you've donated more than 30 GBP. Vehicles: Shamal placed @SF locked to "quality,hotfire4021,cankutay123" Shamal placed @LV locked to "quality,hotfire4021,cankutay123" Dodo places @LS locked to "quality,hotfire4021,cankutay123" Hotring Racer 3 locked to"quality,hotfire4021,cankutay123"
  24. Hej Linkor SuperGT saved to "linus111560,swe,bulgur" Feltzer saved to "linus111560,swe,bulgur" Sultan saved to "linus111560,swe,bulgur" Sultan saved to "linus111560,swe,bulgur" Hotknife saved to "linus111560,swe,bulgur" Stratum saved to "linus111560,swe,bulgur" Hotring Racer (aka BMW) saved to "linus111560,swe,bulgur" Hotring Racer 3 saved to "linus111560,swe,bulgur"
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