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Everything posted by nicus

  1. Vehicle sorted as requested, ill move your second topic aswell :harriot:
  2. @worm Sorted!
  3. @worm Ah missed that one, will have it fixed shortly!
  4. Hej there @Worm, all of the vehicles are now sorted, click here to see location of the five vehicles you wanted at the parking garage. Your donator group ingame is also sorted.
  5. Vehicles sorted as requested
  6. Burrito is sorted, but pick different RC as the Cam one is modded on our server.
  7. Sorted as requested
  8. Sorted as requested above
  9. Everything sorted as requested above, next time add your username.
  10. Vehicles sorted as requested above :pancakes:
  11. Sorted as requested above :dog_face:
  12. Sorted as requested above, vehicle saved to the "blackj", next time add your username in the post.
  13. Hej @MaZen20 u can find your stuntplane next here :peach:
  14. Hej @kiraa, vehicles are sorted as requested above :palm_tree:
  15. Sorted as requested above :pie:
  16. Hej @ButcheR u can find your SuperGT here.
  17. Sorted as requested. Owner decided to change Shamal into Police Maverick :cat:
  18. Elo @Staifi , your can find your cute Cabbie locked to the "staifiz" inside the donation parking in the base :dog_face:
  19. Hello @Dracula , you can find your Shamal here, or just use donation icon :dog_face:
  20. @moley i feel so honored
  21. HEPI BDAY @ColdPlay !!!!!
  22. Sorted
  23. Looks like its sorted
  24. Vehicle with wrap sorted as requested, added interior aswell
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