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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by nicus

  1. Sorted ;)
  2. Sorted.
  3. Money sorted, thanks for donating <3
  4. Sorted ziemniaku may, thanks for donation! @MrMakabra <3
  5. Sorted!
  6. When this happens to me i just click on top of the right little palm tree:
  7. Everything is sorted, thanks for donating ! <3
  8. Everything is sorted except group on forums, thanks for donating! :two_hearts:
  9. Sorted :)
  10. Name: @Terry & ME! Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/terrybast https://steamcommunity.com/id/nicusi Team Name: Team ~[Kebabowski]~
  11. Everything is sorted, thanks for another donation!! :heartbeat:
  12. Sorted :nerd_face: !
  13. Hello @iMhster, everything is sorted, thanks for your donations!! :two_hearts: .
  14. Cmon we spoke about the free invite and now im not invited, same was with DE cmon @xTrade help plox :( Congratz folks!
  15. Money and vehicle sorted, thanks for donating :two_hearts: !!
  16. Hello @Will, vehicle is sorted and it can be found here(its behind Milani's heli) or you can use the donation icon to spawn next to it :) . Contact any SAES> member in-game for a money reward!! Thanks for donating :two_hearts: Everything is sorted!
  17. Sorted @Candy :unicorn_face: :)
  18. Money and vehicle sorted, thank you so much for your donation :two_hearts: !
  19. Hello @Camel, both vehicles sorted, you can find your Shamal here. If you want them in different colour just let us know!
  20. Sorted by @Ardron :)
  21. Sorted by @Ardron :)
  22. Hello @Alienxd , since you aren't part of Pro Cop I can't place them at LVPD, vehicles sorted!
  23. @BonBon is your username: whoami or ugurcan44 ? https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/86348-reward-change/?tab=comments#comment-1614044
  24. Such a new players :dog:. First dudes that introduced me to the SAES were Gui & MasterWind in 2011, as I knew them since 2009 orso I decided to stay yet they are gone now :(
  25. S O R T E D
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